15.Sending Sandra a letter was .because her husband might intercept it. A.out of question B.out of the question C.in question D.of question 答案与解析:B 从because her husband might interceptit.来看.“给Sandra送信是不可能的 .故用out of the question.句意:给桑德拉寄一封信是不可能的.因为她的丈夫可能会给截取.out of question“的确.毫无疑问.一定.当然 ,in question“在议论中.在谈论中 . 查看更多



Sending Sandra a letter was ________,because her husband might intercept (截取)  it.

A.out of question

B.out of the question

C.in question

D.of question



Sending Sandra a letter was ________,because her husband might intercept(截取) it.

A. out of question    B. out of the question

C. in question      D. of question



Sending Sandra a letter was ________,because her husband might intercept (截取)  it.

  1. A.
    out of question
  2. B.
    out of the question
  3. C.
    in question
  4. D.
    of question


Sending Sandra a letter was ________,because her husband might intercept (截取)  it.

A.out of questionB.out of the question
C.in questionD.of question

