break away from,leave out,consist of,be linked to,for convenience,as well as,divide into,break down 1.Do you believe their diet mainly consists of vegetables? 2.The prisoner broke away from his guards and escaped. 3.Because of the strong wind.the telephone system has broken down. 4.This kind of light can closely be linked to skin cancer. 5.You can keep the name list on the table for convenience. 6.You’ve made a mistake you’ve left out the letter “F . 7.Electric energy can be changed into light energy as well as into sound energy 8.The Summer Olympics run for about two weeks and the summer athletic events are divided into five categories. 查看更多



_____1 Ask lots of questions
_____ 2. Great posture
_____ 3. Stay busy
_____ 4. Show your pearly whites ( or just smile)
_____5. Be interested in other persons

A.Don’t talk about yourself … remove attention from yourself. If you are interested in other persons, it will be helpful. And if you want to talk about yourself, you'll find that putting the other person first actually opens him up to return the favor and ask you questions. See how fun this is?
B.In other words, be humble. If you are a know-it-all (even if you really do know it all!), it really pushes people away. Rather, asking lots and lots of questions makes people feel like you care, you can be trusted, and you are... humble.
C.Walk like you know where you're going, and do so with good posture. Walk like you'll run over anyone who even attempts to hassle you. If you walk like this, you'll be spotted from a mile away.
D.Smile more, no matter how ugly your teeth are. I'm not kidding about this one. It's not all about the teeth. If you are smiling genuinely, you can draw everyone for 100 meters around to you.
E. Perhaps you have seen someone who perhaps could be quite ugly but they have great posture and so suddenly they are really attractive? It's true. Your posture says a lot about you -- it says whether you have confidence, or simply if you really care. Talking physically, it is one of the most important physical characteristics you need !
F. Do you really know the power of this? We're told to stay busy to break away from  depression and feelings of anxiety. But did you know you should also stay busy to be really attractive? It's true. Always have something to do. Have you ever seen someone just sitting around, doing nothing? How unattractive. Always be busy with something, even if for some reason you have to make something up.



ATake actions????????????????????????????

BAccept Yourself

CMaintain a Diary????????????????????????

DReflect on the Past

EFocus on Yourself???????????????????????

FGive Yourself a break

How to Find Yourself

Do you often feel lostDo you think you are living somebody else’s life? If yes, discover ways to find yourself by going through the following article.

1..­­­­­­­­­­­­ __________ If you are thinking, “how to find yourself when you are lost?”, then the first thing to do is to have a rest from everything—work, personal life and all worldly things. Give time to yourself to think why you seem lost. Is it because of over work? Is it because you are not leading a life that you want to? Or is it because you are not satisfied with the people or things around you? Try to find answers to these questions to determine the cause behind your restlessness.

2.. __________ For once, instead of being the way others want you to be, be yourself. Look within and find yourself in you. Think about the things that you would want to do if you didn’t have any family obligations or any money issues. Think about the kind of relationship you would want to be in, the place that you would like to stay in, the kind of lifestyle you would like to lead, if you didn’t have the society or people around you, judging all the time. If you really want to know how to find inner peace, then think, what you would want others to describe you as—an honest person? Or adventurous? Or loving, or realistic? Once you look within, you will know the answer and then try to be exactly that.

3.. __________? Thinking deeply about the past, the time or situations when you were the happiest, is another way to find yourself .Think what you were doing or with whom you were, when you were the happiest. This will help you to identify things that you want to do in life that make you happy and also certain people whose company you enjoy.

4.. __________?? Knowing yourself and determining what you to do with your life will not come to you in a day or two. Discovering oneself is an ongoing process and it can take months or sometimes even years to truly find yourself. So, it’s important that you maintain a written record of all your feelings and thoughts, which you can go through at a later stage. Pour all your emotions and feelings about life in it and who knows may be one day going through it, you will find yourself.

5.. __________? Once you have discovered what you want to do with your life, make a move for change and self improvement. Even if it means taking up small things such as dancing or painting, go ahead and do it. If you want a career change, plan and take steps so that it can take place smoothly. If you are stuck in a bad relationship and find yourself unable to mend it, break away. At the beginning, you may find yourself slightly unbalanced, but with time everything will be fine.

It is very important for you to truly find yourself, before it is too late. If you do not find yourself now, you will spend your life with somebody you do not even know, i.e. yourself.



With your workload growing, you may be telling yourself a vacation is one luxury you can’t afford.  1. A vacation allows you the opportunity to recharge your physical and motional batteries, disconnect from everyday concerns, and return to work rested and refreshed. Some facts have proved employees are more productive after a vacation than before one. Here are some tips for you to plan your vacation to make sure that your time away from the office is worry free.

Time is right. A Robert Half survey shows that July and August are the most favorable months for employees to take a break because these months offer ideal beach weather and many businesses slow down during this time.  2. For instance, if a big task is planned for the summer, you may consider postponing your trip until the fall.

Ask others for assistance.  3. Your supervisor can help you determine who is the most qualified for a particular task.

Let your contacts know. Give colleagues and customers you frequently work with a few weeks’ notice before you start off.  4.

Conduct a technical review. Before you leave, make sure there is plenty of room in your e-mail inbox so you don’t exceed (超越) your storage limit while you’re out of the office, which might prevent you from sending messages when you return. 5.

In short, taking vacation is necessary and beneficial for your job. But you must plan your vacation properly in order to work free and worry free on holiday.

A.Ask trusted colleagues to handle your projects while you’re away.

B.A summertime beach vacation includes so much more than what you desire these days.

C.But the truth is that you can’t afford not to take one.

D.This will give them enough time to plan for your absence.

E. Also make sure passwords won’t expire(期满) while you are away.

F. What’s more, find your pet a temporary home when you are on vacation.

G. When planning your vacation, remember to take into account any activity that your department will be focused on during that time.




_____1 Ask lots of questions

_____ 2. Great posture

_____ 3. Stay busy

_____ 4. Show your pearly whites ( or just smile)

_____5. Be interested in other persons

A.  Don’t talk about yourself … remove attention from yourself. If you are interested in other persons, it will be helpful. And if you want to talk about yourself, you'll find that putting the other person first actually opens him up to return the favor and ask you questions. See how fun this is?

B.  In other words, be humble. If you are a know-it-all (even if you really do know it all!), it really pushes people away. Rather, asking lots and lots of questions makes people feel like you care, you can be trusted, and you are... humble.

C.  Walk like you know where you're going, and do so with good posture. Walk like you'll run over anyone who even attempts to hassle you. If you walk like this, you'll be spotted from a mile away.

D.  Smile more, no matter how ugly your teeth are. I'm not kidding about this one. It's not all about the teeth. If you are smiling genuinely, you can draw everyone for 100 meters around to you.

E.  Perhaps you have seen someone who perhaps could be quite ugly but they have great posture and so suddenly they are really attractive? It's true. Your posture says a lot about you -- it says whether you have confidence, or simply if you really care. Talking physically, it is one of the most important physical characteristics you need !

F.  Do you really know the power of this? We're told to stay busy to break away from  depression and feelings of anxiety. But did you know you should also stay busy to be really attractive? It's true. Always have something to do. Have you ever seen someone just sitting around, doing nothing? How unattractive. Always be busy with something, even if for some reason you have to make something up.



With your workload growing, you may be telling yourself a vacation is one luxury you can’t afford.  1. A vacation allows you the opportunity to recharge your physical and motional batteries, disconnect from everyday concerns, and return to work rested and refreshed. Some facts have proved employees are more productive after a vacation than before one. Here are some tips for you to plan your vacation to make sure that your time away from the office is worry free.

Time is right. A Robert Half survey shows that July and August are the most favorable months for employees to take a break because these months offer ideal beach weather and many businesses slow down during this time.  2. For instance, if a big task is planned for the summer, you may consider postponing your trip until the fall.

Ask others for assistance.  3. Your supervisor can help you determine who is the most qualified for a particular task.

Let your contacts know. Give colleagues and customers you frequently work with a few weeks’ notice before you start off.  4.

Conduct a technical review. Before you leave, make sure there is plenty of room in your e-mail inbox so you don’t exceed (超越) your storage limit while you’re out of the office, which might prevent you from sending messages when you return.  5.

In short, taking vacation is necessary and beneficial for your job. But you must plan your vacation properly in order to work free and worry free on holiday.

A.Ask trusted colleagues to handle your projects while you’re away.

B.A summertime beach vacation includes so much more than what you desire these days.

C.But the truth is that you can’t afford not to take one.

D.This will give them enough time to plan for your absence.

E. Also make sure passwords won’t expire(期满) while you are away.

F. What’s more, find your pet a temporary home when you are on vacation.

G. When planning your vacation, remember to take into account any activity that your department will be focused on during that time.


