The ten most asked questions are listed below. 查看更多



The ten most ____________(频繁地) asked questions are listed below.


1. I tried to tell her but she ________ (不理睬) me.
2.As ________ (通常), they'd left the children at home with Susan.
3. We looked down from the plane at the fields ________ (在……下面).
4. We had to catch the ________ (午夜) train.
5. The ten most ________ (频繁地) asked the questions are listed below.
6. He has a large ________ (词汇量).
7. You will be ________ (运送) to the museum by bus.
8. She may forget-she is not very ________. (可靠的)
9. They are ________ (合作伙伴) in the business.
10. The tree was hit by ________ (闪电).
11. The ________ (官方的) languages of Canada are English and French.
12. The ________ (实际的) cost of the repair was much higher.
13. She's studying how _______ (态度) towards death change from culture to culture.
14. Water ________ (开) at 100℃.
15. Judging from her ________ (表情), I think the gift was a complete surprise.



Nelson Mandela helped the black people to get the ______ (平等的)rights as white people.

A good many houses were _______(毁坏)in the flood.

It was not an accident. Instead, I think David did it on _________(故意)

Although many Americans move a lot, they still _______________(辩认出)and understand each other’s dialects.

I  __________ (真诚地) hope your father will be well again soon.

John had lost his _____ card and was being questioned by the police. (身份)

I _____ (同意) with what you have said just now.

The plane was flying at an ______(高度)of 30,000 feet.

The ten most _____ (频繁) asked questions are listed below.

It was ten in the morning but the ______(窗帘)were still drawn.


1. My _____(本国的)language is Chinese.
2. He went through the forest under the ______(保护)of his dog.
3. There are seven _____ (大洲) on the earth.
4. She is ______(挑剔) about what she eats.
5. The patient was lying on the floor _____(失去知觉).
6. Some fossil ______(燃料)result in increase in carbon dioxide.
7. I was feeling ______ (不舒服) hot.
8. He has gained ______ (实践的) experience of sailing as a sailor.
9. The ten most ______(频繁地) asked questions are listed below.
10. Nowadays we still can see rivers p______ with chemical waste from factories.



1. She may forget—she is not very ______(可靠的).

2. You know I’d be ______ (感激的) if you could dance with me.

3. The man didn’t expect his wallet could be ______ (重新获得).

4. I tried to tell her but she ______ (不理睬) me.

5. The ten most ______ (频繁地) asked the questions are listed below.

6. Sometimes there are storms with thunder and ______ (闪电).

7. The ______ (官方的) languages of Canada are English and French.

8. Jerry ______ (毕业) from Harvard last year.

9. You will be ______ (运送) to the museum by bus.

10. She’s studying how ______ (态度) towards death change from culture to culture.

