I tried to get through, but there were too many people b my way. 查看更多



I tried to get through ,but there were too many people b            my way. 


单词拼写: 根据首字母或中文提示写出单词(每小题1分,满分10分)

71.The results of this research will be a_____________ to the treatment of lung cancer.

72.The cell phone w_______________ only 70 grams is convenient to use.. 

73.I tried to get through ,but there were too many people b            my way. 

74. I was going along the street looking for a place to park when the accident o_____.

75.Every year the company e__________ the workers and then decides their monthly pay.

76.During World War II, when London was bombed, many stations f_______ as bomb shelters. 

77. This meeting ____________(加快了) the pace of educational reforms.  

78. After his ________(获得) of the diploma, he volunteered to work in the Northeast of China. 

79. The river water is used by the local people after being          (净化). 

80. Five years after the International standards for digital TV were established ,_______(消费者)could have access to more than 200 channels in the USA. 


I was dirty, smelly, hungry and somewhere beneath all that, suntanned(皮肤晒黑).It was the end of an Inter-Rail holiday.My body couldn’t take any more punishment.My mind couldn’t deal with any more foreign timetables, currencies or languages.

“Never again,” I said, as I stepped onto home ground.I said exactly the same thing the following year.And the next, all I had to do was buy one train ticket and, because I was under twenty-five years old, I could spend a whole month going anywhere I wanted in Europe.Ordinary beds are never the same once you’ve learnt to sleep in the passage of a train, the rhythm rocking you into a deep sleep.

    Carrying all your possessions on your back in a rucksack(背包)makes you have a very basic approach to travel, and encourages incredible wastefulness that can lead to burning socks that have become too anti-social (不合群的),and getting rid of books when finished.On the other hand, this way of looking at life is entirely in the spirit of Inter-Rail, for common sense and reasoning can be thrown out of the window along with the paperback book and the socks.All it takes to achieve this carefree attitude is one of those tickets in your hand.

  Any system that enables young people to travel through countries at a rate of more than one a day must be pretty social.On that first trip, my friends and I were at first unware of the possibilities of this type of train ticket, thinking it was just an inexpensive way of getting to and from our chosen camp-site in southern France.But the idea of non-stop travel proved too attractive, for there was always just one more country over the border, always that little bit further to go.And what did the extra miles cost us? Nothing.

    We were not completely uninterested in culture.But this was a first holiday without parents, as it was for most other Inter-Railers, and in organizing our own timetable we left out everything except the most viable sights.This was the chance to escape the guided tour, an opportunity to do something different.I took great pride in the fact that, in many places, all I could be bothered to see was the view from the station.We were just there to get by, and to have good time doing so.In this we were not different from most of the other Inter-Railers with whom we shared passage floors, food and water, money and music.

    The excitement of travel comes from the sudden reality of somewhere that was previously just a name.It is as if the city in which you arrive never actually existed until the train pulsing at the station and you are able to see __it__ with your own tried eyes for the first time.

1.At the end of his first trip , the writer said “ Never again” because_____

A.he fell ill.

      B.he disliked trains

      C.he was tired from the journey

      D.he had lost money

2.What does the writer mean by “ this way of looking at life” in Paragraph3?

      A.Worrying about your clothes

B.Throwing unwanted things away.

C.Behaving in an anti-social way

D.Looking after your possessions

3.Why did the writer originally buy an Inter-Rail ticket?

      A.To get to one place cheaply.

      B.To meet other young people.

      C.To see a lot of famous places

      D.To go on a tour of  Europe.

4.What the writer liked about traveling without his parents was that______.

A. he could see more interesting  places

B.he could spend more time sightseeing

C.he could stay away from home longer

D.he could make his own decisions

5.What does the underlined word “it” in the last sentence of Paragraph 6 refer to?

A.A name                 B.The city                      C.The train               D.The station


  July 6, 1994 was a day of nightmare(噩梦)that I'll never forget. That afternoon when I was making up my 1 in a dressing tent at the moment, I suddenly heard someone run past shouting,“Fire!”Fire was what we circus(马戏团)people most 2 , for there was a large audience(观众)in the tent, including many children. I rushed towards the tent with a 3 but I could do nothing with it since the tent was burning too high and the flames spreading 4 .

  In the burning tent was a 5 of panic(恐慌): people rushed towards the exits, and some even jumped twelve feet from the top rows of the grandstand to the ground 6 . Some people, after 7 , tried to reenter to help their relatives or friends. Yet it was 8 for them to get through the crowd, instead, they blocked the 9 . I fought at one exit, shouting at the top of my lungs,“Go on! Keep 10 !”At every exit, circus people were doing the same thing. In the midst(中间)of this scene, the 11 kept on playing 12 the tent was a fire overhead.

  City fire equipment 13 arrived and put out the fire. All the circus people were 14 though some were bruised (撞伤) or burned during the rescue 15 . The audience, however, were not that 16 . In a panic, they all tried to use the regular 17 through which they had 18 the tent . As a result, 168 people had died in the 19 -the worst circus disaster (灾难) in 20 .


[  ]

A. face
B. body
C. dress
D. story


[  ]

A. defended
B. feared
C. fought
D. destroyed


[  ]

A. recorder
B. container
C. overcoat
D. bucket


[  ]

A. lately
B. powerfully
C. quickly
D. suddenly


[  ]

A. sense
B. scene
C. stage
D. moved


[  ]

A. outside
B. outdoors
C. inside
D. there


[  ]

A. coming out
B. getting out
C. going out
D. walking out


[  ]

A. necessary
B. successful
C. natural
D. impossible


[  ]

A. road
B. route
C. way
D. street


[  ]

A. moving
B. sitting
C. crying
D. standing


[  ]

A. dancers
B. musicians
C. painters
D. artists


[  ]

A. when
B. unless
C. until
D. because


[  ]

A. immediately
B. rapidly
C. hurriedly
D. finally


[  ]

A. safe
B. busy
C. tired
D. nervous


[  ]

A. practice
B. time
C. work
D. period


[  ]

A. patient
B. lucky
C. hopeless
D. pleased


[  ]

A. entrance
B. exists
C. gates
D. doors


[  ]

A. left
B. arrived
C. escaped
D. entered


[  ]

A. fight
B. tent
C. fire
D. water


[  ]

A. history
B. summer
C. season
D. movement



阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从125各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案


 One rainy Saturday afternoon, Nancy and Smith were wondering  1 , when suddenly Smith had an idea.“I know, ” he said eagerly (焦急地), “I'll take you to a place my father used to  2when I was a boy No, don't ask questions, just get your umbrella and get into the car

 Half an hour later they stopped  3 a large building and Nancy laughed

 “Oh, it's the waxworks exhibition Do you know, I've  4 before?

 And Smith said, Oh, we used to  5 often when I was little There used to be a lot of famous people inside, all  6 wax, but I suppose they've changed most of them now

 While Smith was buying the tickets at the paydesk, Nancy  7 

 “Did your mother use to come too ? she asked

 “Not very often Smith told her She used to stay at home and  8 babies, come on, up these stairs

 At the top of the stairs stood an attendant (服务员)  9 some catalogus (目录册) Nancy went up to her, opening her handbag, while Smith watched her

 “How much are the catalogues, please? Nancy asked, but the girl  10  And she didn't realize that she had been talking to a waxwork until she heard Smith laughing behind her


[  ]

A what to do it     B how to do

C what to do      D not to do


[  ]

A take me       B take me to

C taking me       D taking me to


[  ]

A outside        B outside of

C inside        D inside of


[  ]

A never gone      B never been

C never went      D never been to


[  ]

A coming here      B coming there

C come there      D come here


[  ]

A made from      B made in

C made of       D made into


[  ]

A looked round     B ran about

C stole away      D went back


[  ]

A look for       B look at

C look through      D look after


[  ]

A to hold        B holding

C to be holding      D held


[  ]

A make no answers    B made no answer

C make no speech      D made no speech


 No one can change the weather,  11 can control the weather But we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be This way of telling  12 the weather will be like on the  13 day or two  14 weather forecasting

 For many centuries and in all countries people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting

  15 distant objects  16 hills and tall trees seem  17 very clear and near This is a sign of much water  18 in the air, and therefore rain will probably come

 Rings round the sun are a sign of coming rain

  19 feel in their bones the coming of  20 weather Their joints (骨关节) ache Some birds fly  21 if fine weather is coming but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is  22  It is probably because of the insects (昆虫) which they are hunting  23 they fly low

  24 have been made by people who  25 their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting


[  ]

A None         B Nobody

C Nobody of us     D No one of us


[  ]

A whether       B in which

C what        D whatever


[  ]

A following      B followed

C being fine      D being followed


[  ]

A is calling       B is naming

C called        D is called


[  ]

A Some time      B Sometimes

C Sometime      D Some times


[  ]

A such like      B such that

C such as        D for example


[  ]

A. be        B. to be

C. to do       D. to find


[  ]

A. vapour       B. gas

C. liquid       D. steam


[  ]

A. Many of people   B. Much of the people

C. Many people    D. Many of the peoples


[  ]

A. getting dry     B. wet

C. dry        D. getting wet


[  ]

A. high        B. to tall buidings

C. to a height (高度)  D. highly


[  ]

A. by the way     B. in the way

C. in a way      D. on the way


[  ]

A. that        B. in which

C. for the reason    D. for which


[  ]

A. Most the above sayings

B. Most of the above sayings

C. Most above words

D. Most of the above words


[  ]

A. have made     B. has made

C. has used      D. have used

