14.He’ll not be punished he should find a job immediately and stay out of trouble for six months. A.in terms of B.on condition that C.according to D.as soon as 答案 B 解析 句意为:他不会受到惩罚.条件是:他应该马上找一份工作.六个月内不得惹是生非.in terms of依据.按照,on condition that在--条件下,according to按照.根据,as soon as一--就--.根据句意.答案为B. 查看更多



He’ll not be punished ________ he should find a job immediately and stay out of trouble for six months.

A.in terms of          B.on condition that

C.according to          D.as soon as



He’ll not be punished ________ he should find a job immediately and stay out of trouble for six months.

A.in terms of          B.on condition that

C.according to          D.as soon as


