4.When was it you let out the secret? A.which B.what C.that D.why 答案 C 解析 强调句型.被强调部分是when.引导词只能用that. 查看更多



When was it________you let out the secret?

A.which            B.what             C.that              D.why



Once upon a time a man became a great archer(射手).He asked the king to declare

him as the greatest archer of the country.The king was about to do so when an old

servant of the king said,“Wait,sir.I know an old man who lives in the forest.He is a

much greater archer.Let this young man go to him and learn from him for at least three


The man could not believe that there could be a greater archer than him,but he

went and found the old man and he was! For three years he learned from him.Then one

day, when he thought he had learned everything,the thought arose in him:“If I kill this

old man,then 1 will be the greatest archer.”

The old man had gone to cut wood and he was coming back carrying wood On his

shoulder.The young man hid behind a tree,waiting to kill him.He shot an arrow.The

old man took a small piece of wood and threw it.It struck the arrow and the arrow

turned back and wounded the young man very deeply.The old man came,took Out the

arrow and said。“I knew that some day or other you were going to do this.That’s  why

I have not taught you this secret.There is no need to kill me.My Master is still alive,

and I’m nothing before him.You must be with him for at least thirty years.And he is

very old, so go fast! Find the old man!”

The underlined word in the 1st paragraph is closest in meaning to“       ”

A.admire    B.advise    C.announce     D.admit

The young archer wanted to kill the old man in the

A.he had nothing more to learn from him

B.he could then become the greatest archer

C.the old man refused to teach him everything

D.the king’s old servant ordered him to do SO

The following pictures show what happened between the young archer and his

   master.Which is the right order of the events?

A.1—2—3—4    B.4—3—2—1

C.4—2—3—1    D.4—2—1—3

What do you think would most probably happen next?

A.The young archer died from the wound soon after.

B.The king declared the young man the greatest archer.

C.The young archer found the old man’s master and killed him.

D.The young archer set off to look for the old man’ S master.

What lesson can you learn from the story?

A.There’s always someone better than you in this world.

B.You must never try to become better than your teacher.

C.The older a man is,the better archer he usually becomes.

D.Always use a piece of wood to protect yourself from an arrow.


There’s a guy like me in every state and federal prison in AmericaI guess—I’m the guy who can get these for youcigarettesa bag of cigarif you want thata bottle of wine to celebrate your son or daughter’s high school graduationor almost anything else...within reasonthat isIt wasn’t always that way

I came to Shawshank when I was just twentyand I am one of the few people in the prison who is willing to admit what he didI committed murderI put a large insurance policy on my wifewho was three years older than 1 wasand then I fixed the brakes of the car her father had given us as a wedding presentIt worked out exactly as I had plannedexcept I hadn’t planned on her stopping to pick up the neighbour woman and the woman’s son on the way down Castle Hill and into townThe brakes let go and the car crashed through the bushesgathering speedBystanders said it must have been doing fifty or better when it hit the base of the Civil War statue in the town arid burst into flames

I also hadn’t planned on getting caughtbut caught 1 wasI got a pass into this placeMy state has no death penalty(死刑)but I was tried for all three deaths and given three life sentencesto run one after the otherThat fixed up any chance of parole(假释)I might havefor a longlong timeThe judge called what I had done‘an extremely evil crime’, and it was ,but it is also in the past now

Have I transformed myselfyou ask ?I don’t know what that word meansat least as far as prisons and corrections goI think it’s a politician’s wordIt may have some other meaningand it may be that 1 will have a chance to find outbut that is the future...

I was younggood—lookingand from the poor side of townI met a prettyheadstrong girl who lived in one of the fine old houses on Carbine StreetShe got pregnant laterHer father was agreeable to the marriage if 1 would take a job in the company he owned and ‘work my way up’I found out that what he really had in mind was keeping me in his house and under his thumblike a disagreeable pet that has not quite been housebroken and which may biteEnough hate eventually piled up to cause me to do what I did

?? Given a second chance 1 would not do it againbut I'm not sure that means I am transformed

1.What do we know about the man from the passage?

AHe is treated unfairly in the prison

BHe is in charge of the federal prison

CHe is quite an able person as a prisoner

DHe is the most powerful man in the prison

2.By saying that“I got a pass into this place”(in Para3)the man means that________.

Ahe has got to stay in prison

Bhe was allowed to go home

Che was caught by the police without a pass

Dhe has stayed in the federal prison before

3.The man committed such an evil crime because__________.

Ahe had made a secret deal with an insurance company

Bhe had been angry for a long time with his father—in—law

Chis wife’s family members had disapproved of their marriage

Dhis wife had looked on him as a pet and he didn’t feel respected

4.Which of the following is TRUE about the man?

AHe regrets having committed the crime

BHe will be out of prison in the near future

CHe thinks the trial a mistake and is unfair

DHe has found out the



Jack was so excited about getting a new backpack because his old one had a broken zipper(拉链) and a hole in the bottom.
Jack’s elder brother took him to buy a new backpack. There were so many cool ones. How would he ever decide? He saw blue ones—his favorite color. He saw ones with his favorite action hero on the front. And then Jack saw a backpack with a black square design. When he opened it, he saw it had a hidden, secret small bag. He liked it, which made it different from others.
“This is the one,” he said, then carried it to the check-out counter.
That evening, Jack carefully filled his new backpack with his school things. He put his special pen in the secret small bag. The next day in English class, Mr. Mack said, “Let’s write an essay about earthquakes!” Jack looked for his pen in his backpack, but he couldn’t found it! He rummaged through his desk and his pockets, but no pen.
Jack asked if anyone had seen his pen, but no one had. Mr. Mack lent him a pencil, but Jack was feeling anxious because he lost his pen. When he got home, Jack told his brother he couldn’t find his favorite pen. His brother said, “You must have put it in that secret small bag.”
Jack laughed and said, “That small bag was so secret that I forgot all about it.”
【小题1】 Which backpack did Jack buy?

A.A blue one.B.One with a black square design.C.One with an action hero.D.A small one.
【小题2】 Jack decided to buy that backpack because __________.
A.it had his favorite color
B.he liked the black square design
C.the secret small bag made it special
D.his brother suggested he get that one
【小题3】The underlined word “rummaged” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”.
A.forgot to look atB.searched really wellC.turned sidewaysD.threw away
【小题4】 When Jack realized what he had done, he thought it was ________.
A.funnyB.annoying C.surprisingD.cool
【小题5】 This text mainly tells us ________.
A.a story of Jack’s old backpack
B.that Jack was studying earthquakes
C.that Jack was old enough to do shopping
D.a story of Jack’s pen and new backpack


  Once upon a time a man became a great archer(射手).He asked the king to declare
him as the greatest archer of the country.The king was about to do so when an old
servant of the king said,“Wait,sir.I know an old man who lives in the forest.He is a
much greater archer.Let this young man go to him and learn from him for at least three
The man could not believe that there could be a greater archer than him,but he
went and found the old man and he was! For three years he learned from him.Then one
day,when he thought he had learned everything,the thought arose in him:“If I kill this
old man,then 1 will be the greatest archer.”
The old man had gone to cut wood and he was coming back carrying wood On his
shoulder.The young man hid behind a tree,waiting to kill him.He shot an arrow.The
old man took a small piece of wood and threw it.It struck the arrow and the arrow
turned back and wounded the young man very deeply.The old man came,took Out the
arrow and said。“I knew that some day or other you were going to do this.That’s  why
I have not taught you this secret.There is no need to kill me.My Master is still alive,
and I’m  nothing before him.You must be  with him for at least thirty years.And he is
very old,SO go fast! Find the old man!”
56.The underlined word in the 1st paragraph is closest in meaning to“       ”
A.admire    B.advise    C.announce     D.admit
57.The young archer wanted to kill the old man in the
A.he had nothing more to learn from him
B.he could then become the greatest archer
C.the old man refused to teach him everything
D.the king’s old servant ordered him to do SO
58.The following pictures show what happened between the young archer and his
master.Which is the right order of the events?
A.1—2—3—4    B.4—3—2—1
C.4—2—3—1    D.4—2—1—3
59.What do you think would most probably happen next?
A.The young archer died from the wound soon after.
B.The king declared the young man the greatest archer.
C.The young archer found the old man’s master and killed him.
D.The young archer set off to look for the old man’S master.
60.What lesson can you learn from the story?
A.There’s always someone better than you in this world.
B.You must never try to become better than your teacher.
C.The older a man is,the better archer he usually becomes.
D.Always use a piece of wood to protect yourself from an arrow.

