If you put yourself in his place, you will not think that he is . 查看更多



单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1 分,满分 10 分)

In all, 14 exhibitions were presented, _________(吸引)8524 viewers in 2010.

The government has confiscated(没收) the_________(违法) imported goods.

They went west as _________(开拓者) with only the possessions they could carry with them.

We remember the day when Hong Kong came to our homeland ________(永远).

She close the door on her finger by mistake, and made it____________(流血).

_________(支票) have largely replaced money as a means of exchange.

He was so ________(残酷) he would have killed his own mother in cold blood.

We should respect different life styles, religious belief and customs of different ethnic _________(少数民族). 

The policemen are running after a prisoner who ___________(逃跑)last night.

If you put yourself in his place, you will not think that he is__________(自私的).


单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1 分,满分 10 分)

1. In all, 14 exhibitions were presented, _________(吸引)8524 viewers in 2010.

2. The government has confiscated(没收) the_________(违法) imported goods.

3. They went west as _________(开拓者) with only the possessions they could carry with them.

4.We remember the day when Hong Kong came to our homeland ________(永远).

5. She close the door on her finger by mistake, and made it____________(流血).

6._________(支票) have largely replaced money as a means of exchange.

7. He was so ________(残酷) he would have killed his own mother in cold blood.

8. We should respect different life styles, religious belief and customs of different ethnic _________(少数民族). 

9.The policemen are running after a prisoner who ___________(逃跑)last night.

10. If you put yourself in his place, you will not think that he is__________(自私的).




单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1 分,满分 10 分)
【小题1】In all, 14 exhibitions were presented, _________(吸引)8524 viewers in 2010.
【小题2】The government has confiscated(没收) the_________(违法) imported goods.
【小题3】They went west as _________(开拓者) with only the possessions they could carry with them.
【小题4】We remember the day when Hong Kong came to our homeland ________(永远).
【小题5】She close the door on her finger by mistake, and made it____________(流血).
【小题6】_________(支票) have largely replaced money as a means of exchange.
【小题7】He was so ________(残酷) he would have killed his own mother in cold blood.
【小题8】We should respect different life styles, religious belief and customs of different ethnic _________(少数民族). 
【小题9】The policemen are running after a prisoner who ___________(逃跑)last night.
【小题10】If you put yourself in his place, you will not think that he is__________(自私的).

