I kept my dictionary near my desk for . 查看更多



I needed to get some money during my winter holidays.So after Christmas I took a job in the clothes department at Graham’s for the first fortnight of the January sale.I can’t say that I enjoyed it,but it was an experience I’ll never forget.

I could never understand why there were so many things in the sales;where did they all come from?Now I know the secret! Firstly,there is the special winter stock(货物)and the stock that people buy all the year round;some of these things are slightly reduced.Secondly,there are the summer clothes they couldn’t sell last year,these are heavily reduced to clear them.Thirdly,there are cheap clothes bought in specially for the sales;these are put out at high prices ten days before the sale begins and then are reduced by 60% in the sale.Clever! Later,they buy in “seconds” (clothes not in perfect condition) for the sale and they are sold very cheaply.

When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale,there was already a queue around three sides of the building.This made me very nervous.

When the big moment arrived to open the doors,the security guards,looking less confident than usual,came up to them,keys in hand.The moment they had unlocked the doors,they hid behind the doors for protection as the noisy crowd charged in.I couldn’t believe my eyes;this wasn’t shopping,it was a battlefield! One poor lady couldn’t keep her feet and was knocked over by people pushing from behind.

Clothes were flying in all directions as people searched for the sizes,colors and styles they wanted.Quarrels broke out.Mothers were using their small children to crawl through people’s legs and get hold of things they couldn’t get near themselves.

Within minutes I had half a dozen people pushing clothes under my nose,each wanting to be the first served.Where had the famous English Queue gone?The whole day continued like that,but I kept my temper (脾气)!I was taking money hand over fist and began to realize why,twice a year,Graham’s were happy to turn their expensive store into a battlefield like this.

In the sale fever,people were spending money like water without thinking whether they needed what they were buying.As long as it was a bargain it was OK.

You won’t believe this but as soon as I got home I crashed out for four hours.Then I had dinner and went back to bed,fearing the sound of the alarm which would tell me to get ready for the second day of the sale.

1.What kind of clothes is likely to be sold 5% cheaper?

A.Last summer’s clothes.

B.Clothes not in perfect condition.

C.Clothes bought in specially for the sales.

D.Clothes for winter.

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The customers gave up the queuing,for which the English are famous.

B.The customers kept their temper while looking for clothes they wanted.

C.Small children enjoyed crawling through people’s legs.

D.The security guards were fearless of the crowd.

3.In the author’s opinion,why were Graham’s happy to make their expensive store into a “battlefield”?

A.There were too many clothes and they wanted to clear them in the sales.

B.They were eager to show that they were clever at doing business.

C.They could take the chance to raise the prices of all their clothes.

D.They wanted to make more money by having sales.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Best Bargain

B.Hunting for a Job

C.Sale Fever

D.A Pleasant Fortnight



I needed to get some money so, after Christmas, I took a job in the clothes department at Graham's for the first fortnight of the January sale. I can't say that I enjoyed it, but it was an experience I'll never forget.

I could never understand why there were so many things in the sales; where did they all come from? Now I know the secret! Firstly, there is the special winter stock(货物) and the stock that people buy all the year round; some of these things are slightly reduced. Secondly, there are the summer clothes they couldn't sell last year; these are heavily reduced to clear them. Thirdly, there are cheap clothes bought in specially for the sales; these are put out at high prices ten days before the sale begins and then are reduced by 60% in the sale. Clever! Lastly, they buy in “seconds”(clothes not in perfect condition) for the sale and they are sold very cheaply.

When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale, there was already a queue around three sides of the building. This made me very nervous.

When the big moment arrived to open the doors, the security guards, looking less

 confident than usual, came up to them, keys in hand. The moment they had unlocked the doors, they hid behind the doors for protection as the noisy crowd charged in. I couldn't believe my eyes; this wasn't shopping, it was a battlefield! One poor lady couldn't keep her feet and was knocked over by people pushing from behind.

Clothes were flying in all directions as people searched for the sizes, colours and styles they wanted. Quarrels broke out. Mothers were using their small child

ren to crawl(爬行) through people's legs and get hold of things they couldn't get near themselves.

Within minutes I had half a dozen people pushing clothes under my nose, each wanting to be the first served. Where had the famous English queue gone? The whole

day continued like that, but I kept my temper(脾气)! I was taking money hand over fist and began to realise why, twice a year, ?Graham's? were happy to turn their expensive store into a battlefield like this.

In the sale fever, people were spending money like water without thinking whether they needed what they were buying. As long as it was a bargain it was OK.

You won't believe this but as soon as I got home I crashed out for four hours. Then I had dinner and went back to bed, fearing the sound of the alarm which would tell me to get ready for the second day of the sale.

1.What kind of clothes is likely to be sold 5% cheaper?  

Last summer's clothes.

B.Clothes not in perfect condition.

C.Clothes bought in specially for the sales.     

D.Clothes for winter. 

2.Which of the following statements is true?        

A.The customers gave up the queuing, for which the English are famous.        

B.The customers kept their temper while looking for clothes they wanted.        

C.Small children enjoyed crawling through people's legs.        

D.The security guards were fearless of the crowd. 

3.In the author's opinion, why were Graham's happy to make their expensive store into a “battlefield”?

A.There were too many clothes and they wanted to clear them in the sales.

B.They were eager to show that they were clever at doing business.        

C.They could take the chance to raise the prices of all their clothes.        

D.They wanted to make more money by having sales. 

4.The expression “_________crashed out” means ________.

A.chatted with her friendsB.slept soundlyC.broke downD.dined out 

5.  What would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Best Bargain                B.Hunting for a Job

C.Sale Fever                      D.A Pleasant Fortnight 


I wouldn’t ask for a dressing room. My mom always asked for me.
The evening before I had   21 risen from my seat and piled on excess (过量) noodles. Then I licked(舔)my bowl with the buttered garlic bread,   22 no evidence of the four servings I had eaten greedily. In the morning I would be forced to lie on my bed and suck in my   23  just to button my jeans. I feared school   24 . The sale rack, with its slender size markers, knew my number continued to grow.
I learned   25  to eat from my dad: fast and without thinking. In our house, the dinner table involved   26 ,with the children on defense. One   27  move and our dinner would be snatched off our plates without warning and eaten up by our father   28  than we could blink. We soon learned to keep a hand up while   29  our chicken, and if Mom decided to cook that night we needed to hurry and get   30  before it was gone.
Only one pair of jeans I tried on fit. I   31  and told my mother I could button every pair but only needed the jeans that lay   32  in my hands. We walked to the checkout.
I kept my head down as we passed a group of girls. They   33 . I glanced up only long enough to know my place. Their   34  cut at me, hands cupped over their mouths in secrecy.
The shop was about to close and I   35  two girls in my third grade class out.
“I like your pants. Where did you get them?” Marcy asked Alicia. I nodded in agreement,   36 they had removed their cupped hands and I could hear the   37 .
“Really? I like yours better,” Alicia replied.
“We should trade. What   38  are you?” Marcy asked.
“I don’t know …” Alicia said, finding the tag in the back of her pants. “Seven.”
“Me too,” Marcy said.
I   39  in line as I held the jeans, tag folded in so   40  could see the number on it was 12. I am not a size seven.
21.A.hurriedly             B.hungrily              C.repeatedly           D.worriedly[
22.A.leaving               B.offering              C.collecting            D.examining
23.A.stomach              B.legs                    C.waist                   D.hands
24.A.uniforms             B.meals                  C.holiday               D.shopping
25.A.what                   B.how                    C.why                    D.when
26.A.battle                  B.game                  C.strike                  D.debate
27.A.big                     B.unusual               C.false                   D.bold
28.A.harder                 B.further                C.earlier                 D.faster
29.A.swallowing          B.biting                  C.tasting                 D.cooking
30.A.excuses               B.seconds               C.opportunities       D.demands
31.A.ordered               B.lied                     C.paid                    D.promised
32.A.closed                 B.guided                C.guarded               D.satisfied
33.A.laughed               B.murmured           C.shouted               D.whispered
34.A.mouths               B.hands                  C.eyes                    D.ears
35.A.led                     B.followed             C.invited                D.walked
36.A.thankful              B.afraid                  C.anxious               D.excited
37.A.interview            B.conversation        C.question              D.report
38.A.number               B.size                     C.color                   D.weight
39.A.jumped               B.waited                 C.cried                   D.hid
40.A.everybody           B.anybody              C.nobody               D.somebody




It was a sunny summer day last year when I got the news that I was admitted by the university.

Soon the news spread all over the village. Hearing the news, my parents were more than(不止) happy: big smiles formed on their faces. But behind their happiness and pride for my success, I noticed my parents worries about the heavy financial burden on their shoulders. I kept being calm.

In order to prepare for my study expenses, my parents worked hard day after day all that summer. And the day finally came when I had to go to school which was far away from my hometown. I still remember it was in the morning that we arrived at the bus station. My parents had helped me get everything ready. It was so hot that day: the scorching sun baked the ground dry. The heated air was filled with the crowds’ noise and all kinds of smells coming from the station. Sweat streamed down my parents’face. I took my seat on the 11 AM bus and looked at my parents through the window, waiting for the bus to start. Two minutes to 11:00! My heart leapt (强烈跳动). I suddenly recalled all the efforts they made for me, all the energy and all the sweat they spent on me. They were so selfless! I almost burst into tears! While I kept my tears back, I turned around, for I didn’t want them to see me crying…

The last moment came. The bus started and was moving further away from my parents. They waved at me and I turned toward them, watching their shadows disappearing gradually into the sea of people. I, an 18-year-old girl, who had never left my hometown, began my long trip to my school.

I didn’t know what would the future be, but I knew that I would have a long way to go, and I believe I could be brave enough to take up all the challenges in my future life with my family’s love, their wordless and selfless love.

I will be always thankful for this love.

56.From the passage, we can learn that ______.

A.her parents are very rich and generous

B.her parents wouldn’t support the writer to further study

C.her parents think high education is very important for their child

D.her parents have been always happy on hearing the news

57.The writer’s parents have the following feelings except _______ according to the passage.

A. pride     B. happiness     C. worry      D. regret

58.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Her parents worked hard day and night in order to prepare for the study cost.

B. Her parents had helped her get everything ready before she arrived at the station in the morning.

C. It was so hot and windy and they feel comfortable.

D. The writer took her seat on the 11 PM bus and looked at her parents through the window.

59.Which of the following is the closest in the meaning to the underlined word?

A. Provided.  B. Understood.   C. Offered.    D. Remembered.



Every night,I watched for Miss Ellen's lights to go off. She lives next door and we are best friends,____I'm young and she's old. We both like dogs,cats and birds. Miss Ellen has another best friend,her ____,Imogene. Soon as her lights were off,I went into our kitchen and got a(n) ____ to say good­night to Imogene.

“Imogene?” I kept my voice ____ because Imogene is old and I didn't want to ____ her.

Imogene looked at me ____ I put the egg under  her. She seemed to ___ sitting on that egg. I guessed it must ____ her of good old times.

Every morning,I went to Miss Ellen's home to ____ her bread while she ate Imogene's egg.“ I should let you eat the egg too,but it's Imogene's ___ to me,”she said.

When Imogene stopped laying eggs last year,Miss Ellen became ____ and quiet. That was before I started ____ giving her one of Mom's every night.

One morning when I got to Miss Ellen's kitchen,something was ___.Miss Ellen seldom allowed Imogene in the house,but that day she was on the table. Miss Ellen was ____,holding two eggs in her hands.

“Can you ____ it?My Imogene laid this herself!It's not one of your mother's. Oh!Oh!”She ____and put her hand over her mouth.

I looked at her in ____.“You knew?”

“Yes. I'm sorry. To tell the truth,Imogene ____ that you come to visit her every day. She didn't want you to stop. So we decided to keep ____.”

It took a minute for me to ____.Then I figured it out. Both of them wanted me to come. I touched Imogene's head and smiled at Miss Ellen.

1.A. for                      B.yet                                  C.though                    D.because

2.A. dog                              B.cat                                   C.bird                     D.hen

3.A. egg                              B.apple                         C.cake                      D.drink

4.A. firm                     B.soft                                 C.loud                              D.pleasant

5.A. lose                             B.hurt                           C.keep                              D.frighten

6.A. unless                    B.since                           C.as                                    D.if

7.A. like                              B.consider                   C.regret                       D.mind

8.A. tell                      B.remind                           C.warn                        D.convince

9.A. mix                              B.cut                                  C.borrow                   D.share

10.A. promise                    B.choice                            C.gift                       D.job

11.A. sad                            B.calm                     C.boring                             D.strange

12.A. slowly                   B.secretly                           C.mainly                     D.simply

13.A. important           B.funny           C.wrong                        D.different

14.A. busy                     B.angry                     C.excited                      D.shocked

15.A. believe                     B.feel                                 C.make                            D.see

16.A. remembered          B.stopped                    C.smiled                            D.nodded

17.A. peace                  B.disappointment        C.surprise               D.confidence

18.A. hopes                  B.prefers                            C.suggests              D.loves

19.A. quiet                    B.happy                C.honest                      D.friendly

20.A. start                          B.understand          C.cry                            D.notice


