What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply? A. More stress was laid on the understanding of poetry in the past. B. Poetry is more important than any other subject. C. One cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry. D. Poetry is the foundation of all languages and literature courses. D When she was a girl of sixteen and before she began to work in the store, Alice had dated a young man. The young man, named Ned Currie, was older than Alice. He was employed on the local newspaper and for a long time he went to see Alice almost every evening. Together the two walked under the trees through the streets of the town and talked of what they would do with their lives. Alice was then a very pretty girl and one night Ned took her into his arms and kissed her. He became excited and said things he did not intend to say and Alice, betrayed by her desire to have something beautiful come into her narrow life, also grew excited. She also talked. The outer crust (壳) of her life , all of her natural shyness and reserve, was torn away and she gave herself over to the emotions of love. When.late in the fall.Ned went away to Cleveland to try to get a place on a city newspaper and rise in the world , she wanted to go with him. With a trembling voice she told him what was in her mind. “I will work and you can work, she said. “I don't want to tie you to a needless expense that will stop you making progress. Don't marry me now. We'll get along without that and we can be together. Even though we live in the same house, no one will say anything. In the city we'll be unknown and people will pay no attention to us." Ned was puzzled by his sweetheart's determination and was also deeply touched. He had wanted a girlfriend just to relieve the boredom of his life but had changed his mind. He now wanted to protect her and care for her. "You don't know what you're talking about," he said sharply; "I'll let you do no such thing. As soon as I get a good job, I'll come back. For the present you'll have to stay here. It's the only thing we can do." On the evening before he left Winesburg, Ned went to call on Alice. They walked about through the streets for an hour and then went for a drive in the country. The moon came up and they found themselves unable to talk. They stopped at a place where a long meadow ran down to the bank of Wine Creek and there in the dim light he kissed her and promised he would love her forever. When they returned to town, it did not seem to them that anything in the future could blot out the wonder and beauty of that evening. `"Now we will have to stick to each other, whatever happens, we will have to do that," Ned said as he left the girl at her father's door. He did not succeed in getting a place on a Cleveland newspaper and went west to Chicago. For a time he was lonely and wrote to Alice almost every day. Then he was caught up by the life of the city; he began to make friends and found new interests in life. In Chicago he boarded at a house where there were several women. One of them attracted his attention and he forgot Alice in Winesburg. At the end of a year he had stopped writing letters, and only once in a long time, when he was lonely or when he went into one of the city parks and saw the moon shining on the grass as it had shone that night on the meadow by Wine Creek, did he think of her at all. 查看更多



What does ‘T.G’         in ‘T.G’ Smith?

A.standB.stand byC.stand forD.stand out


What does ‘T.G’         in ‘T.G’ Smith?

  1. A.
  2. B.
    stand by
  3. C.
    stand for
  4. D.
    stand out





1.Why won't Tom join the woman?

A.He'll be with his friends.

B.He'll write a report.

C.He doesn't like games.

2.What does the man ask the woman to buy?

A.Some cigarettes and shirts

B.Some snacks.

C.Some white socks.

3.What is Abby House?

A.The name of a publisher.

B.The name of a person.

C.The name of the man's apartment

4.What does the woman mean?

A.John often makes mistakes.

B.The man will be late for the class.

C.John won't be late for the meeting.

5.What is the woman like?







6.Where will the man go?

A.To a restaurant

B.To the office.

C.To a club.

7.What did he promise the woman he would do?

A.Take her to see a movie.

B.Take her to a concert.

C.Cook dinner for her.


8.What's the house like?

A.It's close to a supermarket.

B.It has a garden.

C.It's not very big.

9.What does't the man need to do?

A.Sign a formal contract.

B.Pay all the money in the beginning.

C.Hire an inspector to examine the house.


10.What is the woman doing?

A.Making a phone call.

B.Chatting with the man on the Internet.

C.Talking with the man in the office.

11.How many days will the computers be delayed in total?

A.2 days.

B.6 days.

C.8 days.

12.Whose phone number is the woman asking for?



C.The factory's.


13.What might Susie be doing?


B.Relaxing at home.

C.Planning a vacation abroad.

14.What time is it now probably?

A.10∶00 a.m.

B.5∶00 p.m.

C.9∶00 p.m.

15.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is a music teacher.

B.She just moved there.

C.She has many friends there.

16.What will the woman do next?

A.Go to a party.

B.Go to work.

C.Go home.


17.When was the speaker's first poem published?

A.In primary school.

B.In high school.

C.In college.

18.What did she get for her first poem?

A.Some money.

B.An award.

C.A book.

19.Which of her works are popular now?




20.What does she do when she is unhappy?

A.Stop writing immediately.

B.Read her first poem.

C.Review her early books.


What does ‘T.G’          in ‘T.G’ Smith?

A.stand B.stand by    C.stand for          D.stand out


Going to the park with your family is a time-honored tradition during the warmer months whether you live in the city or in a rural area. The most common thing for kids to do at the park is to play on the playground equipment. This is great for kids. For parents, however, playground time is something not quite as exciting. It’s nice to socialize with other parents and enjoy watching the little ones at play, but grown-ups can’t easily participate in the playground fun. In order to make the most of spring and summer park trips parents might want to consider trying a few new activities.
Soft Frisbees and balls are great things to bring to the park and enjoy with kids. Parents can participate in playing catch. They can enjoy the fresh air and physical activity together. Other lawn games and toys like badminton can easily be taken to the park for an afternoon of fun.
If it is a breezy day, it might be just perfect for flying a kite. Kite flying is a wonderful family fun activity. Children who are too small to fly a kite themselves can have fun chasing it and helping older siblings hold the string. Slightly older children can enjoy learning to fly kites. Teens and parents can enjoy the challenge of making kites. Best of all, kites are inexpensive and can be used in almost any open space on a breezy day.
After these, the first thought might be to head home for a meal or a snack. However, bringing a snack or having a picnic can add an exciting element to the day out and can allow the family to enjoy more park time together. Everyday foods like sandwiches and apples can be very appetising. If you decide to pack a picnic, just remember to bring bags for any garbage you might produce!
【小题1】Why is the playground time not quite exciting for parents?

A.There is no equipment for them.
B.They can’t interact with each other.
C.They can’t easily enjoy the fun.
D.They have to watch their kids.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “appetising” in the last paragraph probably mean?
【小题3】What can the smallest kids do with kites?
A.Make a kite.B.Fly a kite.
C.Watch a kite.D.Chase a kite.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The benefits of parents playing with children.
B.Suitable weather for playing in the park.
C.Activities parents can do with their children in the park.
D.Kite flying during spring and summer.

