The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see . A. only dolphins perform B. only seals and sea lions perform C. only seals perform D. not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform 答案:46-49 DCDD B Do you feel unsettled and uncertain before a test? Do you long to improve your methods of learning? Many students complain that their serious problem is a lack of concentration. It severely affects their ability to study, so do their test results. If so, use these tips to help you. Study Techniques You should always study in the same place. You shouldn’t sit in a position that you use for another purpose. For example, when you sit on a sofa to study, your brain will think it is time to relax. Don’t watch TV while you are studying. Experts warn that your concentration may be reduced by 50 percent if you attempt to study in this way. Always try to have a white wall in front of you, so there is nothing to distract (make less concentrated) you. Before sitting down to study, gather together all the equipment you need. Apart from your textbooks, pens, pencils and knives, make sure you have a dictionary. If your study desk or table is needed when you are not studying, store all your equipment in a box beside it. Your eyes will become tired if you try to read a text which is on a flat surface. Place your book at an angle of 30 degrees. Be realistic and don’t try to complete too much in one study period. Finish one thing before beginning another. If you need a break, get up and walk around for a few minutes, but try not to telephone a friend or have something to eat. Test-taking Skills All your hard work will be for nothing if you are too nervous to take your test. Getting plenty of rest is very important. This means : do not study all night before your test! It is a better idea to have a long-term study plan. Try to make a timetable for your study which lasts for a few months. Exercise is a great way to reduce pressure. Doing some form of exercise every day will also improve your concentration. Eat healthy food too. When you arrive in the examination room, find your seat and sit down. Breathe slowly and deeply. Check the time on the clock during the test, but not too often. Above all, take no notice of everyone else and fix your mind on the test paper. 查看更多




Long March exhibit

The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the communist Red Army drew back from its besieged (被围困的) bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.

Time:            10:00 am—4:00 pm.

Address:        1286 Hongqiao Road

Admission:        8 yuan for Chinese/ 15 yuan for foreigners

Thai elephants

Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war (拔河比赛) with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at 1:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.

Address:        189 Daduhe Road

Admission:        30-40 yuan

Dancing dolphins

Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and solving math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.

Hours:             10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm

Admission:        20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children.

1.If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you

pay altogether for the admission?

A.16 yuan     B.23 yuan     C.30 yuan    D.20 yuan

2.At the exhibition, you will see ________. 

A.many articles written by famous writers

B.many things left by the Red Army           

C.books on the Long March

D.many photos and pictures about the Long Match.

3.Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?

A.Riding bicycles.                B.Blowing a mouth-organ

C.Doing math                     D.Having a tug-of-war with people.

4.The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see________.

A.not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform

B.only seals and sea lions perform   

C.only dolphins perform

D.only seals perform




Long March exhibit

The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the communist Red Army drew back from its besieged (被围困的) bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.

Time:            10:00 am—4:00 pm.

Address:        1286 Hongqiao Road

Admission:        8 yuan for Chinese/ 15 yuan for foreigners

Thai elephants

Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war (拔河比赛) with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at 1:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.

Address:        189 Daduhe Road

Admission:        30-40 yuan

Dancing dolphins

Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and solving math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.

Hours:             10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm

Admission:        20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children.

1.If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you

pay altogether for the admission?

A.16 yuan     B.23 yuan     C.30 yuan    D.20 yuan

2.At the exhibition, you will see ________. 

A.many articles written by famous writers

B.many things left by the Red Army           

C.books on the Long March

D.many photos and pictures about the Long Match.

3.Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?

A.Riding bicycles.                B.Blowing a mouth-organ

C.Doing math                     D.Having a tug-of-war with people.

4.The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see________.

A.not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform

B.only seals and sea lions perform   

C.only dolphins perform

D.only seals perform




Long March exhibit

The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the communist Red Army drew back from its besieged (被围困的) bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.

Time:            10:00 am—4:00 pm.

Address:        1286 Hongqiao Road

Admission:        8 yuan for Chinese/ 15 yuan for foreigners

Thai elephants

Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war (拔河比赛) with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at 1:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.

Address:        189 Daduhe Road

Admission:        30-40 yuan

Dancing dolphins

Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and solving math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.

Hours:             10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm

Admission:        20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children.

64.If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you

pay altogether for the admission?

A.16 yuan     B.23 yuan     C.30 yuan    D.20 yuan

65.At the exhibition, you will see ________.   

A.many articles written by famous writers

B.many things left by the Red Army           

C.books on the Long March

D.many photos and pictures about the Long Match.

66.Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?

A.Riding bicycles.                B.Blowing a mouth-organ

C.Doing math                     D.Having a tug-of-war with people.

67.The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see________.

A.not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform

B.only seals and sea lions perform   

C.only dolphins perform

D.only seals perform



Long March exhibit

The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the communist Red Army drew back from its besieged(被围困的)bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi Province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm

Address: 1286 Hongqiao Road

Admission: 8 yuan for Chinese /15 yuan for foreigners

Thai elephants

Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war(拔河比赛)with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at l:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.

Address: 189 Daduhe Road

Admission: 30-40 yuan

Dancing dolphins

Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and doing math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.

Hours: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm

Admission: 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children.

57. If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you pay altogether for the admission?

A. 16 yuan.                B. 23 yuan                C. 30 yuan.              D. 20 yuan.

58. At the exhibition, you will see __________.

A. many articles written by famous writers 

B. many things left by the Red Army

C. many photos and pictures about the Long March   

D. books on the Long March

59. Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?

A. Riding bicycles.                                           B. Blowing a mouth-organ.

C. Doing math.                                                D. Having a tug-of-war with people.

60. The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see __________.

A. not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform

B. only dolphins perform

C. only seals and sea lions perform 

D only seals perform


     Long March exhibit
     The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March.
On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with picures how the communist Red Army
drew back from its besieged (被围困的) bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shaanxi
Province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.
      Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm
     Address: 1286 Hongqiao Road
     Admission:8 yuan for Chinese / 15 yuan for foreigners
     Thai elephants
     Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war (拔河比赛) with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three
shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at 1:30 pm at weekends. The
show will end on November 15.
     Address: 189 Daduhe Road
     Admission: 30-40 yuan
     Dancing dolphins
     Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and doing
math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea
lions also perform.
     Hours: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm
     Admission: 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children.
1. If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you pay altogether
    for the admission?
A. 16 yuan.
B. 23 yuan.
C. 30 yuan.
D. 20 yuan.
2. Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?
A. Riding bicycles.
B. Blowing a mouth-organ.
C. Doing math.
D. Having a tug-of-war with people.
3. The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see _____.
A. not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform
B. only dolphins perform
C. only seals and sea lions perform
D. only seals perform

