Before he left the room the student was almost sure that . A. he had passed the exam, and the only thing was to wait for the mark B. his last answer was satisfying C. he had made a mistake D. he had not done well in the exam. 查看更多



There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with the students. Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(委员会), the students would be in fear , because he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave . A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him. At the end of the term, the students of medicine would take their exam again . Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee. This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.

The professor began to ask. .The student was required to describe a certain illness, his description of which turned out to be OK.

Then the professor asked about the cure(药剂,疗法)for the illness , and the student , too , answered just as right . “Good,” said the professor, “and how much will you give the patient?”

“A full spoon,” answered the student.

“Now you may go out and wait for what you can get,” said the professor. At the same time the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given .Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer. “A full spoon is too much,” he thought to himself. Anxiously he opened the door of the room and cried, “Mr. Professor, I’ve made a mistake! A full spoon is too much for the patient. He can take only five drops. ”

“I’m sorry, sir,” said the professor coldly, “but it’s too late. Your patient has died. ”

1.The students were afraid of the professor because _______ .

A.they often angered and disappointed him

B.their answers often astonished him

C.their answers seldom satisfied him

D.he often misunderstood them and gave them bad marks

2.The student’s description of the illness was ________ .

A.not correct                            B.not satisfying

C.completely discouraging                  D.accepted

3.Before he left the room the student was almost sure that _________ .

A.he had passed the exam, and the only thing was to wait for the mark

B.his last answer had been wrong

C.he had made a mistake

D.he had not done well in the exam

4.Which guess is the most reasonable from the passage?

A.The student must have passed the exam.

B.The student may not have passed the exam.

C.The student must have been very happy when he heard, “ Your patient has died . ”

D.The professor must have been very pleased and given the student a good mark.



There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with the students. Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(委员会), the students would be in fear , because he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave . A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him. At the end of the term, the students of medicine would take their exam again . Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee. This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.
The professor began to ask. .The student was required to describe a certain illness, his description of which turned out to be OK.
Then the professor asked about the cure(药剂,疗法)for the illness , and the student , too , answered just as right . “Good,” said the professor, “and how much will you give the patient?”
“A full spoon,” answered the student.
“Now you may go out and wait for what you can get,” said the professor. At the same time the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given .Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer. “A full spoon is too much,” he thought to himself. Anxiously he opened the door of the room and cried, “Mr. Professor, I’ve made a mistake! A full spoon is too much for the patient. He can take only five drops. ”
“I’m sorry, sir,” said the professor coldly, “but it’s too late. Your patient has died. ”

  1. 1.

    The students were afraid of the professor because _______

    1. A.
      they often angered and disappointed him
    2. B.
      their answers often astonished him
    3. C.
      their answers seldom satisfied him
    4. D.
      he often misunderstood them and gave them bad marks
  2. 2.

    The student’s description of the illness was ________

    1. A.
      not correct
    2. B.
      not satisfying
    3. C.
      completely discouraging
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Before he left the room the student was almost sure that _________

    1. A.
      he had passed the exam, and the only thing was to wait for the mark
    2. B.
      his last answer had been wrong
    3. C.
      he had made a mistake
    4. D.
      he had not done well in the exam
  4. 4.

    Which guess is the most reasonable from the passage?

    1. A.
      The student must have passed the exam
    2. B.
      The student may not have passed the exam
    3. C.
      The student must have been very happy when he heard, “ Your patient has died . ”
    4. D.
      The professor must have been very pleased and given the student a good mark



  There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with the students.Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(担任考试委员会主席), the students would be in fear, because he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave.A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him.At the end of the term, the students of medicine would take their exam again.Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee.This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.

  The professor began to ask.The student was required to describe a certain illness, his description of which turned to be OK.

  Then the professor asked about the cure for illness, and the student, too, answered just as right.

  “Good, ” said the professor, “and how much will you give the patient? ”

  “A full spoon”, answered the student.

  “Now you may go out and wait for what you can get.”, said the professor.At the same time, the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given.Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer.“ A full spoon is too much, ” he thought to himself.Anxiously he opened the door of the room and cried, “Mr Professor, I’ve make a mistake! A full spoon is too much for a patient.He can take only five drops.”

  “I'm sorry, sir.” Said the professor coldly, “But it's too late.Your patient has died.


The students were afraid of the professor because ________.

[  ]


they often angered and disappointed him


their answers often astonished him


their answers seldom satisfied him


he often misunderstood them and give them bad markers


The student's description of the illness was ________.

[  ]


not correct


not satisfied


completely discouraging




Before he left the room the student was almost sure that ________.

[  ]


he had passed the exam, and the only thing was to wait for the mark


his last answer was satisfying


he had made a mistake


he had not done well in the exam.


Which of the following is Not true?

[  ]


The patient will be in danger if he's taken as much as a full spoon.


The doctor will be in trouble if he's given the patient a full spoon.


Since one spoon is less than five drops, the patient will be all right soon if he takes only one full spoon at a time.


If the patient wants to remain safe, he should take no more than five drops at a time.



  There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with the students.Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(担任考试委员会主席), the students would be in fear, because he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave.A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him.At the end of the term, the students of medicine would take their exam again.Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee.This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.

  The professor began to ask.The student was required to describe a certain illness, his description of which turned out to be OK.

  Then the professor asked about the cure(药剂)for illness, and the student, too, answered just as right.

  “Good,” said the professor, “and how much will you give the patient?”

  “A full spoon”, answered the student.

  “Now you may go out and wait for what you can get.”, said the professor.At the same time, the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given.Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer.“ A full spoon is too much,” he thought to himself.Anxiously he opened the door of the room and cried, “Mr.Professor, I’ve made a mistake! A full spoon is too much for a patient.He can take only five drops.”

  “I’m sorry, sir.” said the professor coldly, “But it’s too late.Your patient has died.”


The students were afraid of the professor because _________.

[  ]


they often angered and disappointed him


their answers often astonished him


their answers seldom satisfied him


he often misunderstood them and gave them bad marks


The student’s description of the illness was ________

[  ]


not correct


not satisfied


completely discouraging




Before he left the room the student was almost sure that ________

[  ]


he had passed the exam, and the only thing was to wait for the mark


his last answer was satisfying


he had made a mistake


he had not done well in the exam.


Which of the following is Not true?

[  ]


The parient will be in danger if he's taken as much as a full spoon.


The doctor will be in trouble if he's given the patient a full spoon.


Since one spoon is less than five drops, the patient will be all right soon if he takes only one full spoon at a time.


If the patient wants to remain safe, he should take no more than five drops at a time.


About 1,000 students were having a final exam in a huge lecture hall. Obviously the teacher wasn’t very well liked, who kept shouting out how much time was left. During the exam he was so  36   going around the room making sure that nobody   37  . He asked the students to pile the   38   tests on the huge desk. This made for quite a mess(混乱).

    Anyway, everyone needed a fairly good   39  . Many students did poorly when rushed.  40of the students thought that he must get a good grade, so he went on when the professor said “  41   down and check up your exam sheets”.

Five   42   turned into ten, ten into twenty, twenty into forty … almost an hour   43   the test was over, our friend finally put down his pencil,   44   up his work, and headed to the front to present his final. The whole time, the professor sat there,   45   waiting for the student to complete.

“What do you think you are doing?” It was clear that the professor had   46   only to give the student a   47   time.

“Turning in my exam,” replied the student confidently.

“I’m afraid I have some bad   48   for you,” the professor gloated(幸灾乐祸), “Your  49 is an hour late. You’re FAILED it. And I’ll see you next term when you   50   my course.”

The student smiled slyly(狡诈地)   51   asked the professor, “Do you know who I am?” “No,” cried out the professor   52  .

The student   53   the professor right in the eyes and said slowly, “I didn’t think so,” so he lifted up one of the   54   half way, put his test neatly into the center of the pile, let the pile fall  55   his test in the middle, turned around, and walked out of the huge lecture hall.

36.A.kind                       B.busy                       C.strict                      D.serious

37.A.cheated                   B.failed                            C.slept                       D.passed

38.A.written                   B.succeeded               C.unfinished               D.completed

39.A.teacher                   B.friend                     C.grade                      D.paper

40.A.All                         B.One                        C.None                      D.Each

41.A.pencils                   B.papers                    C.hands                     D.books

42.A.students                  B.minutes                  C.sheets                     D.piles

43.A.if                           B.though                    C.before                    D.after

44.A.gathered                 B.brought                  C.sent                        D.made

45.A.strangely                B.excitedly                 C.anxiously                D.curiously

46.A.promised                B.managed                 C.waited                    D.worked

47.A.easy                       B.hard                       C.long                       D.good

48.A.information            B.result                      C.advice          

49.A.exam                      B.time                       C.arrival                    D.turn

50.A.accept                    B.repeat                     C.learn                      D.begin

51.A.and                        B.but                                         D.however

52.A.cruelly                   B.calmly                    C.angrily                   D.firmly

53.A.searched                 B.hit                          C.blamed                   D.looked

54.A.hands                     B.eyes                       C.desks                      D.piles

55.A.changing                B.burying                  C.improving               D.sticking

