The purpose of writing this text is to . A. Help the readers get a better understanding of New York. B. try to persuade the readers to visit New York. C. supply the readers with some information about New York jobs. D. tell the readers where New York lies. 答案:36-38 CAB B Emily and Madison were having a great time on their field trip . After a morning at the science museum they went to their favorite fast food place . Emily got her food first . When Madison sat down next to her , Emily couldn’t believe her eyes . Madison had two hamburgers , three containers of French fries , an apple pie , a soda , and a shake on her tray . “Why do you have so much food? Emily asked . “I’m so tired of being really skinny , Madison said , “so I’ve decided to eat lots of food and try to gain weight. Trying to gain weight by stuffing yourself with extra calories like Madison did is a bad idea . It can make you sick if you’re naturally short or thin- so just listen to your appetite and eat only as much as your body tells you to . Once in a while , a health problem can keep a kid from gaining weight . The kid usually goes to a specialist who can check things out , or to a registered dietitian who has lots of tips on how to eat well . But most of the time , thin kids don’t need to see a doctor or go on a special diet . Here’s another surprise . Kids who are thin need to exercise . A lot of people use exercise to keep their weight under control or to lose weight . But exercise serves many other purposes , too . Moving around helps you develop important skills and helps your body get stronger . And unless a kid has gone through puberty , weight-lifting won’t build bigger muscles . It also could hurt bones , joints , and muscles . You want to help your body , not hurt it . Treat it right and you’ll grow and develop just the way you should . 查看更多



About 45 percent of Americans don’t get enough sleep, according to a recent survey. However, the benefits of getting enough sleep far outweigh the thrill of watching TV for one more hour or surfing the web. Getting a better night’s sleep will help you lose or keep your weight more effectively. Try these simple steps to improve your quality of sleep.
Take time to relax
So many of us go-go-go until it’s time for bed, but it’s important to take time to slow down and relax before sleeping. Do relaxing things, such as listening to soothing (抚慰的) music or deep breathing. Avoid stimulating (刺激的) activities such as writing e-mails, talking on the phone and watching TV. Some guidelines (指导方针): no e-mail after 8 p.m. and no TV or phone calls after 9 p.m..
Darker is better
Your body regulates your sleep cycle in response to the presence and absence of light, so dim the lights as evening approaches. Try getting ready for bed by candlelight. When you’re ready to sleep, make sure your room is as dark as possible.
Put your thoughts to bed
We all need time to process our day, but bed is not the place to do it if you want to sleep well. Take 10 to 15 minutes to record your thoughts in a journal. This effective technique will capture what’s in your mind so you don’t lie awake. Tell yourself you’re putting your thoughts to bed so that you can go to bed.
No sugar or alcohol before bed
These may wake you up. If you need a snack before bed, make it protein.
Try to get more sleep
Get an extra hour or two of sleep every night for a week and see how you feel. You’ll notice the difference!

  1. 1.

    The purpose of writing this text is to ________________________.

    1. A.
      share some ways to slow down and relax before sleeping
    2. B.
      guide readers to improve their quality of sleep
    3. C.
      tell readers the importance of getting a good night’s sleep
    4. D.
      publish the results of a recent survey on quality of sleep
  2. 2.

    According to the text, we know that __________________________.

    1. A.
      we should keep our bedrooms in strong light before going to bed
    2. B.
      writing a diary may excite us and influence our sleep
    3. C.
      we should never get up later on weekends than we do on weekdays
    4. D.
      candlelight is a good choice for our bedrooms when we’re getting ready to sleep
  3. 3.

    We should take time to slow down because it can _________________________.

    1. A.
      inform us of the importance of sleeping
    2. B.
      signal to our body it’s time to sleep
    3. C.
      tell us to stop watching TV for making phone calls
    4. D.
      tell us not to do stimulating activities



  About 45 percent of Americans don’t get enough sleep, according to a recent survey.However, the benefits of getting enough sleep far outweigh the thrill of watching TV for one more hour or surfing the web.Getting a better night’s sleep will help you lose or keep your weight more effectively.Try these simple steps to improve your quality of sleep.

  Take time to relax

  So many of us go-go-go until it’s time for bed, but it’s important to take time to slow down and relax before sleeping.Do relaxing things, such as listening to soothing(抚慰的)music or deep breathing.Avoid stimulating(刺激的)activities such as writing e-mails, talking on the phone and watching TV.Some guidelines(指导方针):no e-mail after 8 p. m. and no TV or phone calls after 9 p. m..

  Darker is better

  Your body regulates your sleep cycle in response to the presence and absence of light, so dim the lights as evening approaches.Try getting ready for bed by candlelight.When you’re ready to sleep, make sure your room is as dark as possible.

  Put your thoughts to bed

  We all need time to process our day, but bed is not the place to do it if you want to sleep well.Take 10 to 15 minutes to record your thoughts in a journal.This effective technique will capture what’s in your mind so you don’t lie awake.Tell yourself you’re putting your thoughts to bed so that you can go to bed.

  No sugar or alcohol before bed

  These may wake you up.If you need a snack before bed, make it protein.

  Try to get more sleep

  Get an extra hour or two of sleep every night for a week and see how you feel.You’ll notice the difference!


The purpose of writing this text is to _________.

[  ]


share some ways to slow down and relax before sleeping


guide readers to improve their quality of sleep


tell readers the importance of getting a good night’s sleep


publish the results of a recent survey on quality of sleep


According to the text, we know that _________.

[  ]


we should keep our bedrooms in strong light before going to bed


writing a diary may excite us and influence our sleep


we should never get up later on weekends than we do on weekdays


candlelight is a good choice for our bedrooms when we’re getting ready to sleep


We should take time to slow down because it can _________.

[  ]


inform us of the importance of sleeping


signal to our body it’s time to sleep


tell us to stop watching TV for making phone calls


tell us not to do stimulating activities


     If you're a foreigner looking for a place that has everything, there's only one place to visit, and that's
New York. It's a whole world in a city. 
     The World of Theater
     All of New York is a stage, and it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so many shows in
one place? Only in New York!
     The World of Music
     Spend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great jazz of Greenwich Village. Or
rock yourself silly at the hottest dance sports found anywhere.
      The World of Art From Rembrandt to Picasso.
     From Egyptian tombs to Indian teepees. Whatever kind of art you like, you will find it in New York.
     The World of Fine Dining
     Whether it is roast Beijing Duck in Chinatown, Lasagna in Little Italy, or the finest French coq auvin
(chicken cooked in wine) found anywhere, there is a world of great taste waiting for you in New York.
     The World of Sights
     What other city has a Statue of Liberty? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx Zoo? Where slse can you
take a horse-drawn carriage through the Central Park? Only in New York!
     疑难词:swing 摇摆 sport 地点,场所 teepee 圆锥形帐蓬
1. What do you think Rembrandt was/is?
A. A place in New York.
B. An artist.
C. A place in the World of Art.
D. A musician.
2. Which of the following programs can a visitor have only in New York? 
A. To enjoy the Beijing rocst duck.
B. To taste the finest French coq au vin.
C. To spend an evening with Beethoven.
D. To see the Statue of Liberty.
3. The purpose of writing this text is to _____.
A. tell the readers where New York lies
B. supply the readers with some information about New York jobs
C. try to persuade the readers to visit New York
D. help the readers get a better understanding of New York
4. The text above may be taken from _____.
A. a guidebook for a foreign visitor
B. a magazine for a businessman
C. a handbook for an English student
D. a novel for native Americans


     If you're a foreigner looking for a place that has everything, there's only one place to visit, and that's New
York. It's a whole world in a city.
     The World of Theater
     All of New York is a stage, and it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so many shows in one
place? Only in New York!
     The World of Music
      Spend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great jazz of Greenwich Village. Or rock
yourself silly at the hottest dance spots found anywhere.
     The World of Art
     From Rembrandt to Picasso. From Egyptian tombs to Indian teepees. Whatever kind of art you like, you
will find it in New York.
     The World of Fine Dining
     Whether it is roast Beijing Duck in Chinatown, Lasagna in Little Italy, or the finest French coq au vin
(chicken cooked in wine) found anywhere, there is a world of great taste waiting for you in New York.
     The World of Sights
     What other city has a Statue of Liberty? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx Zoo? Where else can you take
a horse-drawn carriage through the Central Park? Only in New York!
1. What do you think Rembrandt was / is?
A. A musician.
B. A place in the World of Art.
C. An artist.
D. A place in New York.
2. Which of the following programs can a visitor have only in New York?
A. To see the Statue of Liberty.
B. To spend an evening with Beethoven.
C. To taste the finest French coq au vin.
D. To enjoy the Beijing roast duck.
3. The purpose of writing this text is to _____.
A. Help the readers get a better understanding of New York
B. try to persuade the readers to visit New York
C. supply the readers with some information about New York jobs
D. tell the readers where New York lies


 Hey there,

So you’re about to spend four years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars of your patent’s money, and all you really know about college is that all of your friends are going. Do you ever stop to wonder why you’re going?

Relax. You’re making the right decision. First of all, you’ll discover what interests you by taking courses in many subjects. For example, it’s hard to decide if you want to be a painter if you’ve never painted any picture; once you’re in a drawing-room on campus, you’ll know one way or the other. College is also a lot of fun ― after you graduate, you’ll be working every weekday for 50 or so years. And remember that college graduates earn about twice the income of those who never attended college.

Finding the right college can be difficult. Fortunately, Johnson Review is here to help you every step of the way.

*Researching Schools. To us, the most important decision you’ll make is to choose the school that really fits you best ― not the one that is the most competitive (有竞争力的) or has the best-equipped rooms.

*Applying to School. On , you’ll find hundreds of actual college applications(申请)and links to many more .

*Raising Your Scores.  American College Test is one of the most difficult parts of the admissions (录取) course . It’s nor the most important, though, and not everyone needs to prepare for the test. But, if you think you can do better, find the right course for better scores.

*Paying for School. Most families need financial aid for the high cost of college. The problem is that financial aid seems difficult to get and many families get caught up in the price of college rather than learning the ways to get financial aid . If you really do your research, you’ll learn that you can afford to attend any college, no matter the cost. For more information, call 600-3681 or visit      Wherever you go, have a nice trip!

Johnson Smith

Founder and CEO

Johnson Review


41. How many reasons for going to college does the author mention in the text?

A.2.                B.3.                C.4.                D.5.

42. The author thinks you should choose the college that is________.

A. well-equipped        B. competitive        C. suitable            D. famous

43. What does the author advise you to do to pay the high cost of college?

A. To ask the family for help.

B. To make a study of financial courses.

C. To do research on the price of college.

D. To get to know how to ask for financial aid.

44. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this text?

A. To suggest ways to prepare for college learning.

B. To help readers find the right college.

C. To make Johnson Review popular.

D. To introduce college life.

