3.参考词汇:勇气杯 Courage Cup. Never Give Up Last week, we had a sport meet. Many admirable students moved us greatly. Li Hua was one of them. A possible version Last week, we had a sport meet. Many admirable students moved us greatly. Li Hua was one of them. When Li Hua decided to take part in the 3,000­-metre race.everyone was very surprised. One of his classmates said.“Li Hua.you are not strong enough to run the 3,000 metres. But Li Hua said.“I don’t think I will win.but I’m determined to finish it. During the race.each step seemed difficult for Li Hua. Suddenly he fell.breaking his glasses and his chance of winning the race. But he didn’t give up. He stood up.put on his broken glasses and kept on running. “Come on.Li Hua. You can do it! Everyone on the sports field was cheering for him. Although Li Hua was the last one to cross the finishing line.he won the Courage Cup with honor. I was deeply touched by Li Hua’s great determination. In my mind.winning in life shouldn’t be measured by the final score,it should be based on how you play the game. 2 福建省福州高级中学10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 假设你是福州某一中学高二学生.你的名字叫林平.看到某报社正在招募暑期中日学生夏令营的志愿者.你很感兴趣.请根据下面这则广告用英语写一封申请信. Chinese and Japanese Students Summer Camp Volunteers Wanted Requirements: Over 16, good at spoken English, with a good knowledge of Chinese history and culture, especially those of Fuzhou; experience helpful but not a must. Outgoing, working with others well. Time: July 26-August 8 Application deadline: July 20, 2011 Tel: 87655866 注意:不能照抄广告内容 字数:120 左右. Dear Sir, Having read your ad in the newspaper, I felt very excited. I think it very helpful to develop my ability. So I write this letter to apply for the job. Sincerely yours, Lin Ping Dear Sir, Having read your ad in the newspaper, I felt very excited. I think it very helpful to develop my ability. So I write this letter to apply for the job. I’m a 17-year-old girl from Senior 2. I’m outgoing and get along well with my classmates. I have a gift for making friends and working in a team. As a Chinese, I speak not only standard Putonghua but also excellent English. I am interested in Chinese history and culture, especially those of Fuzhou. So I know / have a good knowledge of the places of interest in Fuzhou very well, such as Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Mount Gu, the West Lake Park and so on. If given the job, I’m sure to make a good volunteer. My telephone number is 87538379. Look forward to receiving your early reply. Sincerely yours, Lin Ping 3 福建省福州市罗源一中10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 请以Protecting our environment为题.写一篇介绍环境保护的短文.要求内容包括以下几个要点.词数在120词左右. 查看更多






3.参考词汇:勇气杯 Courage Cup

Never Give Up

When Li Hua decided to take part in the 3000-metre race,everyone was very surprised. 



阿根廷共和国(The Republic of Argentina)
1. 为南美洲第二大国,位于南美州南部,首都是布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)。
2. 1810阿根廷从西班牙统治下获得独立。官方语言是西班牙语。
3. 西部是安第斯山脉(the Andes),占总面积30%,东部是平原。自然资源丰富, 矿产种类繁多, 多达80余种。
4. 国家名片: 一张是世界文明的阿根廷探戈舞(tango),另一张就是足球,它是这个国家最流行的运动。现在由马拉多纳(Maradona)率领的国家队正在南非为大力神杯而拼搏。
参考词汇:西班牙语          Spanish
矿产              minerals
大力神杯 / 世界杯  “FIFA Would Cup”




阿根廷共和国(The Republic of Argentina)

1. 为南美洲第二大国,位于南美州南部,首都是布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)。

2. 1810阿根廷从西班牙统治下获得独立。官方语言是西班牙语。

3. 西部是安第斯山脉(the Andes),占总面积30%,东部是平原。自然资源丰富, 矿产种类繁多, 多达80余种。

4. 国家名片: 一张是世界文明的阿根廷探戈舞(tango),另一张就是足球,它是这个国家最流行的运动。现在由马拉多纳(Maradona)率领的国家队正在南非为大力神杯而拼搏。

参考词汇:西班牙语          Spanish

矿产              minerals

大力神杯 / 世界杯  “FIFA Would Cup”











         3.参考词汇:明确的(definite)   评价(estimation).

         No doubt every Senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the National College Entrance Examination._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________







注意:1.词数:120 左右,开头结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数);

      2.参考词汇: 明确的:definite     评价:estimation

No doubt every Senor 3 student wishes to be successful in the National College Entrance Examination.


With these done, I think we can greatly improve our performance.


