1.我们正遭受越来越多自然灾害的侵害,2.我们应该采取措施保护环境,3.如果我们没有马上行动.我们就会受惩罚. 参考词汇:以什么为代价 at the cost of; 受损害的环境 damaged environment Protecting our environment With the rapid development of world economy, many people come to realize that we have got the development at the cost of our environment. It is often reported that we are suffering more and more disasters because of the damaged environment. If we human beings are clever enough, we should take measures to protect our environment right now. If we didn’t, the earth would come to an end. We should pass laws to forbid cutting down trees. Those who pollute rivers and seas should be punished. Wild animals should be well protected. Everyone should know the importance of protecting environment. As is known to all, if we act soon enough, we can still have a bright future. If we don’t, one thing is certain. We will be punished by nature. 4 福建省龙海港尾中学10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 假如你是某英文报刊的通讯员. 请根据以下表格以“A Big Forest Fire 为题.写一篇简单报道.并发表你的看法.. 火因 一青年工人吸烟 持续时间 3个多星期 参加救火人员 数千名消防队员及当地村民 伤亡人数 9人死亡.约80人受伤 经济损失 至少2000万美元 影响 震惊全国 经济损失economic losses; 消防队员 firefighter A Big Forest Fire A terrible fire broke out at the end of January in a forest in the southwest of America. The fire, which resulted from the smoking of a careless young man, lasted three weeks and caused economic losses of about 20 million dollars. What’s worse, nine persons lost their lives in the fire and about 80 were seriously injured as a result of the fire. Thousands of firefighters and local villagers fought together and they finally managed to put out the great fire. The fire astonished the whole nation. In my personal opinion, fire is very important in our life but sometimes it can be very dangerous, so we’d better be careful with it. 5 江西省南昌三中10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 假如你叫李平.你的笔友Scot不久将来到你的家乡访问.他希望你能提前告知一些你家乡现在的情况.请根据下面的提示写一封英文信.简要描述你的家乡现况. 位置:赣江边,面积:40万平方公里,人口:30万, 交通建设:修建多座立交桥.拓宽了主要街道, 环境保护:迁移改造产生污染的工厂.净化了水源, 人才引进:广纳各类专家.技术人员, 相关词汇:交通transportation, 立交桥 traffic bridge,改造transform; 信的开头已经给出. Dear Scot, I’m very glad to know form your letter that you’ll pay a visit to my hometown. And I’m too glad to tell you that my hometown has taken a new look! Look forward to seeing you soon! Yours Li Ping One possible version: - It lies on the Ganjiang River, covering an area of 40 square kilometers with a population of about 300,000. The government pays special attention to its transportation. Some traffic bridges have been built; and the main streets have also been widened. To protect nature, the government has managed to transform or move the factories far away which polluted the air and water much. Also, many other measures are being taken to prevent pollution. To meet the need of the development, all kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in. I believe the people in my hometown will have a better life and will surely be richer and happier. 6 福建省厦门六中10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 最近一个暑假里.你和其他同学一起参加了国际旅行社组织的北京三日游活动.下面是你们的参观路线图.请根据图示标明的旅游路线和景点.给你的美国笔友Tom写封信.将此次旅游的经过和经历作简单介绍.并建议他有机会来中国参观. 注意:1.要求词数120 左右 参考词汇:水立方 The Water Cube 鸟巢 The Birds’ Nest 查看更多



请以Protecting our environment为题,写一篇提醒人们注意保护环境的短文。要求内容包括以下几个要点,词数在120词左右。
注意:?参考词汇:以什么为代价 at the cost of; 受损害的环境 damaged
environment  ?开头已给出不计入总字数  ?100字左右
Protecting Our Environment
Nowadays, our country's economy is fast developing, which may meet  our reqirements in matter in many ways,


请以Protecting our environment为题,写一篇提醒人们注意保护环境的短文。要求内容包括以下几个要点,词数在120词左右。





注意:?参考词汇:以什么为代价 at the cost of; 受损害的环境 damaged

environment  ?开头已给出不计入总字数  ?100字左右

Protecting Our Environment

Nowadays, our country's economy is fast developing, which may meet  our reqirements in matter in many ways,









