6.想改变这种局面.与父亲平等交流.请Peter给一些建议. Peter, I’m having some trouble with my Dad recently. We are not getting along very well.I wanted to make my parents my friends because I thought they were of rich experience and they could understand me well. Now I begin to doubt whether I was right. Whenever I suggest an idea, he doesn’t listen to me. Whenever we have different opinions, he will shout at me and we even quarrel with each other. What’s more, I dare not show interest in things to do with pop music because my Dad doesn’t allow me to . He always force me to do what I don’t like. Therefore, I guess he is not concerned about me, which makes me upset. I do want to change this situation and communicate with him equally. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. 30 浙江省桐乡市第一中学10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 随着时代的发展.人们彼此间的问侯方式也发生了很大的变化.请你根据下面列举出的几种方式. 用英语写一篇100词左右的短文.以便刊登在某英文报Society专栏.开头部分已给出.不计入总词数. (1)邮寄贺卡.鲜花, (2)发送电子邮件, (3)打电话或发手机短信. 要求:(1)分别说明上述方式及特点, (2)阐明个人喜好并说明原因. With the development of science and technology, people have a wider choice of sending greetings to their friends and relatives. With the development of science and technology, people have a wider choice of sending greetings to their friends and relatives. The traditional way is to send greeting cards on festival occasions. It takes a bit longer, but the familiar handwriting itself makes a friend happy. Now it is more popular to send flowers. Thanks to the Internet, we can send e-cards instead of paper ones. Most of the e-cards are beautifully designed and many have music and cartoons. Besides, they can be sent and received almost the movement you click the button of “send . Another way is to send mobile phone messages, which, in my opinion, is the most convenient and therefore my favorite way of greeting a friend. 31 福建省龙岩一中10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 随着我国经济的发展与对外开放程度的提高.越来越多的学子走出国门留学深造.根据下面的提示.请你以“Studying Abroad 为题.写一篇120词左右的文章. 内容提示: 查看更多



     1. 你本想与父母交朋友,因为他们经验丰富。
     2. 每次你提出意见,父亲都不听;每当你和父亲意见不同时,他就对你大喊大叫,甚至争吵起来。
     3. 父亲不允许你对与流行音乐有关的任何事情感兴趣。
     4. 父亲总强迫你做你不喜欢的事。
     5. 你怀疑父亲不关心你,这让你很难过。
     6. 想改变这种局面,与父亲平等交流,请Peter给一些建议。

