词数:100字左右 强身健体: build up one’s body 无怨无悔 never regret As a senior school student, I hold the view that life here is interesting and colorful. Why do I say like this? In our spare time, we always take an active part in sports so that we can build up our body, which will surely benefit our further study. As a grade 2 student, we also study hard to make sure that one day our dream of entering a key university can be realized. Although sometimes life here is boring and challenging. I never regret having made such a choice. I’m sure that in the future we’ll feel proud of ourselves if we look back on our lives today. 52 四川省成都市七校协作体10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 假如你是李明.近期调查了中学生如何度过漫长的暑假.现请你将下面的调查结果用英文写信给某英语报社.调查结果如下: 比率 感受 如何度过暑假 建议 73% 不高兴 1. 在家请家教, 2. 参加各种培训班. 你的建议-- 18% 高兴 1. 在爷爷奶奶家度过, 2. 结交新朋友. 9% 孤独.无聊 1. 不准外出与朋友相处, 2. 上网玩游戏. 注意: 查看更多



     刚进入高中,一些同学对高中生活不太适应,为此,你校“英语俱乐部”就“How to enrich our
life in the Senior School”展开征文比赛。就此话题,你向该社团投稿反映你的个人看法。 
    1. 广交朋友。                                 2. 积极参加体育活动,强身健体。 
    3. 努力拼搏,梦想进入理想大学。 4. …… 
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           2. 词数:100字左右(开头部分不计)
           强身健体:build up one's body
                                          How to enrich ourlife in the Senior School


刚进入高中,一些同学对高中生活不太适应,为此,你校“英语俱乐部”就“How to enrich our life in the Senior School”展开征文比赛。就此话题,你向该社团投稿反映你的个人看法。

1. 广交朋友。2. 积极参加体育活动,强身健体。

3. 努力拼搏,梦想进入理想大学。   4. ……

提示:1. 可加入一些细节,使文章更加通顺合理。

      2. 词数:100字左右(开头部分不计)

强身健体: build up one′s  body   

How to enrich our Life in the Senior School

As senior school students, we′r e expected to make our life meaningful and enjoyable.                   

