2.120词左右. Learn to Smile Smile is an attitude to life. In our life, there may always be something unpleasant. At times, you fail in an exam; at other times, you are misunderstood by your friends or have a quarrel with your parents. These unpleasant things may make you feel bad. Then what will you do? Why not learn to smile? Smiling to yourself can bring back your confidence. Often, the greatest enemy is yourself. That’s to say, sometimes, you are beaten by yourself. We should also learn to smile to others. It will help us to get closer to others. So, smile is the most widely understood language. 81 黑龙江“五校联谊 10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 假设你是David,你收到你姐姐寄来的生日礼物后.用英语写一封信.主要包括以下内容: 你的同学们都非常赞赏这份礼物, 你对姐姐不能和你一起庆贺生日感到遗憾, 生日那天你邀请了你的一些同学来家里玩, 晚上爸爸带你们去看电影, 祝姐姐在大学学习进步. (词数100左右,赞赏admire) -------------------------------------------Dear Sister, It was very kind of you to send me the beautiful birthday present .All my classmates admired it very much , and they all envied me for having such a considerate sister. I was only sorry you could not be with me on my birthday . However, you are always in my heart. We had a most happy day. I had invited some of my friends to our home to enjoy the dinner mother prepared. After that we had a wonderful time listening to some music. In the evening father took us to the cinema and treated us to a film. May you make greater progress in your study at college. Yours lovely, David 82 黑龙江省哈六中10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 请根据下面的提示和要求写一篇说理文. 提示: (1) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一.讲英语的人近三亿. (2) 英语是国际会议中使用得最多的工作语言.世界上有百分之六十的电台和百分之七十的邮件用英语.数以百万计的书籍和杂志是用英语写的. (3) 借助英语可以更快.更好地学习现代科学和技术.学好英语.我们可以更好地为祖国服务. 要求: 字数:120左右. Why Do We Study English? English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in England, the United States, Australia, Canada and many other countries. It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more used than the others. It is said that 60 percent of the world's radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world's mail are in English. Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too. English is really a bridge to knowledge. With the help of English we can learn modern science and technology faster and better form the developed countries. In this way we can serve our country better. 83 湖北省部分重点中学10-11学年高二上学期期中联考 如今世界粮食短缺.价格飞涨.给部分地区造成社会动荡.假设在你校开展的研究性学习中.你们小组以“World Food Crisis 为题进行研究.现在请你代表你们小组向全体同学简要介绍你们的研究成果.主要内容如下: 造成的原因: 查看更多



2010年全国两会,低碳经济,新能源,节能减排,低碳...聚焦一号提案 [两会力倡低碳经济] [发展低碳经济要... 
  “低碳经济”是一个具有广泛社会性的经济前沿理念,目前我国正大力倡导发展低碳经济,降低能源和资源消耗,尽可能最大限度地减少温室气体和污染物的排放。请根据以下提示,以为“Protection of Environment”题目,写一篇120词左右的短文。
  1. 目前环保还存在着许多问题。
  2. 为了保护环境,各国政府做了大量的工作。
  3. 我的看法。



2010年全国两会,低碳经济,新能源,节能减排,低碳...聚焦一号提案 [两会力倡低碳经济] [发展低碳经济要... 


  “低碳经济”是一个具有广泛社会性的经济前沿理念,目前我国正大力倡导发展低碳经济,降低能源和资源消耗,尽可能最大限度地减少温室气体和污染物的排放。请根据以下提示,以为“Protection of Environment”题目,写一篇120词左右的短文。


  1. 目前环保还存在着许多问题。

  2. 为了保护环境,各国政府做了大量的工作。

  3. 我的看法。



This is a story that happened in a school campus. One day, after school was over, Peter was taking a walk in the school campus, singing very happily. When he passed by a water tap(水龙头), he found that water was still running.Someone forgot to turn it off although it was the easiest thing for him to turn it off, and he should have done so,he seemed not to have noticed it and went on walking as if nothing was happening there.   
Just then, Mary was passing by and noticed that. Who left the water running after using it? she thought to herself. She rushed to the tap and turned it off as quickly as possible.When Mary was doing that, Peter was right there, standing beside her with a cold look. Mary turned to him and scolded him for not having turned off the tap. “It is none of my business!”Peter said coldly, Besides, it was not I who had turned it on.”Hearing this, Mary was very disappointed and she was at a great loss.
3.标题为:Try to Do the Small Things around You


第二节 书面表达(满分35分)



1. 每周有一天吃素

2. 不使用时,关掉所有电器,包括灯

3. 尽量使用自己的杯子和餐具

4. 不要购买没必要的衣物

5. 外出尽量走路或骑自行车

6. 取消不必要的打印工作

参考词汇:低碳low carbon  电器 appliances



















