He was to blamed to have a his wife and children. 查看更多




     Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and   1   , making
plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to    2  . It had taken years, and they had   3    saved
enough money and had got passports (护照) and    4   for the whole family to the United States.
     The entire family was filled with   5   about their new life.    6   , seven days before their departure, the
youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy but he   7   a yellow sheet on the
Clarks' front door.   8   the possibility of rabies (狂犬病), they should be quarantined (隔离) for
fourteen days.
     The family's   9   was destroyed. They would not be able to make the trip to America as they had 
  10  . The father, filled with disappointment and   11   , hurried to the dock to watch the ship leave-without
the Clark family.   12   of disappointment came to the father. Five days    13   , the tragic news spread
throughout Scotland - the mighty Titanic had sunk. The unsinkable ship had sunk,   14   many lives with
it. The Clark family should have been on that ship,   15   because the son had been bitten by the dog,
they were   16   in Scotland. When Mr. Clark heard the news, he    17  his son and thanked him for saving
the family. He thanked God for saving their lives and turning   18   he had felt was a(n)   19   into a
     Although we may not always understand, all things    20   for a reason.

(     ) 1. A. spent    
(     ) 2. A. America  
(     ) 3. A. instantly
(     ) 4. A. cars    
(     ) 5. A. creativity
(     ) 6. A. However  
(     ) 7. A. signed  
(     ) 8. A. Apart from
(     ) 9. A. passport
(     )10. A. imagined  
(     )11. A. tension  
(     )12. A. Information
(     )13. A. later    
(     )14. A. saving  
(     )15. A. so      
(     )16. A. left behind
(     )17. A. envied  
(     )18. A. when    
(     )19. A. sacrifice
(     )20. A. remain  
B. counted    
B. Europe    
B. obviously  
B. ships      
B. excitement
B. Besides    
B. brought    
B. In spite of
B. ship      
B. planned    
B. courage    
B. Tears     
B. after      
B. leaving    
B. or        
B. given out  
B. called    
B. what      
B. experience  
B. disappear  
C. saved    
C. Japan    
C. originally
C. tickets  
C. surprise  
C. Instead  
C. hung      
C. As for  
C. house    
C. admitted  
C. anger    
C. Letters  
C. late      
C. taking    
C. and      
C. turned away
C. blamed    
C. that      
C. comedy    
C. happen    
D. played    
D. Africa    
D. finally    
D. rooms      
D. imagination
D. Otherwise  
D. raised    
D. Because of
D. dream      
D. claimed    
D. doubt      
D. News      
D. over      
D. killing    
D. but        
D. taken over
D. hugged    
D. why        
D. misery    
D. exist      


     In eighteen seventy-seven, the American government decided to move the Nez Perce Indians from
their land. The government had set up a reservation for them in Idaho. Chief Joseph did not want to leave
the land. It was holy ground. It contained the bones of his father and mother.
     But, like his father in earlier times, Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to stay and defend the
land. There were too few Indians to win a war against the white men.
     And so in June of eighteen seventy-seven, the Nez Perce left their home in the Wallowa Valley. They
left quickly. They were able to take only a small part of what they owned, and just a few cattle and
Appaloosa horses.
     When the Indians reached the Snake River, the water was very deep and ran very fast with melted
snow from the mountains. Chief Joseph and his people made boats from sticks and dried animal skins to
cross the river. While the Indians were busy, a group of white men came and stole some of the cattle
waiting at the edge of the river.
     The other chiefs demanded that Joseph call a meeting. Two of the chiefs, White Bird and
Toohoolhoolzote, spoke for War, but Joseph held different opinion.
     Some of the young men in White Bird's group were very angry. That night, they rode into the
countryside and killed eleven white persons.
     During all his years as chief, Joseph had tried to keep the peace. Now he saw there was no hope.
Although he and his young men had taken no part in the killings, he knew that the white men would blame
all of the Indians. Chief Joseph said, "I would have given my own life if I could have undone the killing of
the white men."
     Many Nez Perce fled. Chief Joseph remained, because his wife was about to have a baby. After she
gave birth, he and his family joined the others in White Bird Canyon to the south.
     Joseph wanted to lead the people to safety in the flat lands of Montana. But the United States army
quickly sent horse soldiers to follow them.
     They were extremely tired when they reached White Bird Canyon. An Indian-carrying a white
flag-walked forward to meet them. A soldier shot him.
     With that shot, war between the Nez Perce and the United States began.
1. Why didn't Chief Joseph want to leave the land?
A. He thought the reservation in Idaho wasn't satisfying.
B. He didn't want to be separated from his parents.
C. He had special feeling for the land where he was living.
D. He didn't want to live with the white men.
2. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Before they left their home, the Nez Perce had only a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.
B. Chief Joseph and his people were unwilling to cross the deep river.
C. When the Indians reached the Snake River, it was very hard for them to cross it.
D. While the Indians were waiting by the river, a group of white men stole some of the cattle.
3. From the passage we can infer that         
A. chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to defend the land
B. white men often killed some Indians
C. chief Joseph was afraid of white men
D. conflicts often happened between the Indians and the white
4. After some of the young men in White Bird's group killed eleven white persons,         
A. Chief Joseph blamed White Bird
B. Chief Joseph tried his best to keep peace
C. All the Nez Perce fled
D. The United States army wanted to revenge(报仇)
5. What might be the title of the passage? 
A. The story of Chief Joseph.
B. The American Civil War.
C. Chief Joseph and his children.
D. The Nez Perce Indians.




  In eighteen seventy-seven, the American government decided to move the Nez Perce Indians from their land.The government had set up a reservation for them in Idaho.Chief Joseph did not want to leave the land.It was holy ground.It contained the bones of his father and mother.

  But, like his father in earlier times, Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to stay and defend the land.There were too few Indians to win a war against the white men.

  And so in June of eighteen seventy-seven, the Nez Perce left their home in the Wallowa Valley.They left quickly.They were able to take only a small part of what they owned, and just a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.

  When the Indians reached the Snake River, the water was very deep and ran very fast with melted snow from the mountains.Chief Joseph and his people made boats from sticks and dried animal skins to cross the river.While the Indians were busy, a group of white men came and stole some of the cattle waiting at the edge of the river.

  The other chiefs demanded that Joseph call a meeting.Two of the chiefs, White Bird and Toohoolhoolzote, spoke for War, but Joseph held different opinion.

  Some of the young men in White Bird's group were very angry.That night, they rode into the countryside and killed eleven white persons.

  During all his years as chief, Joseph had tried to keep the peace.Now he saw there was no hope.Although he and his young men had taken no part in the killings, he knew that the white men would blame all of the Indians.Chief Joseph said, "I would have given my own life if I could have undone the killing of the white men."

  Many Nez Perce fled.Chief Joseph remained, because his wife was about to have a baby.After she gave birth, he and his family joined the others in White Bird Canyon to the south.

  Joseph wanted to lead the people to safety in the flat lands of Montana.But the United States army quickly sent horse soldiers to follow them.

  They were extremely tired when they reached White Bird Canyon.An Indian-carrying a white flag-walked forward to meet them.A soldier shot him.

  With that shot, war between the Nez Perce and the United States began.


Why didn't Chief Joseph want to leave the land?

[  ]


He thought the reservation in Idaho wasn't satisfying.


He didn't want to be separated from his parents.


He had special feeling for the land where he was living.


He didn't want to live with the white men.


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Before they left their home, the Nez Perce had only a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.


Chief Joseph and his people were unwilling to cross the deep river.


When the Indians reached the Snake River, it was very hard for them to cross it.


While the Indians were waiting by the river, a group of white men stole some of the cattle.


From the passage we can infer that ________

[  ]


chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to defend the land


white men often killed some Indians


chief Joseph was afraid of white men


conflicts often happened between the Indians and the white


After some of the young men in White Bird's group killed eleven white persons, ________

[  ]


Chief Joseph blamed White Bird


Chief Joseph tried his best to keep peace


All the Nez Perce fled


The United States army wanted to revenge(报仇)


What might be the title of the passage?

[  ]


The story of Chief Joseph.


The American Civil War.


Chief Joseph and his children.


The Nez Perce Indians.


When a first-time father saw his newborn son, he immediately noticed the baby's ears obviously standing out from his head. He expressed his concern to the nurse that some children might tease his child. A doctor examined the baby and reassured the new dad that his son was healthy- the ears presented only a minor problem with its appearance.

But the nervous father persisted. He wondered if the child might suffer psychological effects of ridicule, or if they should consider plastic surgery. The nurse assured him that it was really no problem, and he should just wait to see if the boy grows into his ears.

The father finally felt more optimistic about his child, but now he worried about his wife's reaction to those large ears. She had been delivered by operation, and had not yet seen the child.

“She doesn't take things as easily as I do,” he said to the nurse.

By this time, the new mother was settled in the recovery room and ready to meet her new baby. The nurse went along with the dad to lend some support in case this inexperienced mother became upset about her baby's large ears.

The baby was in a receiving blanket with his head covered for the short trip through the cold air-conditioned corridor. The baby was placed in his mother's arms, who eased the blanket back so that she could look at her child for the first time.

She took one look at her baby's face and looked to her husband and gasped, “Oh, Honey! Look! He has your ears!”

No problem with Mom. She married those ears...and she loves the man to whom they are attached.

The poet Kahlil Gibran said, “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” It's hard to see the ears when you're looking into the light.

1.When the father first saw his baby, he was worried that________.

A. The baby might not grow up healthily

B. The baby might be laughed at by others.

C. The baby might disappoint its mother

D. the baby might have mental problems.

2.According to the doctor and nurse, the baby’s ears________.

A. could not function well.      B. looked the same as others.

C. only caused a small problem.  D. needed to have plastic surgery.

3. What is true about the baby’s mother?

A. She blamed her husband for the baby’s big ears.

B. She was the first to discover the baby’s large ears.

C. She suggested having an operation on the baby immediately.

D. She found something similar between the baby and its father.

4. What does the underlined word they refer to?

A. The ears.    B. The parents

C. The doctor and nurse.   D. The problems

5. What’s the function of the last paragraph?

A. To advise readers to listen carefully.

B. To draw a conclusion from the story.

C. To criticize the wrong attitude to physical beauty.

D. To stress the importance of doctor-patient relationship.



When a first-time father saw his newborn son, he immediately noticed the baby's ears obviously standing out from his head. He expressed his concern to the nurse that some children might tease his child. A doctor examined the baby and reassured the new dad that his son was healthy- the ears presented only a minor problem with its appearance.

But the nervous father persisted. He wondered if the child might suffer psychological effects of ridicule, or if they should consider plastic surgery(整形手术). The nurse assured him that it was really no problem, and he should just wait to see if the boy grows into his ears.

The father finally felt more optimistic about his child, but now he worried about his wife's reaction to those large ears. She had been delivered by operation, and had not yet seen the child.

“She doesn't take things as easily as I do,” he said to the nurse.

By this time, the new mother was settled in the recovery room and ready to meet her new baby. The nurse went along with the dad to lend some support in case this inexperienced mother became upset about her baby's large ears.

The baby was in a receiving blanket with his head covered for the short trip through the cold air-conditioned corridor. The baby was placed in his mother's arms, who eased the blanket back so that she could look at her child for the first time.

She took one look at her baby's face and looked to her husband and gasped, “Oh, Honey! Look! He has your ears!”

No problem with Mom. She married those ears...and she loves the man to whom they are attached.

The poet Kahlil Gibran said, “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” It's hard to see the ears when you're looking into the light.

36. When the father first saw his baby, he was worried that________.

A. The baby might not grow up healthily.

B. The baby might be laughed at by others.

C. The baby might disappoint its mother.

D. the baby might have mental problems.

37. According to the doctor and nurse, the baby’s ears________.

A. could not function well.

B. looked the same as others.

C. only caused a small problem.

D. needed to have plastic surgery.

38. What is true about the baby’s mother?

A. She blamed her husband for the baby’s big ears.

B. She was the first to discover the baby’s large ears.

C. She suggested having an operation on the baby immediately.

D. She found something similar between the baby and its father.

39. What does the underlined word they refer to?

A. The ears.    B The parents.   C. The doctor and nurse.   D. The problems

40. What’s the function of the last paragraph?

A. To advise readers to listen carefully.

B. To draw a conclusion from the story.

C. To criticize the wrong attitude to physical beauty.

D. To stress the importance of doctor-patient relationship.

