Next to me . A. is sitting an old lady B. is an old lady sitting C. an old lady is sitting D. sitting is an old lady 查看更多



Next to me ________.

A. is sitting an old lady   B. is an old lady sitting

C. an old lady is sitting   D. sitting is an old lady



Next to me ________.

[  ] sitting an old lady an old lady sitting old lady is sitting

D.sitting is an old lady



  Rolling up her sleeves to make a cup of tea, Sarah Brown set the tone for the day.While their husbands tried to rescue the global economy, Mrs.Brown and Michelle Obama showed there are other, smaller ways to make a difference.The two women demonstrated their down-to-earth touch as they visited a cancer care centre in London yesterday morning.While Mrs.Obama busied herself with talking to patients and families, Mrs.Brown put the kettle on.

  The First Lady was introduced to Trudi Cogdell, who is currently on her third course of treatment to give her the maximum time possible with her children.The 44-year-old mother said last night that she expected Mrs.Obama to keep her distance.Instead, the Frist Lady hugged Mrs.Cogdell's two youngest children –Maysie, eight, and five-year old Presley.Mrs.Cogdell, who is married to John, 38, said: “Staff told me that I'd be sitting on the sofa with my kids and she'd stand a few metres away.But as soon as she walked in the door she came and sat down right next to me.She said “Come on, big hugs”, and she embraced me and my two children.She added: “She was asking a lot about my cancer.It's terminal.They can't do anything.”

  I’ve got cancer in my breasts, liver and bones and I'm my third course of my cancer.Michelle just said, “Be strong”.She said, “You know what you’re doing, stay positive, keep going.” I told her I'm not going anywhere.I pointed to my two kids Maysie and Presley and told her that was why.I’ve got three older children, I can't leave them.Maggie's Centre, which helps cancer sufferers and their families with information, practical advice and emotional support, was opened last April by Mrs.Brown.

  Despite an undoubtedly busy schedule, the President's wife remained relaxed, introducing herself to everyone personally as Michelle.

  The first Wives met at Downing Street before breakfast and traveled to the cancer centre together.


How many children does the 44-year-old mother have?

[  ]










Why do the two First Ladies trip to Maggie's Centre?

[  ]


To help their husbands rescue the global economy in other ways.


To show the world that they care about the ordinary people.


To do some work for the centre since there is a shortage of staff.


To make efforts to help whoever needs help.


What's the author's attitude towards this trip?

[  ]


Being interested.


Feeling bored.


Thinking highly.


Having a low opinion.



     "Glad to find you so merry, my girls," said a cheery voice at the door, and actors and audience turned to
welcome a tall, motherly lady with a "Can I help you" look about her which was truly delightful. She was not
elegantly dressed, but a noble-looking woman, and the girls thought the gray cloak (斗篷) and unfashionable
bonnet (宽檐帽) covered the most splendid mother in the world.
     "Well, dearies, how have you got on today? There was so much to do, getting the boxes ready to go
tomorrow, that I didn't come home to dinner. Has anyone called, Beth? How is your cold, Meg? Jo, you look
tired to death. Come and kiss me, baby."
     While making these maternal (母性的) inquires, Mrs. March got her wet things off, her warm slippers on,
and sitting down in the easy chair, drew Amy to her lap, preparing to enjoy the happiest hour of her busy day.
The girls flew about, trying to make things comfortable, each in her own way. Meg arranged the tea table.
Jo brought wood and set chairs, dropping, over-turning, and clattering everything she touched. Beth trotted
(小跑) to and fro between parlor (客厅) and kitchen, quiet and busy, while Amy gave directions to everyone,
as she sat with her hands folded.
     As they gathered about the table, Mrs. March said, with a particularly happy face,"I've got a treat for you
after supper."
    A quick, bright smile went round like a streak of sunshine. Beth clapped her hands, regardless of the biscuit
she held, and Jo tossed up her napkin, crying, "A letter! A letter! Three cheers for Father!"
     "Yes, a nice long letter. He is well, and thinks he shall get through the cold season better than we feared. He
sends all sorts of loving wishes for Christmas, and an especial message to you girls," said Mrs. March, patting
her pocket as if she had got a treasure there.
     "Hurry and get done! Don't stop to quirk your little finger and simper (傻笑) over your plate, Amy," cried
Jo, choking on her tea and dropping her bread, butter side down, on the carpet in her haste to get at the treat.
     Beth ate no more, but crept (蹑手蹑足地走) away to sit in her shadowy corner and brood (细想) over the
delight to come, till the others were ready.
     "I think it was so splendid in Father to go as chaplain (牧师) when he was too old to be drafted (被征入
伍), and not strong enough for a soldier," said Meg warmly.
     "Don't I wish I could go as a drummer? Or a nurse, so I could be near him and help him." exclaimed Jo,
with a groan.
     "It must be very disagreeable to sleep in a tent, and eat all sorts of bad-tasting things, and drink out of a tin
mug," sighed Amy.
     "When will he come home, Marmee?" asked Beth, with a little quiver in her voice.
     "Not for many months, dear, unless he is sick. He will stay and do his work faithfully as long as he can,
and we won't ask for him back a minute sooner than he can be spared. Now come and hear the letter."
     They all drew to the fire, Mother in the big chair with Beth at her feet, Meg and Amy perched on either arm
of the chair, and Jo leaning on the back, where no one would see any sign of emotion if the letter should
happen to be touching. Very few letters were written in those hard times that were not touching, especially
those which fathers sent home. In this one little was said of the hardships endured, the dangers faced, or the
homesickness conquered. It was a cheerful, hopeful letter, full of lively descriptions of camp life, marches,
and military news, and only at the end did the writer's heart overflow with fatherly love and longing for the
little girls at home.

1. What did the girls do after their mother arrived home?
A. They asked her to make dinner.
B. They told her about their day.
C. They got boxes ready to go for the next day.
D. They tried to make her comfortable.
2. The girls' father had not been drafted because he______.
A. was too old
B. had been injured
C. was a chaplain
D. had children
3. What was most likely keeping the girls' father away from home?
A. A storm.
B. A battle.
C. A sickness.
D. A job.
4. Why did Jo most likely sit with her back toward everyone while listening to the letter?
A. To show her sisters that she is angry
B. So that she can sit more comfortably
C. So that she has enough light to read
D. To hide her feelings from her sisters
5. The letter is compared to a treasure to show _______. 
A. that mother was teasing the girls
B. the value of the letter to the girls
C. that mother had money in her pocket
D. the mother's love for the girls
6. In paragraph 3, the word "inquiries" means _______.
A. scolding
B. questions
C. lessons
D. arrivals


Mr. Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday.The day after her birthday Mrs. Smith went shopping.She got on    36   and sat down next to an old lady.  37    she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was   38   .Inside it, she found a wad(沓)of pound notes   39   the one her husband had given her. She quickly   40   her own bag—the notes were    41   .Mrs. Smith was now sure that the old lady sitting   42   her must have stolen them.She thought    43   not have to call the    44   as she didn’t like getting people    45  . 
So she decided to take back the money   46   the lady’s handbag and say   47  about it.She looked around the bus to make sure   48  was watching, then she carefully put her hand into   49   handbag, took out the notes and   50   her own handbag. 
When she got home that evening, she showed   51  the beautiful hat she had bought.“How did you   52   it?” he asked.“  53  you gave me for my birthday, of course.”“Oh,   54  then?” he asked, as he   55   a wad of pound notes on the table. 

A.a busB.a old shipD.a plane
A.In a minuteB.After a whileC.For a secondD.On the moment
A.the same that B.perhaps wasC.probably asD.exactly like
A.looked atB.watched carefullyC.saw toD.looked into
【小题7】.. toC.beforeD.behind
A.she wouldB.he couldC.she mustD.he might
A.driverB.old ladyC.policeD.husband
【小题10】.. difficultyB.into troubleC.out of workD.seeing her
A.the old lady’s B.her husband’s C.the police’sD.her own
A.gave it away B.put them into C.brought them outD.took it to
A.the driverB.the policeC.the old ladyD.her husband
【小题17】.. forB.spend onC.cost inD.take to
A.Use themB.With the money C.With thatD.Using it
【小题19】.. is itB.what’s thatC.where is itD.why is this
A.put upB.held outC.pointed toD.handed up

