42.A.how B.why C.what D.where 查看更多



.What I like about Harvard is       there’s the old classical look—there are parks and traditional buildings.

    A.why  B.where    C.that D.how



.Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s ________ the best jobs are.

   A. How         B. what        C. where          D. why


A Master was walking through the fields one day when a young man, a troubled look upon his face, approached him.                

“On such a beautiful day, it must be difficult to stay so   36   ,”the Master said.         

“Is it? I hadn’t   37  ,” the young man said , turning to look around.    

  38  me if you like.”The Master walked to the edge of a   39  pond.

“Please sit down,” the Master invited, patting the   40   next to him. “Now, find a small stone, please,” the Master   41  .


“A stone. Please find a small stone and throw it in the pond.”

Searching   42  himself, the young man got a small stone and threw it as  43  as he could. “Tell me what you see,” the Master   44   .

    Not missing a single  45  , the man looked at the water’s surface. “ I see ripples(涟漪).’’ Where did the ripples  46  from?”

    “From the stone I threw in the pond, Master.”

    “Please  47  your hands into the water and stop the ripples,” the Master asked.

     In  48  ,the young man stuck his hands in the water as a ripple neared, only to cause  49  ripples. The young man was now  50  confused.

“Were you able to stop the ripples with your hands?” the Master asked.    

“No, of course not.”

  51   you had stopped the stone from  52  the water to begin with? ” The Master smiled. “Next time you are  53  with your life, catch the stone before it hits the water. Do not spend time trying to  54  what you have done but  55  change what you are going to do before you do it.” The Master looked kindly upon the young man.

36.A . casual                 B. horrible                 C. terrible                 D. serious

37.A . noticed                B. watched               C. saw                  D. imagined

38.A . Attend                 B. Join                   C. Forgive                D. Call

39.A . clear                  B. clean                  C. still                    D. shining      

40.A . mud                  B. flower                 C. tree                    D. ground

41.A . instructed              B. shouted                C. ordered                D. whispered

42.A . of                    B. after                   C. around                 D. for

43.A . high                  B. far                    C. long                    D. well

44.A . continued              B. declared                C. explained                D. wondered  

45.A . matter                 B. moment               C. detail                   D. chance

46.A .come                  B. happen                 C. result                   D. rise

47.A . watch                 B. reach                 C. wave                   D. shake

48.A . anxiety                B. hesitation               C. surprise                 D. confusion

49.A . more                  B. a little                  C. a bit                    D. less

50.A . greatly                 B. completely             C. sadly                  D. fairly

51.A. Why not                B. How about             C. What if                D. How if

52.A . sliding                 B. rolling                C. falling                 D. entering

53.A . busy                  B. satisfied               C. unhappy               D. occupied

54.A . remove                B. keep                  C. remind                 D. remember

55.A . therefore               B. however              C. anyway               D. rather


Why don’t birds get lost on their long migratory(迁移的) flights?  Scientists ____1  over this question for many yearsNow the reasons have been discovered only recently.

    2    ago experiments showed that birds depend on the sun to guide them   3  . But what about birds that fly mainly by night ?    4    with man-made stars have proved   5    certain night-flying birds are able to follow the    6    in their long distance flights.

   One such   7   -a warbler (鸣禽)-had spent its lifetime in a   8   and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn (天生的)    9   to use the stars for guidance. The bird’s cage was placed under a man-made star-filled sky at migration   10  . The bird tried to fly   11   the same direction as   12   taken by his indoor cousins. Any   13   in the position of the make-believe (虚构的) stars  14   a change in the direction of his flight.

Scientists think that warblers,   15   flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But stars are clearly their important   16   of navigation (导航). What do they do when the stars are   17   by the clouds? Clearly, they find their way by such land.   18    as mountain ranges, coastlines (海岸线) and river courses. But when it’s too   19   to see these, the warblers circle   20  , unable to find out where they were.

1. A. talked               B. puzzled               C. went              D. looked

2. A. Not long               B. Long                 C. Centuries              D. Years

3. A. during the night                         B. during daylight hours

C. in winter                    D. in the dark

4. A. Examinations               B. Laboratories              C. Tests              D. Sky

5. A. why              B. how              C. what              D. that

6. A. stars              B. moon              C. route              D. sun

7. A. star              B. scientist              C. bird              D. flight

8. A. forest              B. cage              C. nest              D. cave

9. A. strength              B. ability              C. experience              D. practice

10. A. time              B. place              C. way              D. season

11. A. to              B. towards              C. in               D. under

12. A. that              B. which              C. one              D. it

13. A. one              B. change              C. way              D. bird

14. A. caused               B. gave              C. resulted              D. meant

15. A. for              B. when              C. after              D. they are

16. A. ways              B. means              C. objects              D. homes

17. A. shown              B. covered              C. removed              D. hidden

18. A. areas              B. surface              C. marks              D. signs

19. A. far              B. far away              C. dark              D. bright

20. A. helplessly              B. hopefully              C. easily              D. freely



Why don’t birds get lost on their long migratory(迁移的) flights?  Scientists ____1  over this question for many yearsNow the reasons have been discovered only recently.

    2    ago experiments showed that birds depend on the sun to guide them   3  . But what about birds that fly mainly by night ?    4    with man-made stars have proved   5    certain night-flying birds are able to follow the    6    in their long distance flights.

   One such   7   -a warbler (鸣禽)-had spent its lifetime in a   8   and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn (天生的)    9   to use the stars for guidance. The bird’s cage was placed under a man-made star-filled sky at migration   10  . The bird tried to fly   11   the same direction as   12   taken by his indoor cousins. Any   13   in the position of the make-believe (虚构的) stars  14   a change in the direction of his flight.

Scientists think that warblers,   15   flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But stars are clearly their important   16   of navigation (导航). What do they do when the stars are   17   by the clouds? Clearly, they find their way by such land.   18    as mountain ranges, coastlines (海岸线) and river courses. But when it’s too   19   to see these, the warblers circle   20  , unable to find out where they were.

1. A. talked               B. puzzled               C. went              D. looked

2. A. Not long               B. Long                 C. Centuries              D. Years

3. A. during the night                         B. during daylight hours

C. in winter                    D. in the dark

4. A. Examinations               B. Laboratories              C. Tests              D. Sky

5. A. why              B. how              C. what              D. that

6. A. stars              B. moon              C. route              D. sun

7. A. star              B. scientist              C. bird           ;   D. flight

8. A. forest              B. cage              C. nest              D. cave

9. A. strength              B. ability              C. experience              D. practice

10. A. time              B. place              C. way              D. season

11. A. to              B. towards              C. in               D. under

12. A. that              B. which              C. one              D. it

13. A. one              B. change              C. way              D. bird

14. A. caused               B. gave              C. resulted              D. meant

15. A. for              B. when              C. after              D. they are

16. A. ways              B. means              C. objects              D. homes

17. A. shown              B. covered              C. removed              D. hidden

18. A. areas              B. surface              C. marks              D. signs

19. A. far              B. far away              C. dark              D. bright

20. A. helplessly              B. hopefully              C. easily              D. freely


