短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分.满分10分) 文中共有10处语言错误.每句中最多有两处.错误涉及一个单词的增加.删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词. 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉. 修改:在错的词下划一横线.并在该词下面写出修改后的词. 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词,每行不超过两处错误, 2.只允许修改10处.多者不计分. June 12, Sunday Today is Sunday. I didn’t get up early as usually. In the morning after I finished my home-work, I do some washing. Then I telephoned one of my classmate and invited him to see a film. And unfortunately, when we got to the cinema at 3:00pm, we found all the tickets had been sold out. Then we went back school and played the football. After this, when we are about to go home, we saw our English teacher, Mr. Wang, coming into the school gate. He told us we had made great progress on English this term. He also suggested that we would read more and write more. We promised him that we would take her advice. 书面表达 人们对于学生网上交友持不同的意见.以下是正反两方所持的观点. 赞成的理由 反对的理由 你的看法 广交朋友 可自由表达思想 利于外语学习 浪费时间 影响学习 可能上当受骗 ? 根据以上内容.以Should students make friends on line?为题写一篇关于网上交友的短文. 要求:1.介绍正反两方的观点 2.表达自己的看法 3.可适当发挥.字数100字左右 Should students make friends on line? 查看更多









One day in the restaurant where I worked,I am serving a                               76._______

table of four and each person had ordered the different                                          77._______

kind of fish.Three plate were already on the table when                                  78._______

the man closest to me pointing to one plate and asked me                               79._______

the name of the fish on it.Before I could answer him,he                                 80._______

continued to ask me the name of the fish on another one                                 81._______

plate.I was about to answer him while I noticed that the                                 82._______

last plate on my tray(托盘) began to fall.They fell noisily                               83._______

to the floor seconds late,spreading its contents on the                                     84._______

carpet.Everyone stared me and I stood there with a red face.                                  85._______








I had a interesting dream last night.I dreamed                                                76._______

that I took part in a race.At first,I could not to run very                                        77._______

fast and fell behind.So I didn’t lose heart and kept                                        78._______

running.All the students on the playground cheer me on,                                79._______

“Come on!”I was so encouraged that I ran faster and fast                              80._______

 till I caught up all the other runners.I felt as if flying like                           81._______

a superman.In the end,I got to the finishing line first.                                     82._______

I won the race.I felt very proudly of myself.Many of my                               83._______

classmate threw me up into the air.Just at that time                                        84._______

I woke up and found me still in bed!                                                            85._______




Once an old man saw a bag on his way to home.                              76. _______

    In the bag there was a wolf. It was catching and put in                 77. _______

    the bag by a shepherd(牧羊人) a few minutes ago.

    The wolf asked the old man to let him out.                                 78. _______

    The old man took pity on him and opened bag.                             79. _______

    When the wolf got out, said to the old man, "I am very hungry.  80. _______

    I want to eat you." The other old man could do nothing                  81. _______

    and cry for help. Just then the shepherd came and saw this.            82. _______

    He beat the wolf to death by a stick. Then he said to the                83. _______

    old man, "wolves want to eat men all the time. It's nature            84. _______

    will never change. We should took this as a good lesson."              85. ______  


短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)








Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our English Corner. This Corner was set up three years before. Every Sunday morning, students from different schools gather around here. Many college students or some foreigners often join us. We practise spoken English by talk about everything we are intrersted. We also exchange our experience in English study. We all have a good time here. Thousand of people have been here when it was set up.

We think that they have learned a lot by taking part in activities here. It is a really supplement to our English class and it is welcome by students, their parents and teachers.





    Growing up is not easy. Sometimes all that is need ___________

is someone to rely on. For many years, she was Mum.  ___________

My mother was a career woman and had her own      ___________

problems to take care, but when I needed her, she      ___________

was always there. Her strength came from anywhere    ___________

I don’t quite know, somewhere very deep. She was so

strong that she would never break down, even while I   ___________

went to her with all my little-boy problems and shout   ___________

at her. Her strength made me stronger and gave to me   ___________

courage to try things other thought were impossible. A  ___________??

Helping hand is always stronger enough to lift you up.  ___________

