26.President Hu Jintao said economic growth is the basis for strengthening defense capability, which is , an important indicator of overall national strength. A. in return B. in turn C. in nature D. in a row 查看更多



President Hu Jintao said economic growth is the basis for strengthening defense capability, which
is ________ an important indicator of overall national strength.
[       ]
A. in turn  
B. in return
C. on a large scale  
D. in a row


President Hu Jintao said economic growth is the basis for strengthening defense capability, which is ________ an important indicator of overall national strength.
[     ]
A.in turn  
B.in return
C.on a large scale  
D.in a row


President Hu Jintao said economic growth is the basis for strengthening defense capability, which is ____,
an important indicator of overall national strength.
[     ]
A. in turn
B. in return
C. on a large scale
D. in a row


President Hu Jintao said economic growth is the basis for strengthening defense capability, which is,     , an important indicator of overall national strength.

A.in turn      B.in return    C.on a large scale        D.in a row

