36.A. get B. reach C. fetch D. arrive 查看更多




The first day at school has left a deep   1   on me. I'll never forget it.

As soon as I rushed into the classroomthe bell rang. A young beautiful woman came inbut she was  2  no smile on her face. “You are not permitted to  3  me in the course of class unless”She was speaking when I heard a  4  “LilyLily” from outside the door. My grandmother was standing there with a pair of socks in her hand. I didn't realize I was bare feet  5    then. I wanted to  6  them, but I dared not do that. I shook my hand  7  “Don't wait here any longer. Leave quickly". As I did soI still  8  my eyes on my teacher. I really didn't want her to take  9 of mebut she did. she went out to get the socks. When she gave them to  me. she looked at me for a while. My face suddenly turned   10   and my heart   11   faster. I began to put the socks on. Unfortunately 1 was so nervous that my   12   hands couldn't get them onto my feet easily. Just then I heard my name called. I   13   from my seat quickly. “Can you 14   the numbers from one to one hundred?'’ the teacher asked. I nodded.  15  her surpriseI did very well. Finally she said“Be  16  please. Study hard.” I looked  17   her to find a smile on her face. I felt   18   at last.

The first day at school has stayed in my  19  as something embarrassing (尴尬) but  20  .

1. A. memory       B. impression C. imagination      D. feeling

2. A. modern       B. humorous      C. gentle        D. serious

3. A. trouble      B. question       C. interrupt     D. excuse

4. A. voice    B. sound    C. noise    D. word

5. A. before    B. after    C. just    D. until

6. A. get    B. throw    C. accept   D. wear

7. A. saying   B. meaning    C. crying    D. shouting

8. A. fixed    B.1aid    C. opened     D. shut

9. A. care    B. interest    C. attention     D. notice

10. A. pale    B. white    C. red    D. black

11. A. beat    B. jumped    C. struck   D. felt

12. A. small    B. dirty    C. shaking    D. own

13. A. rose    B. raised    C. stood    D. jumped

14. A. add    B. count    C. recognize      D. write

15. A. With    B. For    C. To    D. Great to

16. A. careful  B. sitting    C. quiet    D. seated

17. A. up at    B. over    C. around    D. through

18. A. story         B. relaxed      C. disappointed       D. puzzled

19. A. mind    B. classroom     C. memory    D. heart

20. A. strange     B. sweet     C. nervous     D. forever



Tired and exhausted, I came back home from work. I found the front door was  36  open and I felt a little scared. Did I carelessly forget to lock it after I left? I looked around  37 to see what could be  38 . Why would someone come into my home only to  39 with nothing? After searching every inch, I realized that everything was  40 I had left it. No  41 cushions, broken lamps, or  42 emptied out on the carpet. Feeling much  43  ,I looked out my oversized window of my dinning room at Ms. Sullivan’s house. Jimmy, the little boy next door was visiting her. Jimmy cared a lot about Ms. Sullivan and was very concerned with her health after she became ill. She used to  44  Jimmy when he was just a baby.

Forgetting about the  45 with my front door, I decided to walk over to Ms. Sullivan’s house to see how she was  46 . With a warm hello, she invited me into her home. I noticed twelve beautiful roses delicately presented on the table next to her bed. They looked exactly like the  47 on my dinning room table in front of my oversized window. With a pleasant smile, she told me Jimmy brought them to her as a “get-well gift”. Suddenly Jimmy  48 out of his seat in an instant and said that he had to go home for a while to do some homework but he promised to be back to 49 up on Ms. Sullivan.

Talking for a while, Ms. Sullivan began to get very tired so I gave her my phone number in case she 50 needed help, and left her home. I thought about how  51 it was for little Jimmy to be so concerned for Ms. Sullivan. I got home, laughing at how  52 I was that morning about what had happened over  53 . I walked passed the dinning room and noticed my roses  54 in the vase were missing. Without a second 55 , I glanced out the window at Ms. Sullivan’s house and with a smile on my face I turned off the light in the room and went to sleep.

The next morning my door bell rang. I opened the door Jimmy was there…

36. A. easily           B. slowly           C. slightly          D. silently

37. A. tensely          B. patiently         C. eagerly          D. calmly

38. A. burning          B. losing           C. lacking          D. missing

39. A. get             B. deal            C. steal            D. leave

40. A. what            B. where           C. that             D. how

41. A. worn            B. changed         C. unwashed        D. overturned

42. A. lockers          B. kettles           C. drawers         D. coats

43. A. eased           B. angry           C. surprised        D. curious

44. A. watch           B. guard           C. follow           D. visit

45. A. accident         B. experience       C. incident         D. condition

46. A. working          B. doing           C. sleeping         D. acting

47. A. lamps           B. vases           C. roses           D. gifts

48. A. stood           B. ran             C. stepped         D. jumped

49. A. look            B. check           C. pick            D. call

50. A. ever            B. still             C. only            D. just

51. A. smart           B. sensitive         C. sweet           D. thankful

52. A. strange          B. nervous         C. careless         D. wrong

53. A. everything       B. something        C. anything         D. nothing

54. A. growing          B. sitting           C. lying            D. arranging

55. A. thought          B. intention         C. expectation       D. delay


John Russell, 83 years old, got on a Chicago bus. He saw a sign  1  that senior citizens could ride for half price. When he  2  three quarters (75 cents) into the box, the driver asked  3  his ID card. John took out his ID card. “You need a  4  CTA card,” said the driver. John did not  5  the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) card  6  he lived in New York and was in Chicago 7  his two sons.

  “Then you need to put in  8  three quarters,”said the driver, “ 9  get off the bus.”

  Old People are usually very stubborn. John said, “Give me back my three quarters, and I’ll  10 .”

  “I  11  — it’s in the box. If you don’t get off, I’ll call the  12 ,” said the driver, and he did. Two police cars pulled up.

  John and the driver told the police their  13 . “That’s why you called?” one policeman asked the driver. The other policeman then said to John, “I’ll give you three quarters.”

  John shook his head, “Why should you give me the quarters? He should  14  me my three quarters. ”

  “Where are you going?” asked the policeman. “Downtown to have lunch with friends,” John said.

  “Come on,” the policeman said, “We’ll get you your card.” So they took him downtown to the CTA office. But the people there wouldn’t give him a CTA card — he needed a(n)  15 .

  “What about his three quarters?” one policeman asked. The officials discussed, and a  16  was made to give John’s quarters back.

  “ 17  are you going to get there?”

  “By bus. And all I’m going to pay is 75 cents. ”

  “ 18 ,” the policeman said.

  John got on a  19 , dropped three quarters in the box, and said, “I’m a senior citizen ....” The driver looked at John and  20 . He didn’t know how lucky he was to be a wise man.

1. A. telling B. speaking  C. saying   D. explaining

2. A. dropped    B. gave     C. paid       D. spent

3. A. after  B. about    C. for   D. back

4. A. strange      B. special   C. especial       D. true

5. A. buy B. change   C. have    D. pay

6. A. where        B. when   C. because       D. where

7. A. visiting  B. finding  C. calling  D. looking

8. A. more B. much    C. other   D. another

9. A. and B. so   C. but   D. or

10. A. get in B. take off  C. take in  D. get off

11. A. can’t B. needn’t   C. shouldn’t  D. mustn’t

12. A. manager      B. official   C. police       D. public

13. A. reasons  B. excuses C. stories  D. words

14. A. return B. pass    C. hand    D. pay

15. A. picture       B. paper   C. explanation     D. payment

16. A. suggestion    B. promise   C. decision     D. mistake

17. A. Where B. How   C. Where   D. Why

18. A. Good luck     B. Congratulations  

C. It depends    D. No way

19. A. bus B. police car C. box   D. step

20. A. disagreed     B. nodded   C. laughed      D. shook



John Russell, 83 years old, got on a Chicago bus. He saw a sign 1 that senior citizens could ride for half price. When he 2 three quarters (75 cents) into the box, the driver asked  3 his ID card. John took out his ID card. “You need a  4 CTA card,” said the driver. John did not  5 the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) card  6  he lived in New York and was in Chicago 7 his two sons.

  “Then you need to put in  8 three quarters,”said the driver, “ 9 get off the bus.”

  Old People are usually very stubborn. John said, “Give me back my three quarters, and I’ll  10 .”

  “I  11 — it’s in the box. If you don’t get off, I’ll call the  12 ,” said the driver, and he did. Two police cars pulled up.

  John and the driver told the police their  13 . “That’s why you called?” one policeman asked the driver. The other policeman then said to John, “I’ll give you three quarters.”

  John shook his head, “Why should you give me the quarters? He should  14 me my three quarters. ”

  “Where are you going?” asked the policeman. “Downtown to have lunch with friends,” John said.

  “Come on,” the policeman said, “We’ll get you your card.” So they took him downtown to the CTA office. But the people there wouldn’t give him a CTA card — he needed a(n)  15 .

  “What about his three quarters?” one policeman asked. The officials discussed, and a  16  was made to give John’s quarters back.

  “ 17 are you going to get there?”

  “By bus. And all I’m going to pay is 75 cents. ”

  “ 18 ,” the policeman said.

  John got on a  19 , dropped three quarters in the box, and said, “I’m a senior citizen ....” The driver looked at John and  20 . He didn’t know how lucky he was to be a wise man.

1. A. telling B. speaking  C. saying   D. explaining

2. A. dropped    B. gave     C. paid       D. spent

3. A. after  B. about    C. for   D. back

4. A. strange      B. special   C. especial       D. true

5. A. buy B. change   C. have    D. pay

6. A. where        B. when   C. because       D. where

7. A. visiting  B. finding  C. calling  D. looking

7. A. more B. much    C. other   D. another

9. A. and B. so   C. but   D. or

10. A. get in B. take off  C. take in  D. get off

11. A. can’t B. needn’t   C. shouldn’t  D. mustn’t

12. A. manager      B. official   C. police       D. public

13. A. reasons  B. excuses C. stories  D. words

14. A. return B. pass    C. hand    D. pay

15. A. picture       B. paper   C. explanation     D. payment

16. A. suggestion    B. promise   C. decision     D. mistake

17. A. Where B. How   C. Where   D. Why

18. A. Good luck     B. Congratulations    C. It depends    D. No way

19. A. bus B. police car C. box   D. step

20. A. disagreed     B. nodded   C. laughed      D. shook



阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最 佳答案。           

       When dawn came, they 1 that the entire boat was covered with ice. The captain 2 asleep but the rest of the crew hurriedly woke him. He took a small axe and with great care,3 a hole in the deck, he began to knock the ice away. From time to time a wave burst over the boat and swept over him but he kept 4 for ten minutes while the others   looked 5 anxiously6 this time he was so cold that he could no   longer keep himself standing.


       Each member of the crew took it in turn to cut the ice away for 7 he could 8 it. First, they had to knock off enough ice to get on their 9. Standing up on that rolling deck    10 committing suicide (自杀) because a man who had fallen 11 could not have been rescued.


       Then the Captain discovered that ice was forming inside the cabin (船舱). He called to one of the crew and together they managed to get the stove 12 in the hope that it would    13 enough heat to warm the cabin above 14.    15 the ice in the bottom could be melted enough 16 pumped out, they were    17 danger of sinking.It took 18 before the boat began to float better. But 19 this time they succeeded 20 most of the ice.


       Throughout the afternoon, the coating of ice began to build up again 21 their work. 22 this new danger, Capt, Slater decided that it was much too dangerous to take risks for the chance that the boat 23 until the next morning. 24, he    25 the ice. Then they settled down to wait for another day.

(1) A. had understood    B.realized   

   C. recognizes        D. had been conscious

[    ]

(2) A. had gone    B. had fallen  

  C. had become    D. had grown

[    ]

(3) A. so as not to do    B.for not making   

  C. for not doing    D. so as not to make

[    ]

(4) A. to work      B. to working

  C. on working   D. on work

[    ]

(5) A. at   B.on    C. by him    D. for him

[    ]

(6) A. By   B.For  C. In   D. At 

[    ]

(7) A. so long as    B. as long as    C. so far as D. as far as  

[    ]

(8) A. support    B. help C. bear D. put up  

[    ]

(9) A. legs    B. ankles C. knees D. arms

[    ]

(10) A. had been    B. would have been  

 C. had to be   D. should be  

[    ]

(11) A. overboard    B. out of board  

 C. to sea     D. in flames  

[    ]

(12) A. on fire    B. in flames   C. lighting     D. a light

[    ]

(13) A. get out    B. give off    C. get over     D. ice point

[    ]

(14) A. low temperature    B. ice point  

 C. frozen point      D. freezing point    

[    ]

(15) A. Instead    B. In case     C. Unless D. If not

[    ]

(16) A. so that it could be   B. so that it would be  

 C. in order that it would be   D. for being 

[    ]

(17) A. under    B. with    C. in     D. on 

[    ]

(18) A. an hour work        B. an hour's work  

 C. the work of an hour   D. a work hour  

[    ]

(19) A. meanwhile   B. since    C. for       D. during   

[    ]

(20) A. to take off      B. in dealing   

 C. in getting rid of    D. to remove 

[    ]

(21) A. in spite of   B.although   C. whatever   D. nevertheless

[    ]

(22) A. In front of    B.beside  C. In the face of   D. Against

[    ]

(23) A. would outlive      B. would survive   

       C. should survive   D. should outlive    

[    ]

(24) A. Another time   B. Once more time  

 C. One more       D. Now and again 

[    ]

(25) A. ordered that the crew cleared

 B. suggested to the crew to clear  

 C. suggested the crew clearing   

 D. ordered the crew to clear

[    ]


