37.A. While B. shortly after C. If D. Long before 查看更多




  Shortly after the war, my brother and I were invited to spend a few days’ holiday with an uncle who had just returned from abroad. He had rented(租)a cottage in the country, although he hardly spent much time there. We understood the reason for this after our arrival, the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it. Many of the windows were broken and the roof leaked(漏水), making the whole house wet.

  On our first evening, we sat around the fire after supper listening to the stories our uncle told of his many adventures in distant countries. I was so tired after the long train journey that I would have preferred to go to bed; but I could not bear to miss any of my uncle’s exciting stories, He was just in the middle of describing a rather terrifying experience he had once had when there was a loud crash(倒塌声)from the bedroom above, the one where my brother and I were going to sleep.

  When we got to the top of the stairs and opened the bedroom door, a strange sight met our eyes. A large part of the ceiling had fallen right on to the pillow(枕头)of my bed.

1.It seemed that the writer’s uncle ________.

[  ]

A.was not rich enough to buy a fine house

B.was old and had to return from abroad

C.had lived abroad before the war for a long time

D.had made a lot of money before the war

2.The uncle disliked the rented cottage for the reason that ________.

[  ]

A.there were no beds in it

B.the windows were broken and the roof leaked

C.it was too old for him to live in

D.it was very rainy in the area

3.On the first evening, the writer was very sleepy, ________.

[  ]

A.but he did his best not to miss any stories

B.so he had to go to bed early

C.because he was tired of his uncle’s stories

D.and he was gradually falling asleep while listening

4.If the writer had not been able to stay up late, ________.

[  ]

A.his uncle would have stopped telling stories

B.his uncle world have been very sorry

C.he would have been injured or killed

D.his brother wouldn’t have been, either



A Narrow Escape

  Shortly after the war, my brother and I were invited to spend a few days' holiday with an uncle who had just returned from abroad. He had rented(租)a cottage in the country, although he hardly spent much time there. We understood the reason for this after our arrival: the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it. Many of the windows were broken and the roof leaked(漏水), making the whole house wet.

  On our first evening, we sat around the fire after supper listening to the stories our uncle told of his many adventures in distant countries. I was so tired after the long train journey that I would have preferred to go to bed; but I could not bear to miss any of my uncle's exciting stories. He was just in the middle of describing a rather terrifying experience he had once had when there was a loud crash(倒塌声)from the bedroom above, the one where my brother and I were going to sleep.

  When we got to the top of the stairs and opened the bedroom door, a strange sight met our eyes. A large part of the ceiling had fallen right on to the pillow(枕头)of my bed.

1.It seemed that the writer's uncle ________.

[  ]

A.was not rich enough to buy a fine house

B.was old and had to return from abroad

C.had lived abroad before the war for a long time

D.had made a lot of money before the war

2.The uncle disliked the rented cottage for the reason that ________.

[  ]

A.there were no beds in it

B.the windows were broken and the roof leaked

C.it was too old for him to live in

D.it was very rainy in the area

3.On the first evening, the writer was very sleepy, ________.

[  ]

A.but he did his best not to miss any stories

B.so he had to go to bed early

C.because he was tired of his uncle's stories

D.and he was gradually falling asleep while listening

4.The writer was attentively(注意地)listening to a story ________.

[  ]

A.which his uncle read in a book

B.which was very funny

C.when his brother cried for being afraid

D.when he heard a loud crash from the bedroom

5.If the writer had not been able to stay up late, ________.

[  ]

A.his uncle would have stopped telling stories

B.his uncle would have been very sorry

C.he would have been injured or killed

D.his brother wouldn't have been, either



Pop star Britney Spears tied the knot with a childhood friend,but their two-day-old marriage was dissolved Monday shortly after Britney filed for an annulment(废除契约/婚约).She described the marriage as “ a joke that went too far,” said one source closed to Spears.“I don’t even know if she loves him,”the source said.

     The 22-year-old diva(most important singer)walked down the aisle at a Las Vegas wedding chapel early Saturday,the reports said,marrying Jason Alexander,also 22,a childhood friend from her hometown of Kentwood,Louisiana whom she had recently begun dating.

Spears wore jeans and a baseball cap,and was escorted(护送)down the aisle by a hotel bellman,according to the People.com.

The two apparently decided to marry while partying at the Palms Casino Hotel Friday night,and did so at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.The honeymoon was spent at the Palms,but the next night Spears was seen dining with a group that did not include the groom at a hotel steakhouse.

Raised in the US south,the pop diva started her career at a television program The Mickey Mouse Club at age 11,becoming a famous teen singer.

All four of her CDs, including most recently November’s “In the Zone,”debuted at number one on the charts.

60.The underlined phrase at the beginning of the passage mean        .

A.begin to quarrel         B.get married   C.fall in love    D.get divorced

61.The news about Spears’s clothes was most probably taken from a(a n)        .

A.newspaper            B.broadcast station    C.internet   D.magazine

62.People would have guessed their marriage wouldn’t last long because        .

A.Spears was seen to have fun without her newly-married groom

B.Spears was a person forever changing her mind

C.Spears had an odd character

D.Spears had such a kind of history before

63.What made Spears most famous in the world is that         .

A.she got married to a man who she just dated for two days.

B.she got divorced two days after her new marriage.

C.she began to appear on the stage as a teen singer.

D.she made great achievements in singing.



Pop star Britney Spears tied the knot with a childhood friend,but their two-day-old marriage was dissolved Monday shortly after Britney filed for an annulment(废除契约/婚约).She described the marriage as “ a joke that went too far,” said one source closed to Spears.“I don’t even know if she loves him,”the source said.

     The 22-year-old diva(most important singer)walked down the aisle at a Las Vegas wedding chapel early Saturday,the reports said,marrying Jason Alexander,also 22,a childhood friend from her hometown of Kentwood,Louisiana whom she had recently begun dating.

Spears wore jeans and a baseball cap,and was escorted(护送)down the aisle by a hotel bellman,according to the People.com.

The two apparently decided to marry while partying at the Palms Casino Hotel Friday night,and did so at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.The honeymoon was spent at the Palms,but the next night Spears was seen dining with a group that did not include the groom at a hotel steakhouse.

Raised in the US south,the pop diva started her career at a television program The Mickey Mouse Club at age 11,becoming a famous teen singer.

All four of her CDs, including most recently November’s “In the Zone,”debuted at number one on the charts.

60.The underlined phrase at the beginning of the passage mean        .

A.begin to quarrel       B.get married   C.fall in love    D.get divorced

61.The news about Spears’s clothes was most probably taken from a(a n)        .

A.newspaper          B.broadcast station    C.internet   D.magazine

62.People would have guessed their marriage wouldn’t last long because        .

A.Spears was seen to have fun without her newly-married groom

B.Spears was a person forever changing her mind

C.Spears had an odd character

D.Spears had such a kind of history before

63.What made Spears most famous in the world is that         .

A.she got married to a man who she just dated for two days.

B.she got divorced two days after her new marriage.

C.she began to appear on the stage as a teen singer.

D.she made great achievements in singing.



  Brenda Bongos was a happy, artistic girl.She had one big ambition-to play the drums in a band.But one big obstacle lay in her way.To be good enough to play in a band, Brenda had to practice a lot, but she lived next-door to a lot of old people.Many of them are sick.She knew that the sound of beating drums would really get on their nerves.So, she had tried playing in the strangest places:a basement, a kitchen, and even in a shower.But there was always someone it would annoy.

  One day, while watching a science documentary on TV, she heard that sound cannot travel in space, because there's no air.At that moment, Brenda Bongos decided to become a sort of musical astronaut.

  With the help of a lot of time, books and work, Brenda built a space bubble.This was a big glass ball connected to a machine which sucked out all the air inside.All that would be left inside was a drum kit(成套设备)and a chair.Brenda got into the space suit she had made, entered the bubble, turned on the machine, and played those drums like a wild child.

  It wasn't long before Brenda Bongos came very famous.Many people came to see her play in her space bubble.Shortly afterwards she came out of the bubble and started giving concerts.Her fame spread so much that the government suggested that she be part of a unique space journey.Finally, Brenda was a real musical astronaut, and had gone far beyond her first ambition of playing drums in a band.

  Years later, when asked how she had achieved all this, she thought for a moment, and said:''If those old people next-door hadn't mattered so much to me, I wouldn't have found a solution, and none of this would have ever happened.''


Why did Brenda try to play in the strangest places?

[  ]


Because she didn't want others to hear her play.


Because she didn't want to disturb others.


Because she didn't have a large house.


Because she liked to play in strange places.


Brenda started to give concerts ________.

[  ]


after she practiced in her space bubble


when she became part of the unique space journey


after she became a real musical astronaut


when people came to see her in the space bubble


Brenda became famous because ________.

[  ]


she made a space suit


she became a real musical astronaut


she played drums in her space bubble


she played drums in a band


Which of the following can be used to describe Brenda?

[  ]


kind, hardworking and clever


brave, kind and hardworking


lovely, brave and kind


nervous, kind and clever


We can draw a conclusion from the passage that:" ________ ".

[  ]


He laughs best who laughs last


It's never too old to learn


Two heads are better than one


One good turn deserves another

