第一节:(共两节,满分30分,每小题1.5分) 1. What time will the football match start? A. At 7:15 B. At 7:35 C. At 7:45 2. How does the man feel now? A. He is angry B. He is disappointed C. He is lost 3. What music does the man like most? A. Jazz B. Country music C. Classical music 4. What does the woman mean? A. The grandpa has already known their plan. B. It is impossible for her grandpa to hear their plan. C. The grandpa is not interested in their plan. 5. What do you think of Bob? A. He is smart. B. He is honest. C. He is active. 查看更多





1.What did the woman do during the Chinese New Year?

A.She visited her uncle.

B.She often went out.

C.She met her friends at home.

2.Where was the man last weekend?

A.In his sister's.

B.At home.

C.On 4th Street.

3.What're these people going to do?

A.Call her at once.

B.Go to look for her at once.

C.Wait a little longer.

4.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.A teacher and a student.

B.A student and a classmate.

C.A librarian and a student.

5.What did the man tell the woman?

A.There is another cat that looks like his.

B.She has mistaken it for his dog.

C.He never loosens the dog.




6.What did the man want?




7.Who was the woman?

A.The man's friend.

B.A shop assistant.

C.A customer.

8.Where is the product made?

A.In Switzerland.

B.In France.

C.In England.


9.When does the man call?

A.In the morning.

B.At lunch time.

C.In the afternoon.

10.Who is the man speaking to?

A.A doctor.

B.A hotel manager.

C.A nurse.

11.What's one of the main symptoms(症状)?

A.Something is stuck in his ear.

B.His ears are ringing.

C.He's in considerable pain.


12.Where does the conversation most probably happen?

A.In a street.

B.In a library.

C.In a hospital.

13.Where should the man turn right?

A.At the bus stop.

B.At the end of the road.

C.At the first crossing.

14.How soon will the man get to the bus stop?

A.In about half an hour.

B.In about one hour.

C.In one and a half hours.


15.What is the woman asking the man about?

A.Whether he feels happy about his life.

B.Whether he feels happy about his present work.

C.Whether he feels happy about his boss.

16.Why has the man changed his job?

A.Because the work is hard.

B.Because the people in that section are not nice.

C.Because the work is boring and the people are hard to get along with.

17.What's the man's next plan?

A.To look for another job.

B.To continue his present job.

C.To expect the bank to take him back.


18.What does the man want to mail?

A.Some tapes and food.

B.Some tapes and books.

C.Some books and food.

19.How long does it take if it goes by ordinary mail?

A.About ten days.

B.About twenty days.

C.About thirty days.

20.How much does the man have to pay in all?

A.30 yuan

B.10 yuan

C.25 yuan




1.What's the weather like at the moment?




2.What's the woman's roommate like?

A.She's patient.

B.She's nice.

C.She's tidy.

3.Why has John moved out?

A.To be near the school.

B.To live in a quiet place.

C.To avoid the trouble..

4.What is the man's problem?

A.He can't see the sign clearly.

B.He has no ticket for the movie.

C.He's parked in the wrong place.

5.Which musical instrument does Bob have?


B.A guitar.

C.A violin.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独自后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman has missed her flight.

B.The plane will take off tonight.

C.The airport is closed.

7.What does the woman want?

A.A room for herself alone.

B.A hotel close to the airport.

C.A room with bright light.


8.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She isn't familiar with the Internet.

B.She can't afford a camera.

C.She doesn't like MA-205.

9.What is the man probably going to do next?

A.Reduce the budget.

B.Change the model.

C.Order a camera.


10.What does the man show the woman?

A.A magazine.

B.Hair care products.

C.A bottle of red wine.

11.How will the woman's hair look?




12.Why doesn't the woman want to change the color of her hair?

A.She thinks it's too expensive.

B.She's afraid it might damage her hair.

C.She doesn't like the suggested color.


13.How much pocket money does Lily get a month?

A.About 20 pounds.

B.About t5 pounds.

C.About 5 pounds.

14.Why does Lily want more pocket money?

A.To get as much as her friends.

B.To pay for music lessons.

C.To buy some clothes.

15.When can Lily have more pocket money?

A.When she proves good at her school.

B.When she no longer argues with her mum.

C.When she is mature in her mum's eyes.

16.What does David suggest Lily do?

A.Have a discussion with her mum.

B.Help her mum with housework.

C.Sit down and wait calmly.


17.Where is the speaker?

A.On a plane.

B.In a bus.

C.At a tourist site.

18.Why is food or drink not allowed on the journey?

A.To avoid annoying others.

B.To show respect for the guide.

C.To guarantee passengers’ safety.

19.How long can the tourists stay at the first destination?

A.15 to 30 minutes.

B.About an hour.

C.About two hours.

20.What is the second destination famous for?


B.The River Avon.

C.The Roman Baths.




1.Who is the man speaking to?

A.Brown's secretary



2.What's the girl going to do on Sunday?

A.Go to the shop

B.Stay at home

C.Go to the park

3.When did the man come back home last night?

A.At 8∶30

B.At 9∶00

C.At 9∶30

4.What has the man done?

A.Something dangerous

B.Something bad

C.Something good

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The rain will last half a month

B.There will be rain throughout the month

C.It will be raining in the second half of the month




6.How will Peter spend Christmas?

A.By himself

B.With Joan

C.With his friends

7.What will Peter give his friends as a present?

A.Christmas trees

B.Christmas sweets

C.Christmas cakes

8.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?





9.What's the conversation mainly about?

A.About some injury

B.About how to give first aid

C.About how to save a patient

10.What must a person do when he suffers from an animal's bite?

A.Wash the wound under cold running water and bandage(用绷带包扎)it

B.Wash the wound under cold tap, and see a doctor

C.Bandage it and go to see a doctor immediately

11.What should be done if a person has a simple cut?

A.The person should be sent to hospital as soon as possible

B.After the cut area is washed, he should be sent to hospital

C.The cut should be washed and bandaged with dry clean cloth


12.What's the cane toad?

A.A kind of animal that eats Zhewa

B.A kind of animal named Zhewa

C.A kind of animal named cane beetle

13.Where are the cane toads originally from?


B.North America

C.South America

14.What did the people want the cane toads to do?

A.To kill the beetles in the cane fields

B.To kill the native frogs and snakes

C.To kill dogs within minutes


15.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a dinner

B.At a party

C.In a coffee shop

16.What's Mr.Smith worried about?

A.Chinese food

B.His business

C.Table manners

17.What are the speakers?


B.Business partners



18.What's the main topic of this announcement?

A.A class in stilt(高跷)walking

B.A stilt walking performance

C.A very formal dance

19.What organization is offering the event?

A.sports team

B.A student arts committee

C.A dance club

20.What day of the week is the event to be held?

A.on Sunday

B.On Saturday

C.On Friday






1.What does the woman mean?

A.She doesn't like Tim

B.She doesn't mind giving Tim a lift.

C.She doesn't want to sit beside Tim.

2.What is the man probably doing?

A.Borrowing some coins

B.Using the telephone

C.Picking up the coins

3.When will the woman's bus leave?

A.At 10∶30

B.At 10∶15


4.Where is the woman speaker's father now probably?

A.In the man speaker's house

B.At his workplace

C.At home

5.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Stop working and write her aunt back.

B.Send her aunt a present to show her apology.

C.Keep in touch with her aunt through the Internet.




6.What does the man ask Larry to do?

A.Take some big oranges to the party.

B.Bring some drinks to the party.

C.Give him a call the next day.

7.What is the woman doing while answering the call?

A.Writing the message down

B.Doing her homework.

C.Sending someone to find Larry.


8.Where does the woman probably live?

A.In the center of the city.

B.Near the gym

C.Out of the city

9.Who is going to work today?

A.The woman speaker

B.The man speaker



10.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Buying a second-hand car.

B.Buying a brand-new car.

C.Selling the man speaker's old car.

11.Who is going to work overseas?

A.The man speaker

B.The woman speaker

C.The woman speaker's cousin

12.What does the woman tell the man about the car to be sold?

A.It's a four-door car with air conditioning

B.It's a two-door car with air conditioning

C.It's a six-door car with power steering.


13.From whom did the man speaker get the flowers?

A.Richard and Mariana

B.Richard and Marilyn

C.John and Mariana

14.Why does the woman speaker cry?

A.Her uncle and aunt don't treat her well.

B.The letter reminded her of her parents.

C.She doesn't have any friends.

15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At the man speaker's home.

B.At the woman speaker's house

C.In a French restaurant.

16.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.There are four people in the man speaker's family

B.The woman speaker has been here over one year.

C.The man speaker is quite good at math.


17.Why did the teacher do the experiments?

A.He had few classes every day.

B.He thought monkey was fun.

C.He wanted to find out the cleverest animal.

18.Where did the teacher put the monkey?

A.In a room

B.In a big box

C.In a small box

19.How long did the teacher wait for?

A.A whole day

B.A few minutes

C.A few hours.

20.Which of the following is TRUE according to the talk?

A.The teacher only had experiments on monkey.

B.The monkey found the food and enjoyed it.

C.The teacher did more than one experiment.






1.When will the bus leave?

A.At 7∶00.

B.At 7∶15.

C.At 7∶30.

2.Which dress does the woman like?

A.The yellow one.

B.The white one.

C.The pink one with white buttons.

3.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Lose weight.

B.Go to a movie.

C.Have some ice cream.

4.Which subject does the woman think is harder?




5.Where is the woman going?

A.A museum.

B.A bank.

C.A supermarket.




6.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?



C.Passenger and taxi driver.

7.When is the important meeting?

A.At about 1∶00 p.m.

B.At about 2∶00 p.m.

C.At about 3∶00 p.m.


8.What is the two people's trip for?

A.Visiting friends.


C.Enjoying themselves.

9.Why did they not take a plane?

A.There were no plane tickets.

B.They were late for their plane and missed it.

C.Their boss didn't want them to take a plane.

10.What does the woman think of traveling by train?

A.It is the worst.

B.It is tiring and boring.

C.It is better than anything.


11.Where does the conversation possibly take place?

A.At a party.

B.At a wedding.

C.At a concert.

12.Why did Tony not come?

A.He didn't feel well.

B.He was busy with a meeting.

C.He doesn't like the man at all.

13.Who is Mr.Wang?

A.Tony's friend.

B.The man's friend.

C.The woman's friend.


14.How many bottles of beer has the man ordered?




15.How much is the service charge?

A.2 dollars.

B.3 dollars.

C.4 dollars.

