17.We were lucky that we just escaped _____ the rain. A.being caught in B.to be caught in C.catching D.to catch? 查看更多



One day at the day care centre(日间托儿所)I watched a mother try to pick up her daughter. The girl wanted to go to McDonald’s. The mother replied, “Susie, not tonight. Maybe we can go tomorrow.”. Susie  36 dropped to the floor, kicking and screaming. “I want to …”
Her mother tried to  37  Susie’s tantrum(发脾气). Finally her mother  38  . I was surprised that we could have almost anything we wanted by throwing a tantrum.
That day my mother 39  me up early because we were going to a department to do the shopping for 40  Day. I was excited to see a toy telephone. Looking lovingly 41 at my mother, I asked, “Can I have that telephone?”
She replied, “Baby, not now, but  42 you are a good girl, maybe Santa Clause will 43 you.” “But Mama, I want that telephone right now,” I said. My mother’s eyes   44  and her hand tightened(紧握)on mine. “Becky, you   45  have that telephone today, and if you  46  you can have a spanking(打屁股).”
We were standing in the long   47  ,and I knew from my experience that it was now or   48  . So I lay down on the ground and began screaming, “I want that telephone.” Tired Christmas   49 looked as my mother calmly said, “Becky, you’d better get up by the   50  of three or else.” “One…Two…Three.” But I was   51  in full tantrum. Then she lay down beside me on the   52
and began screaming, “I want a new car, I want some jewellery, I want…”
53  , I stood up. “Mama, stop, Mama, get up,” I tearfully 54  .
She stood up. The others waiting began to laugh. The next thirty minutes was complete  55 for me. Then on parent said to me with a smile, “I bet you’ll never try that again”.     
36.A.heavily     B.immediately     C.directly     D.hopelessly
37.A.cover       B.free   C.resist D.stop
38.A.gave in    B.dropped    C.moved on D.walked away
39.A.carried     B.picked      C.held  D.sent
40.A.Mother’s  B.Children’s C.Christmas D.National
41.A.down       B.up     C.over  D.out
42.A.if      B.unless       C.until  D.while
43.A.praise       B.believe     C.love  D.help
44.A.opened     B.closed       C.narrowed  D.shone
45.A.won’t       B.daren’t     C.mustn’t     D.can’t
46.A.lie     B.risk   C.scream      D.steal
47.A.line   B.street C.row   D.passage
48.A.never       B.ever  C.later  D.then
49.A.managers  B.sellers       C.families    D.shoppers
50.A.noise B.count C.voice D.word
51.A.again B.even  C.still   D.more
52.A.bench       B.mat   C.counter     D.floor
53.A.Frightened       B.Satisfied   C.Embarrassed    D.Amused
54.A.begged     B.ordered     C.explained  D.promised
55.A.luck  B.discomfort       C.complaint D.anger




    Some people have it easy. When their kids ask them what they do at work, they can give a simple, direct answer: “I put out fires” or “I teach primary school”. As a theoretical physicist, I never had this luck. Society has come to expect many things from the physicists. It used to be that we only had to discover the basic laws of the world and supply the techniques that would power the next Silicon Valley. With these expectations we were fairly comfortable: they are the sorts of things we think we know how to do. What makes us uncomfortable and what makes it hard for us to tell our kids what we’re up to is that in this century we have become, though unwillingly, gurus on questions such as “What is the nature of Reality?”

    We now deal with a whole new class of problems. We ask how the world began and what the nature of matter is. The answers we are coming up with are just not easy to comprehend for the average person.

    So, when physicists get out of their cars in the morning, have a cup of coffee and sit down in front of their computers, they leave a familiar world and enter a place where things act in strange ways that are impossible for ordinary people to understand.

72. According to the passage, in a way physicists are        .

    A. honest         B. comfortable    C. strange        D. unlucky

73. By what the writer says about physicists, we know that physicists        .

    A. don’t like their careers

    B. live in two different worlds

    C. are coming up with new answers to old questions

    D. don’t have to tell people what they are doing

74. From the passage we can conclude that theoretical physicists        .

    A. contributed to the new industry in Silicon Valley

    B. only have to answer the basic questions about the world

    C. have disappointed the expectations of many people

    D. have found it hard to make themselves popular

75. What’s the main idea of the passage?

    A. Society seems to know a bit about physicists’ work.

    B. Most people are expecting to know what physicists are doing.

    C. Physicists are doing more and more difficult jobs.

    D. It’s impossible for average people to know physicists’ work.



Dogs may not know exactly what you are doing especially when you’re trying to figure out a square root or diagram a sentence. But according to a new study, dogs can understand what we’re thinking and feeling by reading our facial expressions and body language and following our eyes.

Researchers studied 29 dogs. The dogs were shown a movie where a woman looked directly at them and said “Hi dog!” Then, the woman looked at a flowerpot sitting next to her. The researchers found that when the woman looked at and spoke directly to a dog, the dog usually followed her eyes to the flowerpot. It proved that the dogs knew that the woman was thinking about the flowerpot.

“By following the eye movements of dogs, we were able to get a first-hand look at how their minds are actually working,” said Jozsef, the senior researcher.

Later in the movie, the woman said “Hi dogs” in a low voice and didn’t look at the dog before looking at the flowerpot. In that situation, the dogs didn’t seem to understand what the woman was thinking. There was no eye contact, and the woman didn’t appear to speak to the dogs directly.

That comes as no surprise to dog trainer Jones. “Dogs normally speak through nonverbal signals. It’s more natural to them,” she said. “If you’ve ever watched dogs at a dog park, you’ve seen it. Within 30 seconds they enter the park, much information has passed between the new dog and the ones already in the park. They’re exchanging looks, observing eyes and body posture. On the other hand, when you speak to a dog, they are learning a foreign language.”

Picking up your nonverbal signals seems more natural. So, if you were hoping that all this means your dog could help you solve your math problems, you’re probably out of luck. But he or she might be a lot more in tune with what you’re thinking than you previously thought.

1.How could the researchers find that the dogs understood the woman’s intention?

A.By speaking to them directly.

B.By reading their eye movements.

C.By following their facial expressions.

D.By asking the dog trainer questions.

2.According to the text, Jones finds that ______.

A.dogs usually speak through verbal signals

B.dogs learn a great deal more at a dog park

C.dogs can understand humans’ words easily

D.dogs speak through eyes and body language

3.It is implied in the text that dogs can read your emotions only if ______.

A.you manage to get their attention

B.you like making friends with them

C.you are familiar with their behavior

D.you can pick up their verbal signals

4.What does the underlined phrase “be in tune with” in the last paragraph mean?







When my son was first diagnosed with autism (孤独症), it was a very hard time for us.In some ways it was a  16_ because we finally knew the name.of the disease after visiting many hospitals, but it also  17__ years bf uncertainty, and we didn't know what   18_was like.

       When I  19__the news with my coworkers, I was so surprised but happy to receive so much immediate   20   from them .They were focused on what we_21___, not how it would affect my ability to work.

       One coworker in particular was  22__, She was always kind and considerate; She called me into her  23__ a few days later, and gave me a(n) "  24__stone''.It is a small stone with an indention (凹陷)for your  25__, It gives you something to  26__ when you're worried . rubbing your thumb around on this stone.It was a lovely 27__.It turned out to be an effective way to reduce anxiety.

       She then made a permanent offer to 28_ us to any appointment or testing we needed. Considering the fact that we_ 29__ 90 minutes from where most.treatments took place, this was a(n)  30_offer.She made it very clear to me that this offer  31_last-minute trips or emergencies.Anytime we needed to go anywhere , She was willing to be our transportation.

       We never did need to bother her,   32__ knowing it was there and that she was so willing to 33__ made it feel like we were much less _34  

       I'm very grateful to her and.  35__ around us who came together to be a support system in our time of need.We were really moved by the level of support we received.

1.A.surprise            B.relief              C.pleasure         D.success .

2.A.meant             B.broke               C.ended          D.explained

3.A.a dream           B.4 plan              C.the future       D.the job

4.A.received        B.doubted            C.heard           D.shared

5.A.treatment         B.love             C, complaints            D.gifts

6.A.needed            B.saw                C.failed         D.learned

7.A.rude           B.grateful            C.amazing        D.cold

8.A.office          B.school.            C.garden          D.restaurant

9.A.-fear             B.peace               C.anger        D.worry

10.A.ring              B.thumb              C.luck         D.courage

11.A.focus on         B.believe in           C.care about    D.know about

12.A.language         B.expression           C.gesture         D.message

13.A.devote          B.attach              C.introduce      D.drive

14.A.ran             B.lived             C.walked         D.rode

15.A.final            B.firm               C.great           D.unconditional

16.A.refused          B.welcomed           C.passed          D.included

17.A.but             B.L                  C.because         D.if

18.A, move             B.wait                C.help           D.pay

19.A.important       B.alone               C.awake           D.busy

20.A.both            B.few                C.nobody      D.everyone



Dogs may not know exactly what you are doing especially when you’re trying to figure out a square root or diagram a sentence. But according to a new study, dogs can understand what we’re thinking and feeling by reading our facial expressions and body language and following our eyes.
Researchers studied 29 dogs. The dogs were shown a movie where a woman looked directly at them and said “Hi dog!” Then, the woman looked at a flowerpot sitting next to her. The researchers found that when the woman looked at and spoke directly to a dog, the dog usually followed her eyes to the flowerpot. It proved that the dogs knew that the woman was thinking about the flowerpot.
“By following the eye movements of dogs, we were able to get a first-hand look at how their minds are actually working,” said Jozsef, the senior researcher.
Later in the movie, the woman said “Hi dogs” in a low voice and didn’t look at the dog before looking at the flowerpot. In that situation, the dogs didn’t seem to understand what the woman was thinking. There was no eye contact, and the woman didn’t appear to speak to the dogs directly.
That comes as no surprise to dog trainer Jones. “Dogs normally speak through nonverbal signals. It’s more natural to them,” she said. “If you’ve ever watched dogs at a dog park, you’ve seen it. Within 30 seconds they enter the park, much information has passed between the new dog and the ones already in the park. They’re exchanging looks, observing eyes and body posture. On the other hand, when you speak to a dog, they are learning a foreign language.”
Picking up your nonverbal signals seems more natural. So, if you were hoping that all this means your dog could help you solve your math problems, you’re probably out of luck. But he or she might be a lot more in tune with what you’re thinking than you previously thought.
【小题1】How could the researchers find that the dogs understood the woman’s intention?

A.By speaking to them directly.
B.By reading their eye movements.
C.By following their facial expressions.
D.By asking the dog trainer questions.
【小题2】According to the text, Jones finds that ______.
A.dogs usually speak through verbal signals
B.dogs learn a great deal more at a dog park
C.dogs can understand humans’ words easily
D.dogs speak through eyes and body language
【小题3】It is implied in the text that dogs can read your emotions only if ______.
A.you manage to get their attention
B.you like making friends with them
C.you are familiar with their behavior
D.you can pick up their verbal signals
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “be in tune with” in the last paragraph mean?

