第二节 信息获取 听下面一段对话. 请根据题目要求.从所给的内容中获取必要的信息.填入答题卷标号为9-14的空格中.录音读两遍. Villa Rentals Where to go Iniscia in 9 How many people Five: a couple and 10 Duration Two weeks, from 11 to 17 inclusive Location of the house recommended Set on a hilltop with a big garden and sea view Description of the house Two double bedrooms, a single bedroom, 12 , a dining room. Total cost £ 13 for two weeks, including the 14 . 查看更多






1.What are the man and the woman talking about?

A.A film.

B.A real story

C.A ghost story

2.What’s the first name of the man they are talking about?




3.Why didn’t the man return home after the war?

A.He had been wounded in the war.

B.The man hasn’t told the woman yet.

C.He had to sell newspapers at the railway station.


4.Where are the man and the woman going?

A.to the bus station

B.To the police station

C.To the railway station.

5.What does the woman think they should do?

A.take a taxi.

B.Walk slowly.

C.Leave the bags with the police.

6.What does the man find out at last?

A.fifteen minutes is too long.

B.The traffic is moving too slowly.

C.He is not able to carry both bags.


7.What is NOT true about the man?

A.Water is running out from his leg.

B.He can not breathe well after a walk.

C.He hasn’t been sleeping well because of the pain in his leg.

8.What has caused the trouble?

A.The woman doesn’t know yet.

B.He was burnt by boiling water.

C.He has tired himself out in his work.

9.What’s the woman’s name?

A.Doctor Cook.

B.Doctor Marlin.

C.The conversation doesn’t tell us.


10.What did the man put up on his wall yesterday?

A.the picture he drew on his vacation.

B.The picture he took.

C.His picture taken last year.

11.What doesn’t the man like?

A.pictures prepared for the camera.

B.daily life pictures.

C.pictures taken by others.

12.How many cameras does the man use a lot?





13.Where did the speaker and his friend go last summer?



C.New York.

14.How long did it take them to fly to Miami?

A.two hours

B.Half a day.

C.Three hours.

15.What was the weather like during their stay there?











1.What is the man doing?

A.Asking for help.

B.Making an apology.

C.Expressing dissatisfaction.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At an airport.

B.At a hospital.

C.At a school.


3.Why doesn’t the man want to see Mrs Cathy?

A.He thinks she is not kind

B.He is tired of waiting for people.

C.He thinks she is boring.

4.Whom does the man have to see at 10 a. m?

A.Mr White.

B.Mr Potter.

C.Mrs Cathy.

5.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Boss and secretary.


6.Where was the woman when the hurricane took place?

A.In her father’s friend’s house.

B.In the house with her husband.

C.On her way home.

7.When did the hurricane hit the area where the woman lived?

A.At 3∶30 a. m. on August29.

B.At 5∶00 a. m. on August 30.

C.At noon on August 30.

8.Why did they chive very slowly?

A.Too many cars were on the road.

B.Broken branches were everywhere.

C.There was a very strong wind.


9.Who is the speaker?

A.A student.

B.A player.

C.A manager.

10.What time does the center open?

A.9∶00a. m.

B.9∶00p. m.

C.5∶00 p. m.

11.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.Different sports rules.

B.Different indoor sports.

C.Different sporting activities.


12.Why are people interested in vegetable gardening?

A.Because people can make money from it.

B.Because people can relax themselves.

C.Because people can sell vegetables.

13.In what season(s)can a well-kept garden provide fresh, vegetables?

A.In late autumn.

B.From late spring to autumn.

C.From spring to late autumn.

14.What is needed to keep the garden well?

A.Great efforts.

B.A lot of money.

C.little time.

15.What can you learn from Professor Smith?

A.Tips on how people grow vegetables.

B.Reasons for doing vegetable gardening.

C.Kinds of vegetables people prefer.



A summary of research into the ways Chinese students in Auckland spend their leisure time.

How many?On 8th November 2004, a survey was conducted among(16)________ Chinese students.

In what way?Conducted by means of a(17)________ given to the students to complete.

Ways(18)________ of the students went shopping

56% of the students spend time(19)________ or doing nothing at all

(20)________ of the students said they spend all their time on school and homework






1.What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Boss and secretary.


2.Who will get higher pay?

A.Those who are well educated.

B.Those who have working experience.

C.Those who can speak a foreign language.


3.What is the man?

A.A salesman.

B.A policeman.

C.A postman.

4.Where is the woman’s husband?

A.In the kitchen.

B.In another house.

C.In another city.

5.What was the woman doing that night?

A.She was sleeping.

B.She was cooking dinner.

C.She was playing cards.


6.What can we learn about the song“After the Ball”?

A.The song’s writer lived all alone.

B.The writer’s old uncle lived all alone.

C.The song was a sad one.

7.What can we learn about marching music?

A.It came from a kind of piano music.

B.It is still a kind of popular music at present.

C.It was brought to Europe later.

8.Who play marching music in colleges and high schools?

A.Football players in beautiful uniforms.

B.Students in their college or school uniforms.

C.Players dressed in colorful uniforms.


9.Why can the man stay in this hotel?

A.He has a reservation in advance.

B.He is a friend of the owner’s.

C.Someone has just cancelled a reservation.

10.What does them man need for his children?

A.A color TV.

B.An extra bedroom.

C.A swimming pool.

11.When does the hotel want its guests to pay?

A.When they register.

B.When they reserve a room.

C.Just before their departure.


12.Why couldn’t the speaker see the sun?

A.Because the situation was bad.

B.Because there was much smoke in the air.

C.Because the sky was getting dark.

13.Where was the speaker’s husband?

A.He was in town.

B.He was in the garden.

C.He was abroad.

14.What did the speaker take with her?

A.Her clothes , useful things , passport , bankbook and money.

B.Useful things , such as clothes and food.

C.Her clothes , drinks , money and books.

15.How many days had the wind blown before the speaker left?

A.Two days.

B.Three days.

C.Four days.



Elwood Food Market





1.What did the man do at the weekend?

A.He went to see some friends.

B.He went to the zoo.

C.He went to buy some animals.

2.When will the two speakers meet?

A.At 8∶40 pm.

B.At 9∶00 pm.

C.At 9∶20 pm.

3.What are the two speakers talking about?


B.Human beings.

C.Environment protection.

4.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Get her raincoat back.

B.Get her report back.

C.Not to worry about the rain.

5.Where is the man going?

A.A park.

B.A party.

C.His English teacher's place.




6.What is the woman going to buy?

A.A sweater.

B.A shirt.

C.A coat.

7.What colour does the woman prefer?




8.How much does the woman pay?

A.170 yuan.

B.168 yuan.

C.186 yuan.


9.Which is NOT true about the man's life in Seacombe?

A.He's got a new flat there.

B.He's got a new job there.

C.He's got few friends there.

10.What can we learn about the man's new flat?

A.It has two bedrooms.

B.It has a garden.

C.It is samller than the one in London.


11.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.At a medical school.

B.At a dentist's office.

C.At an X-ray room.

12.What's wrong with the woman?

A.She has a small hole in her tooth.

B.She cuts her finger.

C.She has a stomachache.


13.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Using the left hand.

B.Designing machines.

C.Operating machines.

14.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Master and servant.

B.Fellow workers.

C.Boss and secretary.

15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Left-handers can't run the machine.

B.The woman only uses her right hand.

C.The woman is more skillful than the man.



  Venice is built on   16  

  In Venice people move from one place to another mainly   17  

  All the mail is delivered by   18   postmen.

  Every postman in Venice has a boat, wich is called“  19  ”.

  Postman puts the mail   20   and then mail receiver will pull it back up.





1.Where is Miss Read from?




2.How much will a ten-minute call cost?

A.10 yuan.

B.31 yuan.

C.51 yuan.

3.Where has the man to go?

A.To Paris.

B.To the woman’s uncle’s house.

C.To London.

4.What does the man mean?

A.He won’t go to dinner or a film with the girl.

B.He will go to see a film with the girl.

C.He will have to go to the meeting tonight.

5.What’s the woman’s suggestion?

A.To listen to English radio programmes.

B.To listen to English novels.

C.To speak more.




6.Where should the man get on the train?

A.At Platform No.3.

B.At Platform No.4.

C.At Platform No.5

7.Is it the first time he has come to Japan?

A.Yes it is.

B.No, it isn’t.

C.No, he isn’t.

8.Which of the following is WRONG?

A.The man isn’t a Japanese.

B.The ticket costs him one hundred and thirteen yen.

C.The trains come every six minutes or so.


9.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At home.

B.On the way home.

C.On the way to the cinema.

10.What will the two speakers do first after supper this evening?

A.Buy something in the shop.

B.See a film.

C.Have a walk in the shops and stores.

11.Why do the two speakers want to walk around the shops and stores?

A.They want to relax.

B.They want to buy something.

C.They want to meet their friends.


12.What kind of color TV set does the woman want to buy?

A.A small one.

B.A big one.

C.A cheap one.

13.What’s the man’s opinion about buying a TV set?

A.The woman should buy a small one.

B.The woman should buy a big one.

C.The woman should buy a cheap one.

14.Why does the man give the woman such a suggestion?

A.Because the big one is too expensive.

B.Because she will have to change it in a few years.

C.Because her sitting room isn’t very big.


15.Where is the boy going to spend his holiday?

A.In the city.

B.In his hometown.


16.What will he do there?

A.Do some farm work.

B.Study at home.

C.Do some housework.

17.Which of the following is true?

A.The girl knows how to farm.

B.The boy’s grandparents don’t live in the city.

C.The boy’s school is in the country.


18.What is the speaker?

A.An official.

B.A tourist.

C.A guide.

19.When can you come if you want to see how bread is baked?

A.On Saturday afternoon.

B.On Thursday afternoon.

C.On Tuesday afternoon.

20.How many places in the city are mentioned?






