A)听录音.在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子.每个句子听一遍. 1. A. She went hiking in the hills . B. They really like watching movies. C. We should exercise more to keep healthy. 2. A. Most of our teachers come to school by bus B. My parents took me to the hospital C. Mary didn’t go to Tom’s birthday party. 3. A. Is the hotel between the park and the station? B. Did you visit your best friend on vacation? C. Can you put my article in next month’s magazine? 4. A. Don’t listen to music in the library . B. Let’s stop talking about our problems. C. Bob hopes to fly to the moon some day. 5. A. What kind of food would you like? B. When were you supposed to arrive? C. What if everyone else brings a gift? B)听录音.从每题A.B.C三幅图画中选出与所听到的对话内容相符的一项.每段对话听两遍. 6. A. B. C. 7. A. B. C. 8. A. B. C. 9. A. B. C. 10. A. B. C. C)在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题.根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案.对话及问题听两遍. 11. A. To the bookstore. B. To the police station. C. To the post office. 12. A. Lucy B. His sister. C. His friend. 13. A. 7:00 B. 7:30 C. 8:00 14. A. Fruits and vegetables B. Fast food C. Food and drinks 15. A. Yes, they will B. No, they won’t. C. It isn’t mentioned. D)在录音中你将听到一段短文及五个问题.根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案.短文及问题听两遍 16. A. Brown B. Black C. Blue 17. A. Taking a walk B. Running and playing with a ball C. Eating and playing with another dog 18. A. It was vey cold. B. It was very windy. C. It was very hot. 19. A. To watch the coat B. To play with the coat C. To carry the coat 20. A. Because he was playing under the tree. B. Because he was sleeping on the coat. C. Because he was sitting on the coat. 查看更多




    A.死而有知,其几何离?    顺流而东

    B.远具时羞之奠    具资诣问

    C.正襟危坐而问客    危樯独夜舟

D.脱获回耗,虽死必谢    虽然,犹有未树也


V 写作(共1小题,满分15分)
最近, 学校学生会提议全校同学参与一项公益活动。以下是活动内容:

你每购买一张主题为“Carry on with Love”的贺卡,就意味着你向乡村孩子赠送了一本儿童读物。
可从http://www.1kg.org 链接到 “淘宝网专营店 (Taobao Shop)”。
请用5个句子表达以上全部内容. 首句和尾句已给出, 不包括在5个句子中。
Dear students,
We hope all of you can take an active part in such a public-interest program that love will be 
gathered and carried on.  _________________________________________________________
Looking forward to your support.
Students’ Union


V 写作 (共1小题,满分15分)


最近, 学校学生会提议全校同学参与一项公益活动。以下是活动内容:




你每购买一张主题为“Carry on with Love”的贺卡,就意味着你向乡村孩子赠送了一本儿童读物。





可从http://www.1kg.org 链接到 “淘宝网专营店 (Taobao Shop)”。


请用5个句子表达以上全部内容. 首句和尾句已给出, 不包括在5个句子中。

Dear students,

We hope all of you can take an active part in such a public-interest program that love will be 

gathered and carried on.  _________________________________________________________



Looking forward to your support.

Students’ Union


    Duke Ellington is known as one of the most important composers of his time, and his work has been
enjoyed for more than 80 years by music lovers all over the world. During his lifetime Ellington turned
musical sounds into many compositions, mostly in the style known as jazz.
     The Early Years
     Edward Kennedy Ellington was born in 1899 in Washington, D. C. It wasn't until Ellington was a
teenager that his interest in music grew. He taught himself to play the piano by listening to local piano
players. Sometime around 1916 Ellington began playing the piano at high school parties. Ellington realized
that he enjoyed entertaining people with his music. He soon became a very popular musician, playing at
parties and other events in the Washington area. Young adults seemed especially delighted by the modern pieces he composed.
    Success in New York
     In 1923, when Ellington was almost 24 years old, he joined The Washingtonians, a five-piece group
of musicians in Washington, and became the group's leader in early 1924. In 1927 Ellington and his
orchestra won an engagement (雇佣期) at Harlem's famous Cotton Club. For the next three years, his
orchestra played at the Cotton Club nearly every night.
    The Influence of the Cotton Club
    Working at the Cotton Club encouraged Ellington's creativity. Since the shows changed every six
months, he was challenged by the need to continually develop new material. He had to compose a wide
variety of music to accompany the various acts in the Cotton Club shows and to adapt that music to the
strengths and weaknesses of the players in his orchestra.
     By 1928 the popular nightspot began radio broadcasts. From the broadcasts Ellington and his
orchestra gained a national reputation.
    On the Road
     As Ellington's popularity increased, he realized that his orchestra could do well on concert tours. They
left the Cotton Club in 1931 and toured America and Europe almost continually for the next 43 years. In
addition to touring, Ellington made recordings and continued to compose music.
     Duke Ellington played the piano, composed music, and led his famous orchestra for more than 50
years, until his death in 1974. Music lovers all over the world agree that the large quantity of music he
created will be enjoyed for many years to come.


活动时间 在纪念5.12大地震两周年之际
活动内容     1. 你每购买一张主题为“Carry on with Love”的贺卡,就意味着你向乡村孩
2. 每张贺卡售价10元,含1.2元邮资。
活动目的 通过参加这一项目,希望为灾区学校、乡村学校筹集到300,000本图书。
购买方式 可从http://www.1kg.org 链接到 “淘宝网专营店 (Taobao Shop)”。
【写作要求】请用5个句子表达以上全部内容。首句和尾句已给出, 不包括在5个句子中。
Dear students,
     We hope all of you can take an active part in such a public-interest program that love will be gathered
and carried on. ________________________________________________________________________
     Looking forward to your support.
     Students' Union

