American children are expected to . A. live on their own by the age eighteen B. fully enjoy themselves in others’ homes accept invitations to a formal party D. run wild in public places. 答案:63-66 BDCA D Only three local students won Chinese Blog Competition. And 15 of the 18 awards went to students from China. 170 students’ task: to get a fully-designed blog up and running, complete with many postings based on a theme of choice-all written in Chinese. Themes ranged from local opinions-such as the usage of English, education and whether Singapore can be a cultural centre-to food blogs. The entries were judged on Language proficiency and the quality of writing, as well as the design and level of exchanging ideas with readers. Academics from the National University of Singapore and the SIM University, IT experts, and a journalist from Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore made up the judges. In the end, only three Singaporean students made it to the award list-the rest of the awards were swept up by students from China. “No surprise, said Mr. Chow Yaw Long, 37 , teacher-in-charge from Innova Junior College, which organized the event. “Although the topics were local subjects, the foreign students were generally better in terms of the content of the posts and their grasp of the Chinese language. One of the three local students winning the first prize in the Best Language Award was blogger Christina Gao,19, from the Saint Andrew’s Junior College, who spared no effort in researching for and writing her blog. Each entry took her between five and seven days to produce, complete with pictures and even podcasts Her advice for bloggers is: Be responsible. “Some bloggers out there only seek to blame the authorities and other bloggers. Said Miss Gao. “I think they lack responsibilities and there is no value to their posts. 查看更多



In many countries, it is important to have many children . In the US, a few religious groups emphasize the importance of large families, but most people think one or two children are enough, and many couples have no children. ___1_____ Having many children would restrict the freedom and individualism of the parents as well as the other children in the family.

Parents teach individualism by the way they raise their children. ___2___ Parents begin teaching this self-reliance early , asking the child to do things on her own and praising her when she does.

___3____ They bring their children with them to church , to sporting events, to stores, and to social events. However , many places, such as expensive restaurants and live theatre productions , do not welcome children. Most formal social gatherings , those with written invitations do not welcome children either.

Children , especially boys are expected to be energetic and assertive(果敢的)。___4____ Parents are expected to keep their children under control at all times, particularly in public places and in the homes of others. When a child misbehaves , only the child’s patents may discipline him. ___5____ Most patents discipline their children by rewarding good behaviors, not by punishing bad behaviors. While a spanking , a slap to the child’s buttocks(屁股), is acceptable to some people, any punishment that wounds the childe or leaves a mark is considered child abuse and is against the law.

A.          The relationship between American parents and their children is harmony.

B.          That doesn’t mean , though , that they are allowed to “run wild” in public.

C.          Because taking care of a child is very costly, financially , emotionally, and socially ,many couples view large families as a disadvantage.

D.          Others adults should not interfere (干涉)unless the child is doing something which may be harmful to himself

E.          American children are expected to accept invitations to a formal party.

F.          Many parents want to expose their children to a variety of situations.

G. They want to create a self-reliant, independent child , who can make it on her own by age eighteen.




In many countries, it is important to have many children .In the US, a few religious groups emphasize the importance of large families, but most people think one or two children are enough, and many couples have no children.__1._____ Having many children would restrict the freedom and individualism of the parents as well as the other children in the family.

Parents teach individualism by the way they raise their children.___2.__ Parents begin teaching this self-reliance early , asking the child to do things on her own and praising her when she does.

__3.____ They bring their children with them to church , to sporting events, to stores, and to social events.However , many places, such as expensive restaurants and live theatre productions , do not welcome children.Most formal social gatherings , those with written invitations do not welcome children either.

Children , especially boys are expected to be energetic and assertive(果敢的)。__4.__  Parents are expected to keep their children under control at all times, particularly in public places and in the homes of others.When a child misbehaves , only the child’s patents may discipline him.__5.____ Most patents discipline their children by rewarding good behaviors, not by punishing bad behaviors.While a spanking , a slap to the child’s buttocks(屁股), is acceptable to some people, any punishment that wounds the childe or leaves a mark is considered child abuse and is against the law.

A.The relationship between American parents and their children is harmony.

B.That doesn’t mean , though , that they are allowed to “run wild” in public.

C.Because taking care of a child is very costly, financially , emotionally, and socially ,many couples view large families as a disadvantage.

D.Others adults should not interfere (干涉)unless the child is doing something which may be harmful to himself.

E.American children are expected to accept invitations to a formal party.

F.Many parents want to expose their children to a variety of situations.

G.They want to create a self-reliant, independent child , who can make it on her own by age eighteen.




In many countries, it is important to have many children .In the US, a few religious groups emphasize the importance of large families, but most people think one or two children are enough, and many couples have no children.___1_____ Having many children would restrict the freedom and individualism of the parents as well as the other children in the family.

Parents teach individualism by the way they raise their children.___2___ Parents begin teaching this self-reliance early , asking the child to do things on her own and praising her when she does.

___3____ They bring their children with them to church , to sporting events, to stores, and to social events.However , many places, such as expensive restaurants and live theatre productions , do not welcome children.Most formal social gatherings, those with written invitations do not welcome children either.

Children , especially boys are expected to be energetic and assertive(果敢的)。___4____  Parents are expected to keep their children under control at all times, particularly in public places and in the homes of others.When a child misbehaves , only the child’s patents may discipline him.___5____ Most patents discipline their children by rewarding good behaviors, not by punishing bad behaviors.While a spanking , a slap to the child’s buttocks(屁股), is acceptable to some people, any punishment that wounds the childe or leaves a mark is considered child abuse and is against the law.

A.The relationship between American parents and their children is harmony.

B.That doesn’t mean, though, that they are allowed to “run wild” in public.

C.Because taking care of a child is very costly, financially, emotionally, and socially ,many couples view large families as a disadvantage.

D.Others adults should not interfere (干涉)unless the child is doing something which may be harmful to himself.

E.American children are expected to accept invitations to a formal party.

F.Many parents want to expose their children to a variety of situations.

G.They want to create a self-reliant, independent child, who can make it on her own by age eighteen.




In many countries, it is important to have many children .In the US, a few religious groups emphasize the importance of large families, but most people think one or two children are enough, and many couples have no children.___1._____ Having many children would restrict the freedom and individualism of the parents as well as the other children in the family.

Parents teach individualism by the way they raise their children.___2.___ Parents begin teaching this self-reliance early , asking the child to do things on her own and praising her when she does.

___3.___ They bring their children with them to church , to sporting events, to stores, and to social events.However , many places, such as expensive restaurants and live theatre productions , do not welcome children.Most formal social gatherings , those with written invitations do not welcome children either.

Children , especially boys are expected to be energetic and assertive(果敢的)。___4.____  Parents are expected to keep their children under control at all times, particularly in public places and in the homes of others.When a child misbehaves , only the child’s patents may discipline him.___5.____ Most patents discipline their children by rewarding good behaviors, not by punishing bad behaviors.While a spanking , a slap to the child’s buttocks(屁股), is acceptable to some people, any punishment that wounds the childe or leaves a mark is considered child abuse and is against the law.

A.The relationship between American parents and their children is harmony.

B.That doesn’t mean , though , that they are allowed to “run wild” in public.

C.Because taking care of a child is very costly, financially , emotionally, and socially ,many couples view large families as a disadvantage.

D.Others adults should not interfere (干涉)unless the child is doing something which may be harmful to himself.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]

E.American children are expected to accept invitations to a formal party.

F.Many parents want to expose their children to a variety of situations.

  G.They want to create a self-reliant, independent child , who can make it on her own by age eighteen.


