The purpose of writing the passage is to . A. inspire more people to fight poverty B. share the story of Kombo Peshu C. encourage readers to contribute to Kenya D. show the living conditions of Kenyan children 答案:51-55 DBACB B The West is full of fast food and large amounts of food which contribute to many women’s being fat. While many are fat, thin women are admired and seen as healthier. This has led to a culture of gym-going, strange dieting methods and, frequently, eating disorders. In the East, women tend to be smaller and many women take pills to keep their slim figures as they get older. However, you’re mistaken if you think thinness is the beauty standard all over the world. The BBC reports that in Mauritania, Africa, the opposite is true. In Mauritania, mothers force their daughters to eat a lot of food so that they get as fat as possible. The fatter they are, the more likely they are to marry well. Fat is also considered healthy, because in a country where HIV/AIDS is a very real problem, thin people are often sick and dying. However, “healthy fat women are suffering from some problems of their own and many are dying in their 40s of weight-related diseases. The Mauritanian government is trying to warn its people of the dangers of being overweight but it’s not easy to change cultural views. Many women worry that if they lose weight, their husbands will leave them for fatter, more attractive women. It seems that while education about the dangers of being too thin and too fat is very important, what the world really needs is to become less pre-occupied with the size, shape and weight of women’s bodies. The promotion of healthy practices is easy but changing cultural beauty standards takes more time, imagination and effort. 查看更多



Bellwood, IL — Kombo Peshu came to the United States from the poor village of Mwands, Kenya, ten years ago when Father Richard Quinn gave him the chance to further his education. Kombo was given a full scholarship to study for a master’s degree.

When Kombo returned to Kenya for a visit four years later, he realized how lucky he was to have received his education in the United States. Over the four years he was in America, conditions in Mwanda had worsened, and he was struck by how many children were struggling to receive a proper education.

Kombo knew that he had to give back to his people after seeing such hardships. First, he began to give money out of his own pocket, but he soon realized he had to do more. He went back to the United States and asked for donations(捐献), and was finally able to raise enough to start the Mughamba Scholarship Foundation, a fund for children in his village of Mwanda who cannot afford school. The people around him were so moved by his emotional accounts of these children that some of them not only gave money but also traveled with him back to Mwanda to see firsthand what daily life is like for these children.

Kombo continues to raise money for his village and currently has 40 students on scholarships for high school and 5 at universities in Kenya. In addition to continuing to raise money for his scholarship fund and by selling traditional Kenyan items he is also working to raise money to get more running water in his village.

63. Why did Kombo Peshu come to the US 10 years ago?

  A. A university offered him a chance to study abroad.          

B. He was funded to work on a master’s degree.

  C. Richard Quinn invited him to come for a visit.  

D. He was sent to study by the Kenyan government.

64. What impressed Kombo in Kenya was that ______.

  A. many children were struggling hard to survive 

B. many children couldn’t receive a proper education

  C. the children were living in very bad conditions 

D. most children couldn’t go to school for the reason of wars

65. What did Kombo do to help his people? 

  A. He donated his lifetime savings.

B. He called on his friends to help.  

 C. He ran a running water company in Mwanda.

 D. He managed to raise money in the US.

66. The meaning of the underlined word “accounts” in the third paragraph is close to ______.

  A. description   B. bank   C.customer   D. judgement  

67. The purpose of writing the passage is to _____.

  A. inspire more people to fight poverty      B. encourage readers to contribute to Kenya

  C. share the story of Kombo Peshu  D. show the living conditions of Kenyan children

