Does the writer think it’s important to educate people about the dangers of eating too much or too little? A. Yes, the writer thinks it should be taught in schools. B. No, the writer thinks that people should learn for themselves. C. Yes, but the writer thinks that other changes are also necessary. D. No, the writer thinks it’s more important to change cultural beauty standards. 答案:56-60 BDCAC 世纪金榜 查看更多



The West is full of fast food and large amounts of food which contribute to many women’s being fat. While many are fat, thin women are admired and seen as healthier. This has led to a culture of gym-going, strange dieting methods and, frequently, eating disorders. In the East, women tend to be smaller and many women take pills to keep their slim figures as they get older. However, you’re mistaken if you think thinness is the beauty standard all over the world. The BBC reports that in Mauritania, Africa, the opposite is true.

In Mauritania, mothers force their daughters to eat a lot of food so that they get as fat as possible. The fatter they are, the more likely they are to marry well. Fat is also considered healthy, because in a country where HIV/AIDS is a very real problem, thin people are often sick and dying. However, “healthy” fat women are suffering from some problems of their own and many are dying in their 40s of weight-related diseases.

The Mauritanian government is trying to warn its people of the dangers of being overweight but it’s not easy to change cultural views. Many women worry that if they lose weight, their husbands will leave them for fatter, more attractive women.

       It seems that while education about the dangers of being too thin and too fat is very important, what the world really needs is to become less pre-occupied with the size, shape and weight of women’s bodies. The promotion of healthy practices is easy but changing cultural beauty standards takes more time, imagination and effort.

52. According to the article, why are women usually fatter in the West?

       A. They don’t exercise enough.  
       B. Large food portions and fast food are common.

       C. They use unhealthy dieting methods. 
       D. They believe that being fat is beautiful.

53. What examples does the writer give of unhealthy weight-loss methods in the East and West?

       A. Strange dieting methods, exercising, taking pills and eating too much.

       B. Taking pills, watching what you eat and exercising.

                  C. Strange dieting methods and warning people about the dangers of  

            being overweight.

       D. Gym-going, strange dieting methods, eating disorders and taking pills.

54. Why are girls forced to eat a lot of food in Mauritania?

       A. They believe that fat people won’t get HIV/AIDS.

       B. They believe that they can lead healthier lives.

       C. They believe if they grow fat, they may possibly marry good husbands.

       D. They believe that they won’t get sick very often.

55. According to the article, why do some women in Mauritania not want to lose weight even though they know being fat is unhealthy? 

       A. They worry that their husbands will leave them if they’re thin.

       B. They really like being beautiful.

       C. They really like eating a lot of food and being fat.

       D. The government forces them to eat a lot so they won’t get sick.

56. Does the writer think it’s important to educate people about the dangers of eating too much or too little?

       A. Yes, the writer thinks it should be taught in schools.

       B. No, the writer thinks that people should learn for themselves.

       C. Yes, but the writer thinks that other changes are also necessary.

                     D. No, the writer thinks it’s more important to change cultural beauty                      standards.

