According to the passage, are more likely to become addicted to online games. A. people under great pressure from school and work B. people well-known in the field of computer games C. people with unsolved problems and few friends D. people who'd like to take a risk in computer games 答案:56-59 CBCB B Some kids can’t sit still for very long. They have a hard time paying attention to just one thing. They’re easily distracted, they can get very impatient, they hate standing in line or waiting for their turn in a game or activity, they get bored pretty fast, and they may also be impulsive - saying the first thing that comes to mind or interrupting someone else who’s talking. For certain kids, this problem is so severe that doctors have a name for it: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD . Perhaps as many as one out of every 20 kids under the age of 18 have characteristics of ADHD. Often, these kids have trouble getting through school and facing other difficulties later in life. Rizzo started developing the Virtual Classroom in 1999. He wanted to see if he could use it as a tool for testing and treating kids who have attention disorders. To diagnose ADHD, doctors typically test patients by giving them tasks that require attention. As part of one classic test, you watch letters flashing on a computer screen. Every time you see the letter “A followed by the letter “X , you have to press the space bar. If you’re paying close attention, you’ll record all of the times when this combinationoccurs. If not, you’ll miss some. The Virtual Classroom makes these tests more efficient, Rizzo says. In one experiment, he gave a group of kids the classic “A-X test. Instead of looking at a computer screen in a doctor’s office, though, the kids wore headsets that made them feel like they were taking the test in a classroom. “Basically, Rizzo says, “we found that the testing usually requires a couple of hours with computer screens in a doctor’s office, but it only takes 20 minutes with virtual reality. 查看更多



In today's Internet age, online games can be a change from the pressure of school and work. However, they can also cause problems and unhealthy addictions. This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. This country has the world's highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. It has also a high number of game players who are addicted to online games.
In 2004, a young man died after playing online games almost nonstop for 86 hours. A 12-year-old boy stole $16,000 from his father to continue online games which he could not get away from. Such problems are spreading to other parts of Asia as well. In 2005, it was reported that about 80 percent of China's 13.8 million online game players were under 25.
And many of these were said to be addicted. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.
Dr. Sue-Huei Chen, a psychologist (心理学家), discovered some signs of at-risk people. Such people often go online to escape from their problems. And they usually have no friendship or good social skills. They feel the need to spend more and more time online, so they may be absent from school or family. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.
64. The passage is mainly about _________     
A. online game addiction              B. problems caused by online games
C. computer problems in Asia         D. problems caused by young people
65. In the passage, the writer tells us a fact that_________      
A. South Korea has a large number of Internet schools
B. More and more young men are stealing money for online games
C. China's online game players are all under the age of 25
D. Online game addiction is a very common problem in South Korea
66. After reading the passage,, we know that in China_________        
A. many young people are playing online games for fun
B. many young people are getting addicted to online games
C. only those under 25 like to play online games for long periods
D. 80 percent of the Chinese depend on online games to get relaxed
67. According to the passage, ____________are more likely to become addicted to online games.
A. people under great pressure from school and work
B. people well-known in the field of computer games
C. people with unsolved problems and few friends
D. people who'd like to take a risk in computer games



  China could become the first country to view Internet addiction as a clinical(临床的)disease among growing concern over compulsive(上瘾的)Web use by millions of Chinese, Chinese media said on Monday, AFP reported.The health ministry is likely to adopt a new set of standards on Internet addiction next year that recognizes it as a condition similar to compulsive gambling(赌博)or alcohol(酒)addiction.

  Users who spend six hours or more per day online, and show at least one symptom including difficulty in sleeping or concentrating, desiring to be online, and mental or physical suffering are regarded as meeting the definition of addiction.

  The set of standards would be the first of its kind in the world if the health ministry officially approves it, said Tao Ran, a leading medical professional on addiction in China who also headed the project of the standards.

  The ministry is highly likely to give the standards the green light next year, Tao said.China has the world's largest online population at 253 million people, according to official figures, and is growing rapidly as computer use rises along with income levels.But that has also caused growing concerns over compulsive Internet use.A top Chinese official said in August that about 10 percent of China's Web users under the age of 18, or four million people, were addicted to the Internet, mainly to“unhealthy”online games.

  Recent research by Internet Media Company InterActiveCorp showed that 42 percent of Chinese youngsters surveyed felt“addicted”to the Web, compared to 18 percent in the United States.

  China's government has tried various measures to control the rapidly developing online gaming market and limit Web use by teens.In 2006, it ordered all Chinese Internet game producers to use technology in their games that demands players give their real name and identification number.


Which of the following may be considered as a new clinical disease?

[  ]


Gambling addiction.


Alcohol addiction.


Compulsive eating.


Compulsive Internet use.


According to the passage, people suffering from Internet addiction may have the following symptoms EXCEPT ________.

[  ]




poor sight


net surfing desires


physical problems


It can NOT be concluded from the passage that ________.

[  ]


income levels in China are rising


it is probable that the health ministry will approve the standards


Web users under 18 are more likely to be addicted to the Internet


there are more youngsters addicted to the Web in China than those in America


What is the passage mainly about?

[  ]


China has the world’s largest online population.


China has got solutions to compulsive Internet use.


China may recognize Internet addiction as a clinical disease.


China’s government is paying high attention to controlling online gaming market.


In today’s Internet age, online games can be a change from the pressure of school and work. However, they can also cause problems and unhealthy addictions. This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. This country has the world’s highest percentage of high – speed Internet services. It has also a high number of game players who are addicted to online games.

In 2004, a young man died after playing online games almost nonstop for 86 hours. A 12 – year – old boy stole $ 16,000 from his father to continue online games which he could not get away from. Such problems are spreading to other parts of Asia as well. In 2005, it was reported that about 80 percent of China’s 13.8 million online game players were under 25. And many of these were said to be addicted. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.

Dr. Sue – Huei Chen, a psychologist , discovered some signs of at – risk people. Such people often go online to escape from their problems. And they usually have no friendship or good social skills. They feel the need to spend more and more time online, so they may be absent from school or family. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.

The passage is mainly about          . games        B.problems caused by online games problems in Asia     D.problems caused by young people

In the passage, the writer tells us a fact that         .

       A.South Korea has a large number of Internet schools

       B.More and more young men are stealing money for online games

       C.China’s online game players are all under the age of 25

       D.Online game addiction is a very common problem in South Korea

After reading the passage, we know that in China         .

       A.many young people are playing online games for fun

       B.many young people are getting addicted to online games

       C.only those under 25 like to play online games for long periods

       D.80 percent of the Chinese depend on online games to get relaxed

According to the passage,      are more likely to become addicted to online games.

      A.people under great pressure from school and work.

       B.people well known in the field of computer games

       C.people with unsolved problems and few friends

       D.people who’d like to take a risk in computer games


In today’s Internet age, online games can be a change from the pressure of school and work. However, they can also cause problems and unhealthy addictions. This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. This country has the world’s highest percentage of high – speed Internet services. It has also a high number of game players who are addicted to online games.
In 2004, a young man died after playing online games almost nonstop for 86 hours. A 12 – year – old boy stole $ 16,000 from his father to continue online games which he could not get away from. Such problems are spreading to other parts of Asia as well. In 2005, it was reported that about 80 percent of China’s 13.8 million online game players were under 25. And many of these were said to be addicted. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.
Dr. Sue – Huei Chen, a psychologist , discovered some signs of at – risk people. Such people often go online to escape from their problems. And they usually have no friendship or good social skills. They feel the need to spend more and more time online, so they may be absent from school or family. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.
【小题1】The passage is mainly about          . gamesB.problems caused by online games problems in AsiaD.problems caused by young people
【小题2】In the passage, the writer tells us a fact that         .
A.South Korea has a large number of Internet schools
B.More and more young men are stealing money for online games
C.China’s online game players are all under the age of 25
D.Online game addiction is a very common problem in South Korea
【小题3】After reading the passage, we know that in China         .
A.many young people are playing online games for fun
B.many young people are getting addicted to online games
C.only those under 25 like to play online games for long periods
D.80 percent of the Chinese depend on online games to get relaxed
【小题4】According to the passage,      are more likely to become addicted to online games.
A.people under great pressure from school and work.
B.people well known in the field of computer games
C.people with unsolved problems and few friends
D.people who’d like to take a risk in computer games


In today’s Internet age, online games can be a change from the pressure of school and work. However, they can also cause problems and unhealthy addictions. This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. This country has the world’s highest percentage of high – speed Internet services. It has also a high number of game players who are addicted to online games.

In 2004, a young man died after playing online games almost nonstop for 86 hours. A 12 – year – old boy stole $ 16,000 from his father to continue online games which he could not get away from. Such problems are spreading to other parts of Asia as well. In 2005, it was reported that about 80 percent of China’s 13.8 million online game players were under 25. And many of these were said to be addicted. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.

Dr. Sue – Huei Chen, a psychologist , discovered some signs of at – risk people. Such people often go online to escape from their problems. And they usually have no friendship or good social skills. They feel the need to spend more and more time online, so they may be absent from school or family. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.

1.The passage is mainly about          . games

B.problems caused by online games problems in Asia

D.problems caused by young people

2.In the passage, the writer tells us a fact that         .

A.South Korea has a large number of Internet schools

B.More and more young men are stealing money for online games

C.China’s online game players are all under the age of 25

D.Online game addiction is a very common problem in South Korea

3.After reading the passage, we know that in China         .

A.many young people are playing online games for fun

B.many young people are getting addicted to online games

C.only those under 25 like to play online games for long periods

D.80 percent of the Chinese depend on online games to get relaxed

4.According to the passage,      are more likely to become addicted to online games.

A.people under great pressure from school and work.

B.people well known in the field of computer games

C.people with unsolved problems and few friends

D.people who’d like to take a risk in computer games


