He looked at his face in mirror. 查看更多



Mike Ingrarn had been a guard the Ohio State football team in the late 1950s.I believe he may have been captain in his senior year.He is a tough - looking guy,a hero in Columbus,a brave fighter in a red—and—gray uniform.  
One holiday season Jack and I had been at the F&R Lazarus department store downtown, and we saw,carrying a tall pile of boxes,someone who clearly was working in the Lazarus stockroom(仓库).It was, Mike Ingram,post—Ohio state football player.
We stared—how could we help it? And Mike Ingram stopped in his track,looked right back at us,and said,with bite in his tone:“Yeah,it's me.”Meaning:Go ahead and stare if you must.
Couldn’t really blame him.There was nothing wrong with what he was doing——be was earning some money in the stockroom.But he was out in the world now, he wasn't where he had been when everything was bathed in sunlight;he was in Ohio Stadium,hearing the supporting shouts from 78,000 people who loved him and his teammates.He had moved past that trust of life’s roles,as everyone does.It was his misfortune to have,been famous very early;there must have been dozens and dozens of men in their twenties working in the Lazarus stockroom that holiday season,but Mike Ingram was the one sure to attract cnrious passers,because he was no longer who he was supposed to be.
68.When the writer met him in Lazarus,Mike was a           .
A.salesman             B.manager             C.1aborer           D.customer
69.By saying“how could we help it?”the writer means that          
A.he and his friend just can’t force themselves not to look at Mike
B.he wonders whether he and his friend can help Mike
C.he and his friend can’t stop looking at each other
D.he and his friend can do nothing to stop Mike carrying the boxes
70.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Mike used to be very popular when he played in the Ohio State football team.
B.Many other people would stare at Mike like the writer when they run into him.
C.Working as an ordinary worker,according to the writer,is Mike’s misfortune.
D.Some people accept what life gives them.
71.We can infer from the passage that when Mike was stared at,he looked           .
A.nice                   B.worried                     C.shy                 D.unhappy


Last weekend, I was walking across the village green(草坪) when I saw an elderly gentleman on the bench, just overlooking the duck pond. I thought he looked a bit forlorn(被遗弃的) so I went over and sat next to him.

       After a few   36    about how nice the weather was and how there were a lot of ducks in the pond today, he told me how he used to come with his wife and watch the children feed the ducks with their mums. They didn't have any   37    of their own..So they cherished being together even more.

       He explained he had been married for 54 years   38    his wife died and how much he missed    39     all the little things with her, like a beautiful sunset. He now lives in a care home. I remarked at how wonderful it must've been to have been married for so long and to have so many happy memories. He took out a large    40   and wiped his eyes and said he had one regret that in all that time he   41    told her how much he really loved her.

       He showed me a photograph of them when they were young. The photo was taken more than 50 years ago. He couldn't believe how the time had   42   . I tried to comfort him by explaining that his wife would be still    43    over him and he could talk to her   44    he wants and that she knows how much he loved her because she can see into his heart. 

       The old man tried to   45    for blurting out his life story but I hushed him and said how privileged I felt he could talk to me and how much it meant to me.

       The   46    I learned from this chance encounter is that we must tell the ones close to us how much we love and care for them and not take them for granted.

       Don't   47    your kind acts until tomorrow; do them today because time flies.

A. discussionB. comments  C. quarrels      D. communication

A. children B. ducks      C. pond       D. home

A. before     B. when      C. after       D. unless

A. doing      B. carrying     C. sharing       D. buying

A. paper      B. rubber     C. brush      D. handkerchief

A. never      B. often       C. sometimes  D. constantly

A. passed on B. passed awayC. passed by   D. passed off

A. watching B. looking      C. seeing     D. observing

A. every timeB. any time    C. some time  D. the time

A. blame    B. cry         C. regret      D. apologize

A. thing     B. class       C. lesson     D. knowledge

A. put up   B. put down    C. put away    D. put off




注意:1. 每处错误仅限1词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Joe was late to school this morning. He looked a little tiring when he met his maths teacher Miss Hunt. He apologized her for being late. Miss Hunt asked him if there was something wrong with him. The boy said he was OK, but he did not have much more sleep last night. He went to a football game and took some pictures. After they got home, he was busy developing them. He stayed till midnight. Miss Hunt told him to get more sleep in night. Joe promised don’t to do that again. Then he showed Miss Hunt with his pictures.


I have learnt a lot about Chinese life and culture while teaching in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province and found them very interesting.

First, family life is quite   36   in China. In the USA, many young people   37   home after they finish their education and start working. However, in China, it is   38   for people to live with their parents until they get married.   39  , many of my Chinese friends told me that their  40   lived with them and helped take care of them when they were children. It seems that Americans think independence is more important   41   the Chinese think family relationships are more important.

Bargaining is another   42   that I have tried to learn. In the USA, prices are   43   and you can’t ask for a lower price. However in some small Chinese stores and tourist places, you are   44   to bargain. My Chinese friends taught me to ask for 40 percent or 50 percent   45   the original price. If the salesperson doesn’t agree to my price, I should   46   to leave and he might let me come back and sell me the item. It is a skill that you have to   47   if you live in China.

Tipping hasn’t been easier to   48  . In the USA, many people in the service   49   want to get   50   money for serving customers. Tipping is not a part of Chinese culture.   51   I tried to tip a taxi driver. He looked a little   52   and refused to take the money.

In dinners, perhaps what surprises an American visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their   53  . Actually, this is a   54   of true friendship and politeness. My Chinese friend told me if I didn’t want to eat it, I should just   55   the food in the plate. 

1.A. unique            B. different       C. private         D. harmonious

2.A. come              B. build           C. leave           D. abandon

3.A. regular           B. true            C. common          D. usual

4.A. Also              B. However         C. Therefore       D. Although

5.A. parents           B. relatives       C. babysitters     D. grandparents

6.A. while             B. since           C. when            D. as

7.A. way               B. custom          C. lesson          D. habit

8.A. made              B. agreed          C. charged         D. set

9.A. expected          B. taught          C. suggested       D. required

10.A. up               B. away            C. off             D. on

11.A. promise          B. pretend         C. decide          D. hope

12.A. tolerate         B. understand      C. practise        D. consider

13.A. adjust to        B. turn to         C. refer to        D. stick to

14.A. area             B. department      C. branch          D. industry

15.A. easy             B. extra           C. pocket          D. prize

16.A. Often            B. Once            C. Sometimes       D. Before

17.A. excited         B. satisfied       C. frightened      D. confused

18.A. own              B. children        C. neighbors       D. guests   

19.A. signal           B. mark            C. sign            D. feature

20.A. leave            B. remain          C. put             D. taste



– Mike, did you see Mr. Chapman in the office just now?
-- Yes, he ______, and he looked a little bit nervous.

A.had been interviewedB.interviewed
C.was being interviewedD.was interviewed

