A. hope B. interest C. success D. interest 查看更多



A typical day at work for Cesar Millan includes taking a four-hour jog with 40 dogs, large and small, young and old, and none of them on leashes (缰绳).Although most of these dogs belong to him, the rest are troubled dogs sent to Millan to learn good behaviour.Obviously, Millan has a special gift for working with these animals.

Growing up on a farm in Mexico, Millan knew he would work with dogs.His first job, at age 15, was helping a veterinarian (兽医).He was so good at calming scared dogs and handling all kinds of situations that people started calling him 'the dog boy.’ Since then, he has built a rewarding career around his favourite animal.

Studying dogs on the farm where he grew up, Millan realised they need a lot of exercise to be calm.He explains his approach; "Exercise and discipline (纪律) first, and then affection!" He says a lot of people get it wrong because they do not realise what dogs really need.Millan does not only train dogs, he also trains owners to understand that their pets need rules.He has helped celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith and everyday people too.

At his Dog Psychology Centre in Los Angeles, California, Millan also works with dogs whose dangerous behaviour has prevented them from finding homes.He teaches them to be loving gentle pets.Viewers can actually see the change in dogs with troublesome behaviour on Millan's TV show The Dog Whisperer.

To find the right career, Millan encourages kids to do what they enjoy."You can always find a job.But I find that happiness comes when you follow your passion.Success followed me because I was following my dream of being the best dog trainer in the world."

66. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first paragraph?

A. Cesar Millan usually walks his dogs every day.

B. Cesar Millan owns 40 dogs altogether.

C. Cesar Millan is good at handling dogs.

D.Some of the dogs do not behave well.

67. From the second paragraph we can learn that Millan ______.

A. was born into a poor family              B. never went to school

C. has loved dogs since his childhood          D. has been a successful veterinarian

68. Which of the following does NOT agree with Millan's principles for training dogs?

A. Walk the dogs every day.          B. Set rules for them.

C. Show your love to them.            D. Keep troubled dogs separately.

69. Which of the following can be inferred from, the passage?

A. Either Millan's father or his mother was a dog expert.

B. Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith are everyday people.

C. Millan makes good money from his dog business.

D. Millan frequently gets hurt by troublesome dogs.

70. According to Millan, your choice of major at college should be based on _____.

A. your interest                        B. social needs

C. your parents' hope                   D. its popularity


As a senior, my future is always on my mind. To be exact, thoughts of the future have kept me up countless nights and made me worry enough to do poorly on more than one test. Because of this, words of wisdom are a source of comfort. Steve Jobs gave a speech to Stanford’s graduating class in 2005 and his words resound repeatedly in my mind whenever I think about my future.
It wasn’t always like that, though. It started when I became a junior, when college came into view. It’s the first big step to making your life your own. So when Jobs discussed his life as a student, some fears were eased. He, too, felt the need to attend college to make something of himself. He faced what many are extremely afraid of: uncertainty. His lack of understanding caused him to stop attending college and focus on what he felt was important. His story had a happy ending, of course, since he certainly turned out well.
This doesn’t mean that students shouldn’t attend college, but rather that they shouldn’t worry so much. You’ll get where you need to go, even if your path is a bit more winding(蜿蜒的)than you’d like.
Jobs talked about the hardships in his work. His love of his work helped him carry on and he got where he was meant to be, which restates the point: don’t panic.
One particular part of his speech stayed with me. Steve Jobs quoted(引用)the saying “Stay hungry, stay foolish” and it has become my motto. Staying foolish is realizing that you are still a fool, no matter how much you’ve learned or experienced. There is always more to explore. Staying hungry is wanting to find those things about which you are still uneducated.
Steve Jobs’s level of success is attainable, and I aim to prove that. With the will power to go into the world living every day like it’s my last and allowing the future to take care of itself, I will do great things. In the last moments of my life, I’ll be proud of what I have done and hope to have all the wisdom a person could wish for.
【小题1】The author felt worried when _________.

A.he had to take tests at school
B.he thought about his future
C.he had lots of sleepless nights
D.he searched for words of wisdom
【小题2】It is suggested in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that _________.
A.Steve Jobs didn’t attend college
B.Steve Jobs failed because of his decision
C.the author is a college student
D.the author cares much about his future
【小题3】What did the author gain from Jobs’s speech?
A.Courage to drop out of school.
B.Confidence in defeating Jobs.
C.Interest in computer industry.
D.Bravery to face uncertainties.
【小题4】What did NOT Steve Jobs encourage students to do in his speech?
A.Have the desire to learn more.
B.Be content with what they know.
C.Stay calm in the face of hardships.
D.Be modest so as to learn more.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about _________.
A.the wisdom drawn from a speech
B.the most impressive quote in life
C.a memorable meeting with Jobs
D.an experience of a speech


As a senior, my future is always on my mind. To be exact, thoughts of the future have kept me up countless nights and made me worry enough to do poorly on more than one test. Because of this, words of wisdom are a source of comfort. Steve Jobs gave a speech to Stanford’s graduating class in 2005 and his words resound repeatedly in my mind whenever I think about my future.
It wasn’t always like that, though. It started when I became a junior, when college came into view. It’s the first big step to making your life your own. So when Jobs discussed his life as a student, some fears were eased. He, too, felt the need to attend college to make something of himself. He faced what many are extremely afraid of: uncertainty. His lack of understanding caused him to stop attending college and focus on what he felt was important. His story had a happy ending, of course, since he certainly turned out well.
This doesn’t mean that students shouldn’t attend college, but rather that they shouldn’t worry so much. You’ll get where you need to go, even if your path is a bit more winding(蜿蜒的)than you’d like.
Jobs talked about the hardships in his work. His love of his work helped him carry on and he got where he was meant to be, which restates the point: don’t panic.
One particular part of his speech stayed with me. Steve Jobs quoted(引用)the saying “Stay hungry, stay foolish” and it has become my motto. Staying foolish is realizing that you are still a fool, no matter how much you’ve learned or experienced. There is always more to explore. Staying hungry is wanting to find those things about which you are still uneducated.
Steve Jobs’s level of success is attainable, and I aim to prove that. With the will power to go into the world living every day like it’s my last and allowing the future to take care of itself, I will do great things. In the last moments of my life, I’ll be proud of what I have done and hope to have all the wisdom a person could wish for.
【小题1】The author felt worried when _________.

A.he had to take tests at school
B.he thought about his future
C.he had lots of sleepless nights
D.he searched for words of wisdom
【小题2】It is suggested in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that _________.
A.Steve Jobs didn’t attend college
B.Steve Jobs failed because of his decision
C.the author is a college student
D.the author cares much about his future
【小题3】What did the author gain from Jobs’s speech?
A.Courage to drop out of school.
B.Confidence in defeating Jobs.
C.Interest in computer industry.
D.Bravery to face uncertainties.
【小题4】What did NOT Steve Jobs encourage students to do in his speech?
A.Have the desire to learn more.
B.Be content with what they know.
C.Stay calm in the face of hardships.
D.Be modest so as to learn more.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about _________.
A.the wisdom drawn from a speech
B.the most impressive quote in life
C.a memorable meeting with Jobs
D.an experience of a speech


As a senior high school student, my future is always on my mind. To be exact,thoughts of the future have kept me up countless nights and made me worry enough to do poorly on more than one test. Because of this, words of wisdom are a source of comfort.Steve Jobs gave a speech to Stanford's graduating class in 2005 and his words resound repeatedly in my mind whenever I think about my future.
It started when l became a junior, when college came into view.  It's the first big step to making your life your own. So when Jobs discussed his life as a student, some fears were eased. He, too, felt the need to attend college to make something of himself. He faced what many are extremely afraid of: uncertainty. His lack of understanding caused him to stop attending college and focus on what he felt was important. His story had a happy ending, of course, since he certainly turned out well.
This doesn't mean that students shouldn't attend college, but rather that they shouldn't worry so much.  You'll get where you need to go, even if your path is a bit morewinding(蜿蜒的)than you'd like.
Jobs talked about the hardships in his work.  His love of his work helped him carry on and he got where he was meant to be, which restates the point: don't panic.One particular part of his speech stayed with me.  Steve Jobs quoted(引用)thc saying"Stay hungry, stay foolisll" and it has become my motto. Staying foolish is realizing thatyou are still a fool, no matter how much you've learned or experienced.  There is always more to explore. Staying hungry is wanting to find those things about which you are still uneducated.
Steve Jobs' level of success is possible to achieve, and I aim to prove that. With the will power to go into the world living every day like it's my last and allowing the future to take care of itself, I will do great things.  In the last moments of my life, I'll be proud of what I have done and hope to have all the wisdom a person could wish for.
【小题1】The author felt worried when_____.

A.he had to take tests at school
B.he had lots of sleepless nights
C.he thought about his future
D.he searched for words of wisdom
【小题2】It is suggested in Paragraphs l and 2 that_____
A.the author is a college student
B.the author cares much about his future
C.Steve Jobs failed because of his decision
D.Steve Jobs' words had no effect on the author
【小题3】What did the author gain from Jobs' speech?
A.Courage to drop out of school.B.Confidence in defeating Jobs.
C.Interest in computer industry.D.Bravery to face uncertainties.
【小题4】What did NOT Steve Jobs encourage students to do in his speech?
A.Be content with what they know.
B.Have the desire to learn more.
C.Stay calm in the face of hardships
D.Be modest so as to learn more.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about_____.
A.an experience of a speech
B.a memorable meeting with Jobs
C.the most impressive quotation in life
D.the wisdom drawn from a speech


As a senior, my future is always on my mind. To be exact, thoughts of the future have kept me up countless nights and made me worry enough to do poorly on more than one test. Because of this, words of wisdom are a source of comfort. Steve Jobs gave a speech to Stanford’s graduating class in 2005 and his words resound repeatedly in my mind whenever I think about my future.
It wasn’t always like that, though. It started when I became a junior, when college came into view. It’s the first big step to making your life your own. So when Jobs discussed his life as a student, some fears were eased. He, too, felt the need to attend college to make something of himself. He faced what many are extremely afraid of: uncertainty. His lack of understanding caused him to stop attending college and focus on what he felt was important. His story had a happy ending, of course, since he certainly turned out well.
This doesn’t mean that students shouldn’t attend college, but rather that they shouldn’t worry so much. You’ll get where you need to go, even if your path is a bit more winding(蜿蜒的)than you’d like.
Jobs talked about the hardships in his work. His love of his work helped him carry on and he got where he was meant to be, which restates the point: don’t panic.
One particular part of his speech stayed with me. Steve Jobs quoted(引用)the saying “Stay hungry, stay foolish” and it has become my motto. Staying foolish is realizing that you are still a fool, no matter how much you’ve learned or experienced. There is always more to explore. Staying hungry is wanting to find those things about which you are still uneducated.
Steve Jobs’s level of success is attainable, and I aim to prove that. With the will power to go into the world living every day like it’s my last and allowing the future to take care of itself, I will do great things. In the last moments of my life, I’ll be proud of what I have done and hope to have all the wisdom a person could wish for.

  1. 1.

    The author felt worried when _________.

    1. A.
      he had to take tests at school
    2. B.
      he thought about his future
    3. C.
      he had lots of sleepless nights
    4. D.
      he searched for words of wisdom
  2. 2.

    It is suggested in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that _________.

    1. A.
      Steve Jobs didn’t attend college
    2. B.
      Steve Jobs failed because of his decision
    3. C.
      the author is a college student
    4. D.
      the author cares much about his future
  3. 3.

    What did the author gain from Jobs’s speech?

    1. A.
      Courage to drop out of school.
    2. B.
      Confidence in defeating Jobs.
    3. C.
      Interest in computer industry.
    4. D.
      Bravery to face uncertainties.
  4. 4.

    What did NOT Steve Jobs encourage students to do in his speech?

    1. A.
      Have the desire to learn more.
    2. B.
      Be content with what they know.
    3. C.
      Stay calm in the face of hardships.
    4. D.
      Be modest so as to learn more.
  5. 5.

    The passage is mainly about _________.

    1. A.
      the wisdom drawn from a speech
    2. B.
      the most impressive quote in life
    3. C.
      a memorable meeting with Jobs
    4. D.
      an experience of a speech

