2. 情态动词must, have to (1) 必须 must没有过去式.可以表示现在和将来.用于第一人称.表示说话人的决心.用于第二.三人称表示强烈要求对方做某事.have to表示受环境制约.“不得不 做某事.过去式是had to. We must have a plan. You must hand in your exercises. 回答must提问的句子时.回答如是否定的.通常用needn’t. (2) 推测 must用于肯定句.常表示推测. He must be a doctor. He must have been a doctor. 但mustn’t不表示推测.而表示禁止. You mustn’t swim in the river. 查看更多




Thanksgiving Around the World

  Thanksgiving in Canada is much the same as it is in the United States; however, it   1  (celebrate)on a different day-the second Monday in October.In other parts of the world, different cultures also celebrate festivals of thanksgiving.Although they are quite different   2  (介词)the American holiday, they all give thanks for life’s blessings and the celebration of the autumn harvest.

  In Great Britain, Harvest festival is celebrated in late September   3  (连词)early October.Special services of thanksgiving   4  (be)held at local churches to honor the day.Decorations include autumn flowers, fruits, vegetables and other food.

  Jewish people around the world celebrate Sukkot, a festival of thanksgiving that   5  (last)nine days.For this occasion, a Jewish family will build a booth(棚)called sukka.It is then decorated with leaves, branches, and fruits or vegetables from the new harvest.Tables are set up inside the sukka, so meals   6  (情态动词)be eaten inside.The sukka is also a place to pray.

  The Festival of the Autumn Moon, or Zhong Qui, is the Chinese   7  (celebrate)of thanksgiving.It is held on the   8  (eight)month of the Chinese calendar.The Moon Goddess is honored with mooncakes, and children parade with colored lanterns in the evening.

  In southern India, people in Kerala hold the harvest festival of Onam.Samaritans give food to   9  (who/those)in need and homes are decorated with flowers.The celebration continues late into the night with spectacular displays of fireworks.

  A Lithuanian thanksgiving tradition involves the creation of a boba(meaning old woman)from the last bunch of grain at harvest time.The grain is fashioned into a doll shape and decorated with ribbons(丝带)and flowers.Keeping the boba until spring is believed   10  (keep)the spirit of the crop alive until replanting begins the following year.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________



  Pollution   1  (be)a problem that happens in water, air and earth.It is   2  (表语)with animals and humans.The water pollution is   3  (cause)by waste from factories.The   4  (fish)will die, if the river polluted by chemical factories.Then if some people   5  (谓语动词)those fish, they will also be dead.The others is air pollution  6  (改正错误)It comes from factories, power stations and cars.  7  (冠词)chemical in the smoke will fall in the rain.This “chemical rain” will kill trees and fish.It’s either bad to the building.  8  (改正错误)From that we   9  (情态动词)know how bad the pollution is.

  We hope that the scientists can find out the way to make environment better soon.  10  (改为形式主语结构)


The Coca-Cola Company ___________ wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension. 【黑龙江省哈市五县2011年高考模拟试卷英语卷(22)】【情态动词及虚拟语气】                                

A. might have been        B. can’t have been

C. must have been        D. can have been



Don’t let your head out of a moving vehicle, which_____ lead to a terrible disaster. 【江西省抚州市2011届高三模拟考试】【情态动词】

A. can        B. should      C. must             D. will



He      have finished his work; otherwise, he would not be enjoying himself by the seaside. 【河南省商丘市第一高级中学2010-2011学年第二学期高三第一次考试卷】【情态动词】

A. should      B. must      C. couldn’t     D. can’t 


