---People turn pale at the word Aids. ----But I’m sure, at some time in ­­ future , there will be cure for it. A. the; \ B.\; the C. \; \ D. the; a 查看更多





            “Four Tigers” Ceremony of the Tu Minority

Heigouding Village, Ledu County in the west of Qinghai province is a place where many people of the Tu minority have lived for centuries. As the little village is comparatively closed to the outside world, a custom called “Four Tigers” was created 200 years ago to protect its inhabitants(栖息地) from sickness and bad luck.

Every year the ceremony is held on the eve of January 15th according to the Chinese lunar calendar to frighten off ghosts and evil souls, and to pray for peace.

Normally four local villagers are selected to be the “tigers” in the ceremony. At first, they gathered with village elders at the mountain-god temple to offer sacrifices of wine, food and incense, and to ask the god to help the tigers. Then the tigers were adorned with herbs, candles and two batches of incense to serve as the tiger’s ears. Two red ribbons held in their mouths represented the tiger’s tongue. The “Tigers” drank wine, knelt and kowtowed to the mountain god before they received Hada, a kind of white silk scarf representing respects and good luck, from the village head with firecrackers crackling.

As night fell, the candles on the tigers’ bodies were lit and the tigers began their visits to one household after another. Villagers followed, shouting “Tigers are coming!” The elder from each household welcomed the tigers at the gate, while the rest of the family knelt down in the courtyard. Firecrackers were set off, a toast made and candies, meat and wine were presented to the villagers following the tigers. After twirling (快速转动)in three circles in the courtyard while those present kowtowed and prayed, the tigers went through every corner of every room to drive away any hiding ghosts. If there was a sick person in the house, the tigers jumped around him or her, scratched their body and said lucky words to drive away diseases and ghosts. After the ceremony, the family would present wine and food to the tigers. Then, shouting “The tigers are leaving!” the whole family saw them off.

After visiting all 30 or 40 households, the herbs were removed from the tigers and burned, to indicate that all the ghosts had been conquered. Then the villagers knelt and kowtowed with the sound of firecrackers, marking the end of the ceremony.

The tiger image exists in other minority groups, also. In ancient times, people entrusted their happiness to gods. The “four tigers” ceremony is vividly held in memory of ancient times and a living fossil for academics studying the lives of ancient people. As it is not popular nowadays, this cultural heritage is on the edge of extinction and needs to be rescued.



第四部分 任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

    请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格的空格处里填人最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格填1个单词。

“Four Tigers” Ceremony of the Tu Minority

Heigouding Village, Ledu County in the west of Qinghai province is a place where many people of the Tu minority have lived for centuries. As the little village is comparatively closed to the outside world, a custom called “Four Tigers” was created 200 years ago to protect its inhabitants(栖息地) from sickness and bad luck.

Every year the ceremony is held on the eve of January 15th according to the Chinese lunar calendar to frighten off ghosts and evil souls, and to pray for peace.

Normally four local villagers are selected to be the “tigers” in the ceremony. At first, they gathered with village elders at the mountain-god temple to offer sacrifices of wine, food and incense, and to ask the god to help the tigers. Then the tigers were adorned with herbs, candles and two batches of incense to serve as the tiger’s ears. Two red ribbons held in their mouths represented the tiger’s tongue. The “Tigers” drank wine, knelt and kowtowed to the mountain god before they received Hada, a kind of white silk scarf representing respects and good luck, from the village head with firecrackers crackling.

As night fell, the candles on the tigers’ bodies were lit and the tigers began their visits to one household after another. Villagers followed, shouting “Tigers are coming!” The elder from each household welcomed the tigers at the gate, while the rest of the family knelt down in the courtyard. Firecrackers were set off, a toast made and candies, meat and wine were presented to the villagers following the tigers. After twirling (快速转动)in three circles in the courtyard while those present kowtowed and prayed, the tigers went through every corner of every room to drive away any hiding ghosts. If there was a sick person in the house, the tigers jumped around him or her, scratched their body and said lucky words to drive away diseases and ghosts. After the ceremony, the family would present wine and food to the tigers. Then, shouting “The tigers are leaving!” the whole family saw them off.

After visiting all 30 or 40 households, the herbs were removed from the tigers and burned, to indicate that all the ghosts had been conquered. Then the villagers knelt and kowtowed with the sound of firecrackers, marking the end of the ceremony.

The tiger image exists in other minority groups, also. In ancient times, people entrusted their happiness to gods. The “four tigers” ceremony is vividly held in memory of ancient times and a living fossil for academics studying the lives of ancient people. As it is not popular nowadays, this cultural heritage is on the edge of extinction and needs to be rescued.


When I came to Cincinnati as an au pair (家庭打工留学生),a lot of things there were different from what I knew.My host family lived in a huge house I could only describe as a  “castle”.In Germany I had lived in a small apartment together with my mom.Soon I found out that the “castle” was actually rather small in our neighborhood.

Everybody there was very friendly and polite.They greeted you    when they were walking by at least 3 feet away from you.They must not have seen a German au pair before,for most people I met asked me all kinds of questions about Germany.I enjoyed answering their various strange questions.I made a lot of friends and I started to hang out with them.

Of course,there were a numbor of new things,and it took me the whole year to find them all out.I never got homesick.Perhaps it was because I did not have too many negative (负面的) experiences and felt loved and welcomed there.

However,I had undergone some painful experience back in Germany.I was frustrated by the way people would run me over and not even say “Sorry.” Taking up my studies at the TU­Dresden I felt lonely.Everybody here seemed to be withdrawn  (离群的)  and I missed ewerything I had in Cincinnati.Germany was so “cold”.I found it so much harder to make new friends.After six months I got a roommate and only two good friends.I also flew back to Cincinnati several times for long periods.I felt that without those visits I was not able to make it.

Now I am over this German culture shock.It almost took me an entire year.I am still going back and forward between Dresden and Cincinnati four times a year.

46.In the opinion of the author,life in Cincinnati was________.

A.wonderful                                          B.hard   

C.painful                                              D.strange

47.The underlined word “undergone” in Paragraph 4 probably means________.

A.welcomed                                  B.accepted     

C.expected                                   D.suffered

48.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the author?

A.She lived with her mother in a big house in Germany.

B.She never went back to Cincinnati after she came back to Germany.

C.She seldom hung out with her American friends as she was too busy.

D.She did miss her friends in Cincinnati when she was at the TU­Dresden.

49.What is the best title for this passage?

A.University life in Germany

B.My culture shock experience

C.Advantages of living in USA

D.How to be an au pair in USA


           “Four Tigers” Ceremony of the Tu Minority

Heigouding Village, Ledu County in the west of Qinghai province is a place where many people of the Tu minority have lived for centuries. As the little village is comparatively closed to the outside world, a custom called “Four Tigers” was created 200 years ago to protect its inhabitants(栖息地) from sickness and bad luck.

Every year the ceremony is held on the eve of January 15th according to the Chinese lunar calendar to frighten off ghosts and evil souls, and to pray for peace.

Normally four local villagers are selected to be the “tigers” in the ceremony. At first, they gathered with village elders at the mountain-god temple to offer sacrifices of wine, food and incense, and to ask the god to help the tigers. Then the tigers were adorned with herbs, candles and two batches of incense to serve as the tiger’s ears. Two red ribbons held in their mouths represented the tiger’s tongue. The “Tigers” drank wine, knelt and kowtowed to the mountain god before they received Hada, a kind of white silk scarf representing respects and good luck, from the village head with firecrackers crackling.

As night fell, the candles on the tigers’ bodies were lit and the tigers began their visits to one household after another. Villagers followed, shouting “Tigers are coming!” The elder from each household welcomed the tigers at the gate, while the rest of the family knelt down in the courtyard. Firecrackers were set off, a toast made and candies, meat and wine were presented to the villagers following the tigers. After twirling (快速转动)in three circles in the courtyard while those present kowtowed and prayed, the tigers went through every corner of every room to drive away any hiding ghosts. If there was a sick person in the house, the tigers jumped around him or her, scratched their body and said lucky words to drive away diseases and ghosts. After the ceremony, the family would present wine and food to the tigers. Then, shouting “The tigers are leaving!” the whole family saw them off.

After visiting all 30 or 40 households, the herbs were removed from the tigers and burned, to indicate that all the ghosts had been conquered. Then the villagers knelt and kowtowed with the sound of firecrackers, marking the end of the ceremony.

The tiger image exists in other minority groups, also. In ancient times, people entrusted their happiness to gods. The “four tigers” ceremony is vividly held in memory of ancient times and a living fossil for academics studying the lives of ancient people. As it is not popular nowadays, this cultural heritage is on the edge of extinction and needs to be rescued.


Which credit card do you find the best, as a woman? As a sports lover, which credit card serves you best? Questions like these threw up the first credit cards ranking by top Chinese credit card doorway 51credit.com and Shanghai-based poll firm 51poll.com as they released the result of a three-month survey via Internet and telephone.

The ranking came from the survey of 20,000 cardholders in more than 100 cities, according to Tu Zhiyun, CEO and founder of 51credit.com. China Merchants Bank (CMB), one of the best performing commercial banks and the largest card issuer in China, was rated the best in the general group for its popular dual-currency (双币) credit card. Shanghai-based Pudong Development Bank was crowned the best in the platinum (白金) card for successfully targeting high-end customers, thanks to its close cooperation with Citibank (花旗银行). The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, topped the ranking in the co-branded (联名的) group for its card issued in association with China National Petroleum Corporation, China's largest oil company.

Several others got the top honors as the best credit card for women, travel, sports and best design. The total number of credit cards in China is around 30 million, compared with 500 million in the United States. The growing wealth of the Chinese people has added attraction to the credit card business. The number of credit cards issued is expected to double in 2007.

However, most banks are losing money in their credit card businesses as a large portion of the cards have apparently never been used since they were issued. CMB is currently the only commercial bank to have made a profit in the section. The bank said the circulation of its dual-currency credit card reached 10 million by the end of 2006, a jump of 100 percent from 2005, and accounted for 35 percent of the credit card market in China.

1.Which of the following has close relationship according to the text?

  A.China Merchants Bank; the co-branded credit card

  B.Shanghai-based Pudong Development Bank; the platinum credit card

  C.The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; the dual-currency credit card

  D.Citibank; China National Petroleum Corporation

2.The number of credit cards issued in China in 2007 will reach about _____.

  A.10 million          B.30 million  

  C.60 million          D.500 million


3.If more people used credit cards in their businesses, banks would _____.

  A.make profits                 B.restrict the number of cards

  C.lose money          D.charge holders more

4.Which statement is true according to the text?

  A.The survey was conducted by 20,000 cardholders in more than 100 cities.

  B.The growing number of credit cards attracts more foreign investigations.

  C.No bank makes profits in credit card businesses.

  D.More and more Chinese people will hold credit cards.


