67.The passage showed that . A. Dr Wolfe was disappointed with his experiment B. The chimps could do everything if taught C. The chimps were willing to work if something was paid back D. The chimp’s understanding was as good as a man’s D Career education is instruction intended to help young people identify, choose, and prepare for a career. Such instruction may focus on a person’s role in work, leisure, or family life. Career education differs from vocational education, which is designed to teach specific occupational skills. Career education includes the formal and informal learning that occurs in the family, in the community, and in schools. In schools, career education consists of instructive activities included in many courses. These activities are designed to improve the attitudes, knowledge, and skills important for work roles. Career education helps students develop self- understanding and use it to plan their education and working life. A complete career education program in school begins in kindergarten and continues at least through high school. Many colleges and universities also offer career education through their counseling programs. In kindergartens and elementary schools, youngsters learn about different types of work. In middle schools or junior high school, children begin to explore the occupations and leisure activities that interest them most. In high school, students get more specific information about occupations and life styles. They may be in classroom, small group, or individual sessions where they learn how to make career decisions. They also should obtain the skills they need for further study or for a job after graduation. Counselors provide information on such matters as how to locate and apply for jobs and how to be successful in interviews. Teachers and counselors use a variety of methods to provide career education, including films about occupations or industries. Children may invite parents or other adults to come to school and describe their jobs. A student may accompany a worker on the job. Cooperative education combines classroom study with practical work experience. 查看更多



   Six chimps(猩猩) were introduced to a slot machine called the Chimp- O- Mat, which would give out one grape when a white coin was insert into the slot. When Dr Wolf showed a young chimp named Moos how he could win himself a grape by inserting a coin, Moos immediately picked up another coin, pushed it into the slot, then stuck out his paw and waited for a grape to drop out..

Besides white coins, the chimps were given yellow coins to insert into the slot, but nothing came out because they were worthless. The chimps soon learned this fact. When a handful of white and yellow coins were thrown into the cage housing, Bula, Bimba and Alpha, the three chimps rushed for the white coins and never touched the yellow ones.

Now the chimps were madly in love with money. Would the six chimps value money enough to work for it? To find the answer, Dr Wolfe designed a work machine. The chimps were shown that when a large handle was lifted, they could pick one grape. When they had learned the skill of lifting the handle to get the grape, Dr Wolf made a change to the machines so that instead of the grape they would find a white coin. This coin would still buy them one grape at the Chimp- O- Mat.

Thus the complexity of getting a grape was not only doubled, but also the money to buy the grape could be achieved only by honest work. The handle they had to lift to get the coin weighed eighty pounds. Great effort is needed for a young chimp to raise that weight, yet the formerly lazy chimps not only quickly mastered the new operation, but also showed great eagerness to work for money.


46.The purpose of the Chimp- O- Mat experiment was to discover whether chimps would learn to________.

A. enjoy themselves     B. work together    C. use coins      D. operate a machine

47.In the first part of the experiment the chimps learned to __________.

A.     tell the difference between the useful and the worthless coins

B.      use yellow coins to get grapes

C.      wait for the grapes to drop out          

D.    buy grapes with coins

48.Which of the following shows the correct order of the things a chimp did in the second part of the experiment?

a.       got a white coin

b.       got a grape

c.       lifted the heavy handle

d.       inserted a coin into the Chimp- O- Mat

A. c a b d         B. c a d b        C. a b d c          D. a d c b

49.The passage showed that _________.

A. Dr Wolfe was disappointed with his experiment

       B. The chimps could do everything if taught

       C. The chimps were willing to work if something was paid back

       D. The chimp’s understanding was as good as a man’s

