If you and vour classmates have a free evening to ,pend on the 19th of January, which is a useful number to call? A. 6606-4258 B. 6491-2902 C. 6559-8285 D. 8259-5547 D BEUING (Associated Press 美联社) -China has a growing middle class, a tradition of expecting education and 21 million new babies every year. Selling educatioinal toys should be easy. While China may be the world's biggest toy-maker, much of the best is exported . Department stores here do not have enough high-quality toys. It is said that the demand for educational toys is low. A US company', BabyCare, is trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China. BabyCare works basically together with doctors in Beijing hospitals. People who join the company's "mother' club" get lectures and newsletters on baby and child development at no extra cost, if they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the company's educational toys and childcare books. "We want to build a seven-year relationship with those people," said Matthew J. Estes, BabyCare's president. "It starts during pregnancy , when the anxiety and needs are highest." BabyCare works on a one-to-one basis. Doctors, nurses, and teachers paid by BabyCare advise parents, explaining toy's that are designed for children at each stage of development to age six. BabyCare opened its first store in China last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo. It plans to have 80 stores in China within six years. It is a new model for China and develops a market in young children's education and health that no other companies are in. 查看更多





  Being on bad terms with your neighbors can make your life frustrating day after day.But taking the time to establish a good relationship with your neighbors has a good many benefits.The community will be friendlier, the neighborhood safer, and the area a nicer place to live in.'There are some suggestions t0 develop a good relationship with your neighbors.

  Whether you're new in the neighborhood or new residents who have just moved into your block, introduce yourself.Say hello, offer a welcoming gift and share or ask about the local area.

  Sometimes, you can remedy(补救)problems before they even start; for example, if you do a lot of yard work, let them know in advance and mention that if it's getting too loud, they shouldn't hesitate to let you know.

  Be aware of the shared walls, if you and your neighbors share adjacent(相邻的)living spaces.and try to put noisy household appliances such as washing machines and tumble dryers away from the shared walls.

  Keep your pet dog on a leash(皮带)if it has a habit of running rampant on your neighbors' lawns, especially if they have a pet cat or a pet dog of their own, and ensure to clean up after it.

  When you park your vehicle, be sure not to block anyone's access, or make them have to pull out of a very tight spot.Don't slam(砰地关上)your car doors late at night.

  Weed your garden in a regular way, because the presence of weeds in your yard is not only unsightly but can also spread to your neighbor's yard.

  Really good neighbors watch out for each other.They offer to help, especially on matters that impact the larger neighborhood and look for opportunities to communicate.Great neighbors make for great neighborhoods.


任务型读写(共10小题;每空1分, 满分10分)
阅读下列短文, 根据所读内容在文章后的表格中填入恰当的单词。注意:表格中的每个空格只填1个单词。
Being on bad terms with your neighbors can make your life frustrating day after day. But taking the time to establish a good relationship with your neighbors has a good many benefits. The community will be friendlier, the neighborhood safer, and the area a nicer place to live in. ’There are some suggestions t0 develop a good relationship with your neighbors.
Whether you're new in the neighborhood or new residents who have just moved into your block, introduce yourself. Say hello, offer a welcoming gift and share or ask about the local area.
Sometimes, you can remedy (补救) problems before they even start; for example, if you do a lot of yard work, let them know in advance and mention that if it's getting too loud, they shouldn't hesitate to let you know.
Be aware of the shared walls, if you and your neighbors share adjacent (相邻的) living spaces. and try to put noisy household appliances such as washing machines and tumble dryers away from the shared walls.
Keep your pet dog on a leash (皮带) if it has a habit of running rampant on your neighbors’ lawns, especially if they have a pet cat or a pet dog of their own, and ensure to clean up after it.
When you park your vehicle, be sure not to block anyone's access, or make them have to pull out of a very tight spot. Don't slam (砰地关上) your car doors late at night.
Weed your garden in a regular way, because the presence of weeds in your yard is not only unsightly but can also spread to your neighbor's yard.
Really good neighbors watch out for each other. They offer to help, especially on matters that impact the larger neighborhood and look for opportunities to communicate. Great neighbors make for great neighborhoods.

Topic:To be a good neighbor
Importance of【小题1】______ a good relationship with your neighbors
★ Being on 【小题2】 ______ terms with your neighbors can make you frustrated day after day.
★ A good relationship with neighbors has numerous benefits, 【小题3】______a friendlier community, a safer neighborhood and a nicer and more comfortable area.
Steps to develop a good relationship with your neighbors
★ Introduce yourself when you are in a new place.
★ Care about others and 1et them know they can point out your problems without any 【小题4】______.
★ Be 【小题5】______ of the shared walls if you and your neighbor share adjacent living spaces.
★ Make 【小题6】______ you clean up after your dog runs on your neighbors’ lawns.
★ When you park your car late at night, 【小题7】______ slamming your car door.
★ Weed your garden【小题8】______
★ Good neighbors have a(n)【小题9】 ______ on more people,  offer to help and seek opportunities to communicate.
★ Great neighbors【小题10】______ to great neighborhoods.


Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the meaning of each word you see or hear, you may not understand the idiom because you don't understand the culture behind it.
   For example, if an American boy asks his mother what's for dinner tomorrow, she may say "I'll play it by ear", that means she doesn't have plans for dinner and she will decide later. "Play by ear" used to mean playing music using the sheet music, but now people often use it when they're not talking about music.
   There're many idioms in English. If you learn to use them, your English will be more vivid and colorful. English idioms are more common in spoken English. They can be difficult to remember sometimes. Next time when you hear somebody saying to you, "Give me a hand", you don't necessarily stretch out your hand to him/her, but you do need to be helpful. And when the situation is out of hand, you usually can do very little to manage all that. What about a green hand? It's not about the color of your hand! You're a green hand when you are very new at your work and don't have much experience. If you and your partner always work together hand in glove, you two definitely work together very well.
   Can you guess the meanings of some common English idioms to do with parts of your body?
【小题1】An idiom is _______.

A.a phrase or a sentence that means exactly what the words say
B.a phrase or a sentence that doesn't mean exactly what every word says
C.so difficult that nobody can understand
D.something to do with parts of your body
【小题2】If a mother says "I'll play it by ear" to talk about the dinner, she means _______.
A.she will cook dinner while listening to music at the same time
B.she doesn't hear what others are talking about.
C.she will play music using the sheet music instead of cooking dinner
D.She doesn't have plans for dinner and will decide later
【小题3】When one says "Can you give me a hand?", he means _______.
A.he needs to hold your hand.
B.he works well with you
C.he needs your help
D.he is a new comer and can't help with the situation
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.People use English idioms more in spoken English than in written English.
B.To understand the culture behind an idiom is important in understanding the idiom.
C.Idioms make your English more vivid and colorful so they are easy to remember.
D.You may not understand an idiom even though you know the meaning of each word.
【小题5】Here are 4 common English idioms to do with parts of your body and their meanings. Can you match them?
  1) to learn something by heart a. to depend on oneself
  2) to have sticky fingers b. to know something very well
  3) to stand on one's own feet c. to do something secretly
  4) to go behind someone's back d. to have the habit of stealing
A.badc B.bdac C.cbad D.cdba



Russian dances: The famous “Little White Birth” Dance Troupe will travel from Russia to present performances in Beijing.
The troupe, founded in 1948, is famous for their combination of Russian folk dances and classical dancing art.
It has been invited by the Beijing Foreign Culture Exchange Co. in order to give four performances in Beijing.
Tickets are available through ticket hotlines and website such as www. paio. com. cn, www. chinaticket, com and www. ticket, elong. com.
* Time: 7: 30 pm, January 18 - 21
* Place: Beizhan Theatre, 135, Xiwai Dajie,
Xicheng District
* Tel: 6606-4258
Kite show: All together 81 kites collected by the China National Art Museum is on show in the Yanhuang Art Museum.
Kong Xiangze, an expert on Chinese kites, published a book on kites, explaining the origins of the kite-making process. The exhibited kites are made in a traditional Chinese style.
* Time: 9 am-5 pm until February 11
* Place: 9 Huizhong Lu
* Tel: 6491-2902
Folk music: A concert of classics of Chinese folk music will greet audiences on the first day of the Year of Snake at the Beijing Concert Hall.
The China Song and Dance Ensemble will perform dozens of traditional instrumental pieces, such as “Full of Joy”, “Colourful Cloud Chasing the Moon” and “Spring Festival Suite”.
* Time: 7: 30 pm, January 24   
* Place: 1, Beixinhuajie, Xicheng District
* Tel: 6559-8285
Flower festival: The Beijing Botanical Garden is bringing people a blooming festival with the beautiful flowers in its tropical plants greenhouse.
The garden has introduced nearly 80 kinds of flowers abroad for the exhibition.
There is also an exhibition of potted narcissus (水仙) landscapes (盆景). More than 300 mini landscapes involving imported narcissus will be displayed, people can get a preview of the show by visiting www. beijingbd, com, the garden’s website.
* Time: 8:30 am-5 pm until January 28
* Place: Wofosi Lu near the Fragant Hills
* Tel: 8259-5547
【小题1】Suppose you are too far away from Beijing or you can’t spare time to go there in person, which of the following shows can you enjoy all the same?
A.Russian dances.B.Kite showC.Folk musicD.Flower festival
【小题2】. The phrase “get a preview of” used in the passage means ______.
A.watch in advanceB.see more clearly
C.get good position ofD.get a general idea of
【小题3】 If you and your classmates have a free evening to spend on the 19th of January, which is a useful number to call?
A.6606-4258B.6491-2902 C.6559-8285D.8259-5547


A popular student in her small high school, Katie started college expecting to do well in her courses and be best friends with her roommates. But things didn’t turn out that way. Psych 101, the course she thought would be a first-semester favorite, turned out to be a struggle. And her roommates were as different from Katie as the student restaurant’s mystery meat was from her mom’s roasted pork.

Living away from home tends to be the toughest adjustment for first-year students. You may feel homesick in your first weeks or months. It can help to call, write, or email your parents and friends making them know how you’re doing. You can also talk with your roommates. As first-year students themselves, they’re probably experiencing many of the same fears and worries that you’re dealing with.

But what if you don’t get along well with your roommates?

In some cases, it can be a good thing if you and your roommates aren’t much alike. Different views on things may be helpful, so respect your differences no matter what.

If you and your roommates don’t get along well, it can help to find someone who you feel does understand you, which should be easy on a campus with so many people. Many schools have student organization nights where all of the campus clubs gather and promote their organizations, so you can meet people with the same interests there as you. You’ll also meet tons of people in class or in your dorm building.

As homesickness, painful throats, sprained (扭伤的) ankles and wisdom teeth that act up are common among college students, you should check out your student guidebook or your school’s website to find out information about the university health center.

If you think you cannot deal with your problems, make a stop at the school counseling (咨询) center. First-year troubles are something the counselors know well. You can get help there.

From Paragraph 1 we can infer that ____.

A. Katie had been worried about the changes before starting her college life

B. Katie felt satisfied when her college life started

C. Katie wasn’t used to the new environment in college at first

D. Katie has fallen behind in her study after the first semester in college

What’s the author’s suggestion on dealing with homesickness?

A. Adjust to it.

B. Share fears and worries with your parents.

C. Talk to your roommates about it.

D. Get along with your roommates.

Which of the following ways of dealing with roommates is RIGHT?

A. Not trying to change them.

B. Not making friends with them.

C. Developing the same interests as them

D. Not talking with them.

What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Freshmen may meet many problems.

B. Communication is important in college.

C. How you can adjust to your first year in college.

D. How schools help freshmen to get used to college life.

