59.A most suitable title for the passage is . A.No life on MarsB. B.study of Mars C.The possibility of life on Mars D.The Future conditions on Mars B December 06 -Canada: For those of you who have been Following this story, the third suspectin the Canadian Cat Mutilationcase has been caught. On March 8, after just under a year of searching, the Find Matt Campaign received information that would comfort many. Now known as Mattew Kaczorowski, 21 years old, this cat mutilator was picked up by the Police from the streets of Vancouver. In May 2001, three young men took a young cat, named “Kensington after the area of town from where she was taken,. from the street to a house. They began to cruelly treat and mutilate her to death, videotaping the attack. Two of the suspects, recognized as 21-year-old Jesse Champlain Power and 24-year –old Anthony Ryan Wennekers, were arrested shortly after the incident. Neither helped the police in an effort to find the third suspect, at the time known only as“Matt. In May 2002, Katie set up the “Find Matt Campaign , with the goals of raising public awarenessabout animal cruelty and having as many eyes as possible look for Matt. “I don’t think Matt would have been caught had it not been for Katie Woodward’s information, said Detective Gordon Scott, one of the arresting officers. Kaczorowski faces the charges of animal cruelty, theft under $ 5,000 and possession of property taken by crime, but one charge remains absent:that of animal cruelty. According to Canadian law, this kind of crime must be charged within six months. The case is now before the Courts. While finding Matt is a big step in the right direction of this case, it is not over. It remains that Kensington’s guardianhas not yet come forward. It is important that her guardian speak out to lessen the possibility of the charges being dropped. 查看更多



Ben Olsen had great careers as professional players. His story tells a lot about the past, present and future of professional soccer in America.
Ben Olsen was an important part of D.C. United's early success. He was the top new player, or rookie of the year, in 1998. His young professional career reached a high point the next season. D.C. United won the M.L.S. Cup, the league championship(锦标赛), on the strength(力量) of a Most Valuable Player performance by Olsen. He scored one of two goals for his team in the win against the Los Angeles Galaxy.
Ben Olsen looks back on his score in that championship as his most memorable. "I'd lost a lot of championships before that year, so that was a special game." said Ben Olsen.
Like many top American soccer players, Olsen played overseas. He joined the club Nottingham Forest in Britain. He says different leagues have different styles of play. "Some teams are very fast and athletic. Some teams are a little bit more low pressure on the ball and more skillful players. England has always been known to be a fast and physical league."
Olsen was also a part of the United States World Cup team of 2006. He says playing for his country was something he will never forget. 
Ben Olsen has had five operations for severe ankle(脚踝) injuries. Still, he had one of his best years in 2007. He scored seven goals including a "hat trick"-- three in one game.
Ben Olsen celebrates his third goal in one game against the New York Red Bull in June of 2007
He was recognized for his outstanding play with an M.L.S. Best Eleven award. He accepted the award in a wheelchair after a minor operation became major ankle surgery(外科手术). Ben Olsen retired after the 2009 season. Today he is an assistant coach with D.C. United.
【小题1】When did Ben Olsen begin to win championship?

A. In 1998B.Next seasonC.In 1999D.In 2006
【小题2】What does the underlined word ‘rookie’ mean in this sentence?
A.SuccessB.New playerC.professional careerD.championship
【小题3】According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.Ben Olsen has a deep love for his country
B.Ben Olsen scored three goals in 1999
C.Top American soccer players never played oversea
D.He scored ten goals in 2007
【小题4】What do you think is the best title for the passage?
A. Ben Olsen—the best soccer player
B. Ben Olsen’s professional career
C. Ben Olsen and D.C. United
D. An introduction to Ben Olsen


WHEN an NBA player is young he thinks he can win the championship by himself. It is only later when he has aged and been through many battles that he learns an important lesson: there is no "I" in "team".
There is no better example of the value of teamwork than the Boston Celtics. Paul Pierce, Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett were all superstars on three different teams. Yet, none of them had any titles to show for it. Then, last season, they decided to sacrifice money and individual statistics to play together. Garnett and Allen joined Pierce on the Celtics and changed the NBA in the process.
It started in simple ways. Garnett and Allen are two of the most intense athletes in the world. They treat every second of every practice like it is the NBA championship. If you want to play alongside them then you will have to do the same. So, the young guys on the Celtics started giving their full effort too.
Pierce had been the star of the Celtics for many years. He used to shoot the ball many times a game. But with the addition of Allen and Garnett he shot less and focused on defense. His selflessness showed the young players that doing what made the team better was the only thing that mattered.
When the Celtics were winning and the game was almost over, Garnett, Pierce and Allen would come out of the game. But they wouldn’t just sit on the bench. Instead, they stood and cheered and screamed for their teammates. They wanted to support their friends and teammates.
Now, the guys who don't play know they can still affect the game by cheering so they scream and cheer when Garnett, Allen and Pierce are playing. The Celtics have developed a strong relationship. They are more than just teammates. They are brothers.
The result: the Boston Celtics won the 2008 NBA championship and are considered the favorites to win the Eastern Conference championship again this year.
There is a saying that goes, “A successful team beats with one heart.” If that is the case, the Celtics may have the biggest heart in the NBA.
66. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. The stories of three famous basketball superstars.
B. The importance of teamwork among teammates.
C. A famous basketball team named the Boston Celtics.
D. Matches between the Boston Celtics and other teams.
67. From the passage, we can see that _______.
A. most mature NBA players believe they can win the championship by themselves
B. Pierce, Garnett and Allen had to give up personal glory for team success
C. Allen, Pierce, together with Garnett had been the stars of the Celtics for many years
D. Paul Pierce, Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett had won NBA championships before they joined hands.
68. What does this sentence “there is no ‘I’ in ‘team’.” mean in Paragraph 1?
A. “I” will be missing once "I" am on the court.
B. “I” work so hard in a team that “I” will forget who “I” am.
C. The members of the team are more important than the individual.
D. Surrounded by other players, “I” don’t seem to exist.
69. Which of the following is NOT true about Pierce’s recent performance?
A. He became an even better shooter with others’ help.
B. He focused much more attention on defence.
C. He created more chances for teammates.
D. He stood and cheered for his teammates.
70. Which of the following didn’t contribute to the success of the Boston Celtics?
A. The whole team has become devoted to each and every stage of the game. 
B. The cooperation and teamwork among the teammates in the match.
C. The influence of Garnett, Allen, Pierce and other teammates’ cheering.     
D. The increasing frequency of team players on the bench.


Next Hot Language to Study: Chinese

The fourth-graders at Chicago’s McCormick Primary School are unaware of the difficulty in learning Chinese. For most, who speak Spanish at home, it’s becoming their third language. They’ve been learning and using Chinese words since kindergarten, and it’s now second nature to give a hearty “ni hao” when strangers enter the classroom.

The classroom scene at McCormick is unusual, but it may soon be a common fixture(固定物) in American schools, where Chinese is rapidly becoming the hot new language. Government officials have long wanted more focus on security—useful languages like Chinese, and pressure from them—as well as from business leaders, politicians, and parents—has driven a quick growth in the number of programs.

Chicago itself is home to the largest effort to include Chinese in US public schools. The program here has grown to include 3,000 students in 20 schools, with more schools on a waiting list. Programs have also spread to places like Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, and North Carolina. It’s true that the number of students learning Chinese is tiny compared with how many study Spanish or French.

Advocates (提倡者,拥护者) see knowledge of the Chinese language and culture as a help in a global economy where China is growing in importance. “This is an interesting way to begin to engage with the world’s next superpower,” says Michael Levine, director of education at the Asia Society, which has started five new public high schools that offer Chinese. “Globalization(全球化) has already changed the arrangements in terms of how children today are going to need to think about their careers… The question is, when not whether, the schools are going to adjust.”

In Chicago, the trend extends beyond schools with high numbers of Asian students. “The fact that my students are 98% low income and 99% Latino(拉丁美洲人) and they are succeeding in this, tells me everyone should have a try at learning languages,” says Virginia Rivera, principal at McCormick.“We want to give our young people opportunities to advance… and Chinese is a great opportunity to survive in today’s economy,” says Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago.

The first paragraph is mainly written to _______.

A. show the importance of Chinese learning  

B. introduce the topic to be followed

C. advise primary schools to teach Chinese   

D. prove it’s easy for children to learn language

How many languages are mentioned in this passage?

A. Six.                  B. Two.      

C. Three.                D. Four.

In the last paragraph, the underlined word “this ”probably refers to _____.

A. the competition between Latino and Asian students  

B. the global economy  

C. the interesting way to engage with China  

D. the Chinese learning

What CANNOT be learned from this passage?

A. Most students at McCormick can speak three languages.

B. Chinese is gaining its popularity in all schools in Chicago.

C. French has far more speakers than Chinese does in Chicago.

D. Globalization in a way makes it necessary to learn Chinese.

Which of the following is mainly about in this passage?

A. The Chinese learning in Chicago.  

B. The ways to learn Chinese.

C. McCormick Primary School.      

D. Globalization and Chinese learning.


Learning English has a powerful effect on the type of job you can get. If you don’t speak English well, you won’t find many jobs, and yes, you’ll earn much less money. Only 2% of company managers can’t speak English! Your family can also benefit from you learning English. And you can learn with them, helping each other as a family. Children have up to a 40% better chance of finishing high school if their parents speak English well. If you speak English better , you’ll find more jobs--- good jobs. Or you can get a promotion and earn more money. Learn how the Beehive can help you find the right job.
School. Children go to their parents when they need help with school. If you speak better English, you can help your child with homework and you can also talk to teachers and other parents.
Health. Most doctors and pharmacists(药剂师) in America only speak English, and if you can explain what the problem is and understand what the doctor is saying, you’ll get better sooner! On the Beehive, you can find cheap, free medical help or find important information for your family.
Education. With a little more English, you might be able to take your high school diploma (GED), go to a vocational school to learn a profession or even go to college! Find out what type of education is right for you, and how to do it. It is never too late!
Money. If you understand what people tell you at the bank, a store or a lawyer’s office, nobody will be able to cheat you! With more English, you can save more, send more money to your family and even start your own business. Don’t wait! Find an English course now! And remember, with the Beehive you can practice English and find a good job, open a bank account or find a doctor! The Beehive is written very clearly so you can make life better. Many people are doing it!
71. Learning English well can help us in the following things EXCEPT__________.
A. finding many more good jobs             B. a better chance of finishing high school
C. a promotion and earning more money       D. cheating others easily
72. How can English benefit you in America?
A. You’ll communicate with most doctors and pharmacists better.
B. You can find cheap, free medical help for your family.
C. You can find important information for your family .
D. You can take your GRE.
73. If you want to learn English well, where should you learn?
A. Most doctors and pharmacists in America.  B. A vocational school for practical English.
C. Colleges for special English.             D. The Beehive for an English course.
74. Which kind of article is this passage?
A.  A Notice.                           B. A magazine.   
C. An advertisement.                      D. A newspaper.
75. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Learning English has a powerful effect on your job.
B. Learn more English, your life will be sweeter.
C. If you speak English better, you’ll find more jobs.
D. it is never too late to find out the right type of education!


Everybody may have seen the film “Death on the Nile ( 尼罗河)”, but nobody can imagine that the writer of the story, Agatha Christie, saved a baby in a most unusual way.
In June 1977, a baby girl became seriously ill in Deleville. Doctors there were unable to find out the cause of her illness, so she was sent to a famous hospital in London, where there were many excellent doctors. The baby was so seriously ill that a team of doctors hurried to examine her without delay. The doctors, too, were puzzled by the baby’s illness and they also became discouraged. Just then a nurse asked to speak to them.
“I think the baby is suffering from thallium (铊) poisoning. ” said the nurse. “A few days ago, I read a story ‘A Pale Horse’ written by Agatha Christie. Someone uses thallium poison, and all the symptoms (症状) are written in the book. They are exactly the same as the baby’s.”
“You’re very good at observing things,” said a doctor, “and you may be right. We’ll carry out some tests and find out whether the cause is thallium poisoning or not.”
The tests proved that the baby had indeed been poisoned by thallium. Once they knew the cause, the doctors were able to give her correct treatment. The baby soon got well and was sent back to Deleville. A week later it was reported that the poison might have come from an insecticide (杀虫剂) used in Deleville.
【小题1】 The baby was sent to a hospital in London because ______.

A.her parents were living in London then
B.the hospitals in Deleville were full at that time
C.doctors in Deleville were not sure about the cause of her illness
D.she was the daughter of a famous doctor in London
【小题2】 When the baby was first sent to the hospital in London, her illness was considered to be ______
A quite easy to treat      
B. the result of thallium poisoning
C.    a common one            
D. extraordinarily serious
【小题3】 From this passage it seems that the baby’s illness had something to do with ______.
A a dead writer              B. a harmful substance ( 物质) used to kill pests
C. the water in Deleville    D. a dangerous murderer
【小题4】 As far as we can tell from the story, Agatha Christie ______.
A.had never met this baby
B.had spent a long time studying the baby’s illness
C.visited the baby both in Deleville and London
D.gave the nurse some advice on the telephone

