68.The purpose of the author in writing the passage is . A.to tell a joke to make readers laugh. B.to suggest we should not mind losing . C.to show enjoying a game is more than winning a game. D.to present his son’s fine qualities of understanding others D All over the country these days, electronic mail messages are ending with this strange little mark:-) or one of its many variants.like :-(. It was 20 years ago that Scott Fahlman taught the Net how to smile. The Carnegie Mellon computer scientist has devoted his life to man-made intelligence, the practice of teaching computers how to think like humans, but the bearded scientist is perhaps best known for a flash of inspirationthat helped to defineInternet culture. By the early 1980’s the Computer Science group at Carnegie Mellon was making heavy use of online bulletin boards or“bboards .A good many of the posts were humorous. The problem was that if someone made a humorous remark, a few readers would fail to get the joke. This problem caused some people to suggestthat maybe it would be a good idea to clearly mark posts that were not to be taken seriously. After all, when using text-based online communication, we lack the body language or the tone of voice that communicates this information when we talk in person or on the phone. So on Sept. 19, 1982, Fahlman typed :-) in an online message. “I had no idea I was starting something that would soon pollute all the world’s communications channels, he wrote later. The“smiley face has since become common in online communication, allowing 12-year-old girls and corporate lawyers alike to mark their messages with a quick symbol that says, “Hey, I’m only joking. This creation caught on quickly around Carnegie Mellon, and soon spread to other universities and research labs by means of the computer networks of the day. Since then, the smiling iconshave taken the e-mail world by storm. Now called emoticons, short for emotiveicons, Fahlman’s smiley face encouraged the creation of thousands of variants. Yahoo, Microsoft and America Online all put emoticons into their instant-messaging systems, while telecom companies, jewelry makers and online merchants have sent in trademark applicationsfor products and ads that include Fahlman’s smiley face. But Fahlman has never seen a cent from his creation.“If it cost people a cent to use it, nobody would have used it. This is my little gift to the world, for better or worse, he said. 查看更多



To see the world is one thing; to have someone to share it with is another. Indeed, travel becomes more interesting when you have a travel partner. A travel partner can be a close friend, a family member, a pal you’ve met online, or a business friend.
You can have someone to talk to
Traveling alone is fun, but wouldn’t you feel lonely? Having a travel partner can remove the feeling of loneliness. This is especially true if you can get a travel companion who is very familiar with the place you’re traveling to. You don’t have to ask any information from the locals, and you can increase the time you spend in the country.
One of the major headaches in traveling is the costs involved. You can’t simply ignore the rising price of hotels or plane tickets. You should also think about your daily needs, such as your food. Of course, you can’t simply go back without bringing any souvenirs (纪念品) to your friends and family. All these can ruin your budget. However, when you have a travel friend, you can have someone to share the expenses with.
You can meet a good friend
Having a travel mate is a good way of meeting a new friend or even a lifelong partner. You can never count the number of couples who actually found their way into each other’s heart while traveling together in another country.
You can have someone to watch out for you
When you’re in a foreign land, you’ll never be really safe. You don’t know the rules as well as the culture of the people. A travel will be perfect to remind you of your duties in the country and to watch your back just in case you get lost. So why don’t you find a travel companion now!
Let’s find out how…
【小题1】What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To introduce a travel company.
B.To encourage us to have a travel partner.
C.To explain how to be a perfect travel partner.
D.To tell an interesting experience with a travel partner.
【小题2】What’s the best title for the 3rd paragraph?
A.You can have someone to share the expenses with
B.You can know the local culture well
C.You can enjoy food with your partner
D.You can save money by bargaining together
【小题3】Which of the following statements agrees with the author’s opinion?
A.Traveling alone is not fun.
B.Buying souvenirs isn’t necessary.
C.Many people fall in love when traveling.
D.It’s better to choose a stranger as a travel partner.
【小题4】Which of the following things is NOT mentioned?
A.A travel partner can help you take care of your child.
B.A travel partner can help get rid of loneliness.
C.A travel partner can help you save money.
D.A travel partner can make you safer.


To see the world is one thing; to have someone to share it with is another. Indeed, travel becomes more interesting when you have a travel partner. A travel partner can be a close friend, a family member, a pal you’ve met online, or a business friend.

You can have someone to talk to

Traveling alone is fun, but wouldn’t you feel lonely? Having a travel partner can remove the feeling of loneliness. This is especially true if you can get a travel companion who is very familiar with the place you’re traveling to. You don’t have to ask any information from the locals, and you can increase the time you spend in the country.


One of the major headaches in traveling is the costs involved. You can’t simply ignore the rising price of hotels or plane tickets. You should also think about your daily needs, such as your food. Of course, you can’t simply go back without bringing any souvenirs (纪念品) to your friends and family. All these can ruin your budget. However, when you have a travel friend, you can have someone to share the expenses with.

You can meet a good friend

Having a travel mate is a good way of meeting a new friend or even a lifelong partner. You can never count the number of couples who actually found their way into each other’s heart while traveling together in another country.

You can have someone to watch out for you

When you’re in a foreign land, you’ll never be really safe. You don’t know the rules as well as the culture of the people. A travel will be perfect to remind you of your duties in the country and to watch your back just in case you get lost. So why don’t you find a travel companion now!

Let’s find out how…

1.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To introduce a travel company.

B.To encourage us to have a travel partner.

C.To explain how to be a perfect travel partner.

D.To tell an interesting experience with a travel partner.

2.What’s the best title for the 3rd paragraph?

A.You can have someone to share the expenses with

B.You can know the local culture well

C.You can enjoy food with your partner

D.You can save money by bargaining together

3.Which of the following statements agrees with the author’s opinion?

A.Traveling alone is not fun.

B.Buying souvenirs isn’t necessary.

C.Many people fall in love when traveling.

D.It’s better to choose a stranger as a travel partner.

4.Which of the following things is NOT mentioned?

A.A travel partner can help you take care of your child.

B.A travel partner can help get rid of loneliness.

C.A travel partner can help you save money.

D.A travel partner can make you safer.



There have been big changes in the attitudes of most parents over the last few years. Physical punishment is banned in schools in most countries, and in many countries, there are moves to ban all physical punishment of children even at home. However, many parents still believe that they have the right to use some physical punishments to deal with certain misbehavior at certain ages.
It’s easy to find reasons to allow some physical punishments. One issue is that many parents find it very difficult to abandon physical punishment completely. Parents argue that this was the way they were brought up and that it didn’t do any harm to them. They believe that for the child’s sake they have the right to discipline the child in any way they consider fit, including using some physical punishments. The other one is that physical punishment can be quick and effective. There is not much point reasoning with a screaming child in the supermarket.
However, there are several reasons why we should stop using physical punishment. One point is that most parents are not trained to deal with misbehaving children. They don’t have enough resources or choices to handle the situation. As a result, they immediately react by hitting the child even if there are other solutions to the problem. Another point is that unless people are challenged or forced to change their belief, they may keep following negative habits. An example is seat belt use —now most people wear seat belts without thinking, while years ago the idea of using seat belts was strange to most people. In the same way, banning physical punishment will force people to change their habits.
In conclusion, parents have to change some of their belief and ideas about how children should be raised. It is possible to avoid the use of physical force, and doing so will help us move closer to the dream of removing violence from our society.
【小题1】According to the first paragraph, many parents think that ____________.

A.they are free to use physical punishment on their children
B.most of the children behave badly in their daily life
C.they have changed their attitudes towards their children
D.physical punishment is effective to educate their children
【小题2】Many parents won’t give up physical punishment because _____________.
A.they are disappointed with their children
B.they were brought up just in the same way
C.they don’t want to hurt their children badly
D.they don’t know what to do with their children
【小题3】The author gives the example of using seat belts in order to show ____________.
A.most people are used to wearing seat belts
B.it’s not difficult to change some negative habits
C.seat belts are really very necessary and useful
D.people won’t change their old habits unless forced
【小题4】The main purpose of the author in writing this passage is to ____________.
A.talk about a ban on using physical punishment
B.tell us we should educate our children in other ways
C.advise parents to give up using physical punishment
D.suggest physical punishment should be used at home


Just how far does the euro(欧元) have to fall before Europe actually becomes reasonable?
Anyone traveling to the old continent from the U.S. in recent years has learned the hard way how expensive it is. The situation has improved in the last couple of months, thanks to the Greek financial crisis. But it still has a way to go.
Alarm about Greece—and other financially unstable countries in Europe—has dragged down the euro sharply. In November, before the crisis struck, you needed about $1.49 to buy one euro. Today you need only about $1.36. That's a 9% cut.
What does that mean for you, the would-be traveler? It's a big sale.
As recently as November, when the euro was flying high, the OECD estimated that countries like France, Italy and Germany were about a third more expensive than the U.S. Not all European countries were quite as expensive for the American visitor: Greece only cost about 17% more than the US, while the Czech Republic (which is not part of the eurozone) was actually about 15% cheaper than back home.
Fast-forward two months, and the situation looks somewhat better.
At current exchange rates, places like France will still cost you about 23% more than the U.S., but cheaper countries such as Spain and Greece are now only about 6% more expensive. The Czech Republic's a fifth cheaper than the U.S.
European prices will only break even(持平) with the U.S. if the euro falls to about $1.10, says the OECD. But is it going to get there?
Greece's financial crisis may or may not be over. Members of a labor union just occupied part of the finance ministry to protest against the planned austerity(紧缩) measures. No, it doesn't inspire confidence!
Julian Jessop, chief international economist at the Capital Economics consultancy in London, sees the euro falling to $1.25 by year-end. “We still think the euro should be a lot lower,” he says. “We think the outlook for the European economy is a lot worse than for the U.S. And Greece is only a symptom of a wider problem: Does the eurozone make sense as a currency union?” If he's right, you may want to wait to change your money or book a trip.
67.   In the passage the writer offers some suggestions to the travellers from______.
A.USA           B.Europe             C.Greece             D.China
68.   The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to ______.
A.the planned austerity measures
B.Greece’s financial crisis
C.the protest from a labor union
D.the decline of the euro in value
69.   Julian Jessop has a negative attitude toward the euro because he thinks ______.
A.Greece’s financial crisis may not be over
B.the euro will drop to $ 1.25 by the end of the year
C.the European economy is a lot worse than the US’
D.the other European countries have a similar problem like Greece
70.   The purpose of the author writing the passage is to tell the readers that ______.
A.the euro shall be further reasonably lowered
B.travelers to Europe will save less in the future
C.the economic situation in Europe is worsening
D.the Greek financial crisis influences the whole Europe


Just how far does the euro(欧元) have to fall before Europe actually becomes reasonable?

Anyone traveling to the old continent from the U.S. in recent years has learned the hard way how expensive it is. The situation has improved in the last couple of months, thanks to the Greek financial crisis. But it still has a way to go.

Alarm about Greece—and other financially unstable countries in Europe—has dragged down the euro sharply. In November, before the crisis struck, you needed about $1.49 to buy one euro. Today you need only about $1.36. That's a 9% cut.

What does that mean for you, the would-be traveler? It's a big sale.

As recently as November, when the euro was flying high, the OECD estimated that countries like France, Italy and Germany were about a third more expensive than the U.S. Not all European countries were quite as expensive for the American visitor: Greece only cost about 17% more than the US, while the Czech Republic (which is not part of the eurozone) was actually about 15% cheaper than back home.

Fast-forward two months, and the situation looks somewhat better.

At current exchange rates, places like France will still cost you about 23% more than the U.S., but cheaper countries such as Spain and Greece are now only about 6% more expensive. The Czech Republic's a fifth cheaper than the U.S.

European prices will only break even(持平) with the U.S. if the euro falls to about $1.10, says the OECD. But is it going to get there?

Greece's financial crisis may or may not be over. Members of a labor union just occupied part of the finance ministry to protest against the planned austerity(紧缩) measures. No, it doesn't inspire confidence!

Julian Jessop, chief international economist at the Capital Economics consultancy in London, sees the euro falling to $1.25 by year-end. “We still think the euro should be a lot lower,” he says. “We think the outlook for the European economy is a lot worse than for the U.S. And Greece is only a symptom of a wider problem: Does the eurozone make sense as a currency union?” If he's right, you may want to wait to change your money or book a trip.

67.   In the passage the writer offers some suggestions to the travellers from______.

A.USA           B.Europe             C.Greece             D.China

68.   The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to ______.

A.the planned austerity measures

B.Greece’s financial crisis

C.the protest from a labor union

D.the decline of the euro in value

69.   Julian Jessop has a negative attitude toward the euro because he thinks ______.

A.Greece’s financial crisis may not be over

B.the euro will drop to $ 1.25 by the end of the year

C.the European economy is a lot worse than the US’

D.the other European countries have a similar problem like Greece

70.   The purpose of the author writing the passage is to tell the readers that ______.

A.the euro shall be further reasonably lowered

B.travelers to Europe will save less in the future

C.the economic situation in Europe is worsening

D.the Greek financial crisis influences the whole Europe


