D 本文主要是谈中国具有教育性的玩具. 这是一篇广告.主要介绍了北京朝阳剧院的杂技节目.中国儿童剧院的戏剧.北京人民艺术剧院的和长安大剧院的京剧节目播出的相关信息. 查看更多





 范围:9个省、自治(autonomous regions),1个直辖市(municipality)












  New Development for Central and Western China(开头)The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China.



  (结果) We have every reason to believe that the development will be a great success. As a result of the great project, central and western regions of China will surely achieve better and faster development in the new century. The people will have a better life and China will surely be richer and stronger.



  A new study suggests that very young children who watch a lot of television may have attention problems later in school.

  Children with attention problems cannot sit still or control their actions.They talk too much, lose things, forget easily and are not able to finish tasks.

  People with attention problems may suffer a condition known as Attention Deficit Disorder(A.D.D.).Experts say the cause of A.D.D.involves chemicals in the brain.Teachers say many children in the United States are showing signs of disorder.Some education researchers have been saying for years that watching television at a very young age could change the normal development of the brain.For example, they say that children who watch a lot of television are not able to sit and read for an extended period of time.

  The new study tested the idea that television watching by very young children is linked to attention problems by the age of seven.It involved more than 1300 children.There were two groups of children, ages one and three.Researchers at Children’s Hospital in Seattle, Washington reported the results in the publication Pediatrics(儿科).They asked the parents how often the children watched television.The parents also described their children’s actions at the age of seven using a method that can tell if someone suffers Attention Deficit Disorder.

  The children who watched a lot of television at an early age were most likely to have attention problems.Every hour of watching television increased the chances of having attention problems by about ten percent.

  The researchers say that all the children with attention problems might not have A.D.D.But they still could face major learning problems in school.The findings support advice by a group of doctors that children under the age of two should not watch television.

  One of the researchers says there are other reasons why children should not watch television.Earlier studies have linked it with children becoming too fat and too aggressive(好斗的).Other experts say the new study is important, but more work needs to be done to confirm the findings and better explain the cause and effect.



The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]


TV and Attention Problems


Attention and Learning


Disadvantages of Watching TV


Causes of Attention Deficit Disorder


Children with attention problems may ________.

[  ]


control their actions


sit and read quietly


complete tasks easily


talk a lot in class


Watching TV at an early age may cause all of the following problems EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


gaining weight


being too aggressive


poor eyesight


Attention Deficit Disorder


What can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]


Experts should have further studies on the subject.


Watching TV has no effect on children’s character.


Learning problems are caused by watching too much TV.


Attention problems are caused only by watching TV.














1. 学习上:你所要来的这所中学是当地非常有名的,通过和老师、同学的交流你可以很快提高英语水平;

2. 生活上:可以找一家host family,和他们吃住在一起,这样可以更好地了解英国人的生活习惯;

3. 业余时间:游览伦敦的名胜,如泰晤士河、伦敦眼等

参考词汇:the River Thames and the London Eye

4. 不利之处:交通拥挤。

注意:1. 可以适当增添内容,使行文连贯;

   2. 词数:100左右。

3. 格式、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;


Dear Cheng Wei,

I’m very glad to know that you will get a chance to study in London for a year. I’d like to tell you something about London so that you can have some ideas about it before you come.











                                           Looking forward to your coming.  





  Qinghai Red Cross Society Takes Active Part in Disaster Relief(救灾).The natural conditions in Qinghai are harsh(粗糙的),and its medicine and hygiene(健康)are backward.Therefore, the tasks faced by the local Red Cross workers are kind and warmhearted.In 1988, Nima was elected vice president of the Red Cross Qinghai Branch, and has instilled(慢慢的灌输)great vitality(活力)into this organization.

  Nima is Tibetan(西藏人).She loves her hometown very much, and has always sincerely wanted to do something for victims, both in her hometown and elsewhere, of natural calamities(灾难).She is therefore devoted(投入)to her work at the Red Cross, and says that the Red Cross is a lofty(高高的)undertaking to which she will devote her whole life.Nima always takes the lead in donating(捐献)money and goods during disaster relief(慰问)activities.She once told her fellow Red Cross workers, “It does not seem much if you only donate one brick.But if everyone donates a brick, we can put up a wall.The purpose of the Red Cross is to pool the power of the general public to help the relatively few who are suffering.”By working hard herself, she inspires the Red Cross workers around her with her self-sacrificing(自我牺牲)spirit.“Since Nima came, people have began to realize the importance of the organization.She puts a sense of mission into people’s hearts, ”said Li Yuning, the deputy(代表)secretary-general of Qinghai Red Cross Branch.

  Inside tents in remote(遥远的)pastoral areas, Red Cross members work tirelessly, giving treatment to herdsmen who have been hurt in natural disasters.

  Lying in a remote and economically backward(经济落后)area, Qinghai Province itself is badly in need of aid.However, in the knowledge that people in other places hit by natural calamities(大灾难)have a greater need, the people of Qinghai do not hesitate to give their help.In recent years, the local people organized by the Red Cross have made great contributions to the victims(遇难者)of forest fires in the greater Hinggan mountains and earthquake-stricken areas, including Zhangbei and Hualian in.When the Yangtze, Songhuajiang and Nenjiang Rivers were flooded in 1998, the Red Cross Qinghai Branch donated 600 000-yuan-worth of money and materials, the largest donation(捐献)it has ever made.



