One of Chaplin’s most famous film 71. was “The Gold Rush , that was produced 72 in 1925. The film set in California in the 73 middle of the nineteen century. In the film 74 Chaplin and his friends was in California in 75 search of gold. They have no money at 76 all. They were unluck and were caught on 77 the edge of the mountain in a snow storm. 78 They were so hunger that they cooked a 79 pair of shoes. And Chaplin enjoyed eating it very much. 80 查看更多








Many year ago a poor man grew an orange tree.              76. _______

On the tree there were many fine oranges. Some day he found       77. _______

one of them was so big as a football . He took it             78. _______

to the king . The king was so happy that he gave the            79. _______

poor man lots money. When a rich man heard of it ,           80. _______

he said for himself ,"I'll take my gold cup to the king          81. _______

and he will give me much money . The next day the king receive        82. _______

from the cup . The king was very fond of the cup and he told      83. _______

the rich man, “I have an orange . It is beautiful than the cup,     84. _______

so I have decided to give it to you as the reward instead money”.     85. _______




    One evening, long after most people had gone to bed, a friend of mine and I   1    happily home through the   2   street. We had been to a musical and    3   about the people we had seen and heard in it.

    “The show    4    him a star overnight,” said my friend about one of them. “He was completely   5   before. And now thousands of people    6   him gifts and letters.” “I thought him quite good,” I said, “but not   7   thousands of letters. As a matter of   8   ,”one of his songs gave me a shock. It was too noisy. “What was that?” my friend asked me, “    9   it to me.” I began to sing. “Do be quiet. You will give everybody a shock and   10   them up for miles    11   . Besides, there will be a policeman   12   us. ”My friend gave me an astonished look.

    “Never mind. I don’t care. What is the matter?” I said and went on singing   13   the top of my voice.

   Presently there came a policeman,   14   in front of me, his notebook   15   . “    16   , sir,” he said, “You have a very good voice, if I   17   say so. Who taught you singing? I’d very much   18   to find someone who can give my daughter singing lessons. Would you be    19   to tell me your name and address? Then my wife and I would    20   on you and we could discuss it.”

1A. went                 B. was coming

C. was making our way            D. had lost our way

2A. calm                  B .crowded

C. silent                  D. quiet

3A. were thinking                 B. were talking

C. knew                  D. were discussing

4A. called                  B. turned

C. named                  D. made

5A. famous                  B. forgotten

C. stranger                 D. unknown

6A. show                    B. write

C. send                   D. brought

7A. worthy                   B. worth

C. received                    D. accepted

8A. fact                    B. facts

C. a fact                   D. the fact

9A. Read                   B. Sing

C. Say                    D. Tell

10A. call                   B. pick

C. wake                 D. join

11A. long                  B. far   

C. around                  D. away

12A. observing                B. after

C. besides                  D. in front of

13A. with                  B. on

C. in                   D. at

14A. stood                  B. going

C. standing                  D. walking

15A. closing                 B. closed

C. open                   D. opened

16A. Wait a minute                B. Stop singing

C. I’m sorry                  D. Excuse me

17A. may                     B. can

C. must                   D. don’t

18A. liked                   B. wanted

C. like                    D. eager

19A. brave                   B. kind enough

C. willing                    D. honest

20A. try                      B. visit

C. invite                    D. drop in




On the third floor there are two rooms, ____ is used as a meeting-room.

 A. one of them                                                                      B. the larger of which 

C. and a larger of them                                                     D. the largest one of which




  Tom Brown was a good boxer(拳击手).He had a pair of strong fists(拳头)that he never used at ordinary times.He was very successful in boxing and had won many games.

  On one of his holiday trips in a small town, he happened to see two men beating a young lady when he was driving his car along a black street.Mr.Brown immediately stopped the car and rushed out to help the girl.

  “Get in my car, ” Mr.Brown shouted to the girl.“Drive to the police station.Quick!”

  When the policemen came, they found two men had gone and a young gentlemen lying on the ground, beaten black and blue.

  “Why, this is Mr.Brown, the famous boxer!” one of them recognized him.

  “Why didn’t you fight back but let them hit you like this?” You are strong enough to beat four of them with your fists!”

  “But I haven’t got my gloves(手套).A boxer must never go to fight without his gloves on.That’s one of our rules,”answered Mr.Brown.


Which of the following description about Tom Brown is NOT true?

[  ]


He is a good boxer.


He never used his fists without wearing gloves.


He would like to help young lady.


Once he was beaten black and blue while helping a young girl.


What happened on one of Tom’s holiday trips in a small town?

[  ]


Mr.Brown’s car was stopped by two men.


Mr.Brown drove his car along a black street.


A young lady was beaten by two men.


A young lady asked Mr.Brown for help.


Mr.Brown stopped his car because ________.

[  ]


he wanted to fight against the two men


he wanted to help the young lady


he wanted to shout to the young lady


he wanted to call the policemen


Why didn’t Mr.Brown fight back?

[  ]


He hadn’t got his gloves.


He was too strong to beat the two men.


He didn’t want to.


The two men were stronger than him.


The step you have taken is ________ much risk(冒险).

  A. one of    B. the one of   C. the one    D. that one

