Jack, injuries were very slight, is being allowed to play in today’s match, is inspiring . A. who, that B. whose, which C. who, which D. whose, that 查看更多



“We’ve been good friends for so many years. And I don’t think you meant to do that ...” I said to myself, looking at Jack, my friend who was running across the   36   field.

How I wish I could join them! But it was impossible because of the pain in my left foot, caused by Jack.

I first met Jack in a football match in the elementary school. When my team looked as if we were  37  , Jack, who was watching, volunteered to join us. He was so confident and skilled that we won. From then on, Jack and I often played together and became best friends.

But something happened before an important football match between Class Six and my class. My class had so many good players that we had to   38   the best ones. Jack and I were in  the same  team. The match was close in the first half. I saw my chance and was ready to score a goal. Suddenly, Jack   39   me. He slid to stop the ball, but collided  with my left foot. I knew I had lost the chance to score and was   40   the field. But what really hurt me was that Jack didn’t say sorry.  And when some of my teammates said he did it on purpose to   41   me from scoring, I felt even   42 .

Now I stand here, with tears in my eyes. I don’t want to   43   those words but I don’t know how to persuade myself they are   44  . Then everything changes when Jack scores and wins! How excited I am!

 While I am still   45   in excitement, someone pats my shoulder. It is Jack, with a smile on his face. “I’m sorry that you can not join in because of my   46   . But you see, Jason, we beat them! No matter whether you joined in or not, you’ve made a contribution. Come on, let’s celebrate!” Suddenly, I am   47   by the players. The sunshine is so bright that I close my eyes. Riding high above my teammates, I feel so happy. And I know the  friendship  between Jack and me will last forever.

A. basketball        B. volleyball      C. badminton      D .football

A. lost                     B .winning         C. leading       D. beaten

A. replace         B. award            C. decide on         D. call in

A. ran into          B. ran to          C .ran across        D. ran away

A. sent away            B. carried off       C. stuck to        D. hold on

A. break               B. interrupt       C. make              D. keep

A. amused             B. comfortable     C. depressed         D. scared

A. believe         B. say               C. deny           D. hear

A. right                B. false                C. true                D. bad

A. lost                     B. fallen              C. caught         D. drawn

A. score               B. pride               C. reason          D. carelessness

A. raised up          B. pulled away    C. picked up        D. pushed off


He also started “24 club”, where you would sit in a circle and drink twenty four tall bottles of beer, one after another, until they were gone. I knew there was no future in any of it and that eventually he would self?destruct if he continued using this drug. However, he had been my best friend since grade school, and I didn't have a lot of other close friends. I didn't want to be a loner, but I also didn't want to end up where I thought Jack was going.

I remember finally deciding sadly that it was just too risky to hang out with him any more. And so during my senior year I had to start over making friends. At first I felt awkward, didn't fit in, and felt dumb being alone. But after a few months I made friends with guys who had similar values and also a lot of fun.

My old friend Jack turned into a druggie (瘾君子), barely graduated, and eventually drowned in a swimming pool while intoxicated (喝醉的). It was sad, but I was grateful I had the courage to stick with the_right_decision and long?term thinking at a key time in my life.

If you're having trouble making good friends, remember that your friends don't always have to be your age. I once spoke to a guy who seemed to have a grandpa who listened to him and was a great friend. This seemed to fill the friendship blank he had in his life. All in all, just be wise when choosing friends, because much of your future relies on who you hang out with.


1.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Making friends with whoever will accept us.

B.Having no friends for a time is better than having the wrong friends.

C.Making as many friends as possible.

D.Not making friends with those who take drug.

2.The reason why the author decided to break up with Jack is that ________.

A.any kid who takes drug will drown eventually

B.a kid's future may depend on who he makes friends with

C.anyone's future relies on who he hangs out with

D.making friends with those who have similar values though you're not accepted

3.What does the underlined part “the right decision” refer to?

①He broke up with the friend who took drug.

②He made new friends with those who had similar values.

③He persuaded Jack to give up taking drug.

④He had trouble in making friends.

A.①②  B.③④    C.①③   D.②④



“We’ve been good friends for so many years. And I don’t think you meant to do that ...” I said to myself, looking at Jack, my friend who was running across the   36   field.

How I wish I could join them! But it was impossible because of the pain in my left foot, caused by Jack.

I first met Jack in a football match in the elementary school. When my team looked as if we were  37  , Jack, who was watching, volunteered to join us. He was so confident and skilled that we won. From then on, Jack and I often played together and became best friends.

But something happened before an important football match between Class Six and my class. My class had so many good players that we had to   38   the best ones. Jack and I were in  the same  team. The match was close in the first half. I saw my chance and was ready to score a goal. Suddenly, Jack   39   me. He slid to stop the ball, but collided  with my left foot. I knew I had lost the chance to score and was   40   the field. But what really hurt me was that Jack didn’t say sorry.  And when some of my teammates said he did it on purpose to   41   me from scoring, I felt even   42 .

Now I stand here, with tears in my eyes. I don’t want to   43   those words but I don’t know how to persuade myself they are   44  . Then everything changes when Jack scores and wins! How excited I am!

 While I am still   45   in excitement, someone pats my shoulder. It is Jack, with a smile on his face. “I’m sorry that you can not join in because of my   46   . But you see, Jason, we beat them! No matter whether you joined in or not, you’ve made a contribution. Come on, let’s celebrate!” Suddenly, I am   47   by the players. The sunshine is so bright that I close my eyes. Riding high above my teammates, I feel so happy. And I know the  friendship  between Jack and me will last forever.

1.A. basketball        B. volleyball      C. badminton      D .football

2.A. lost                     B .winning         C. leading       D. beaten

3.A. replace         B. award            C. decide on         D. call in

4.A. ran into          B. ran to          C .ran across        D. ran away

5.A. sent away            B. carried off       C. stuck to        D. hold on

6.A. break              B. interrupt       C. make              D. keep

7.A. amused            B. comfortable     C. depressed         D. scared

8.A. believe         B. say               C. deny           D. hear

9.A. right               B. false                C. true                D. bad

10.A. lost                   B. fallen              C. caught         D. drawn

11.A. score             B. pride               C. reason          D. carelessness

12.A. raised up        B. pulled away    C. picked up        D. pushed off



Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o'clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with (满意) him.
  One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future (未来). They talked for a long time.
  "Have a look at your watch, please," said the girl. "What time is it now?"
  "Sorry, something is wrong with my watch," said Jack. "Where's yours?"
  "I left it at home."
  Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, "Bang! Bang! Bang!"
  The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, "It's twelve o'clock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?"
【小题1】Jack was ________ when he finished middle school.

【小题2】The old woman is satisfied with Jack because ________.
A.he's her grandsonB.he's clever
C.he can keep quietD.he gets home on time
【小题3】From the story, we can know that Mary is Jack's ________.
A.classmateB.colleague (同事)C.auntD.wife
【小题4】The word "stamp" in the story means ______ in Chinese.
【小题5】Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order (为了) ________.
A.to wake his grandma up
B.to make his grandma angry
C.that his grandma was going to tell him the time
D.that his grandma was going to buy him a watch



My husband Jack hated Christmas. He didn’t hate the true meaning of ___16___, but the commercial aspects of it. Knowing he felt this ______17___, I decided one year to___18___the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so on. I reached for something _____19__just for Jack. The idea came in an unusual way.

   Our son Kevin, who was 12 that year, was______20______at the junior level at the school he attended and shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match____21_____a team sponsored by a church.

   These youngsters from the church, dressed in shoes so_______22_____that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together,____23______our son’s team were in their beautiful new wrestling shoes.

   As the match began, I was_____24_____to see that the other team was wrestling without a helmet designed to____25_____a wrestler’s head. They clearly could not_____26_____ them. Well, our son’s team ended up defeating them and took every weight class. But as the other team ______27_____up from the mat, they walked around with a sense of pride that couldn’t admit______28______.

   Jack, seated beside me, shook his head_____29_____, “I wish just one of them could have won,” he said. “They have a lot of potential, but______30_____like this could take the heart right out of them.” Jack loved_____31_____and he knew them, having coached little league football, baseball. That’s when the ____32______for his present came. That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and _____33______some wrestling helmets and shoes and sent them to the church.

   On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Jack what I had done and that this was his_______34_____from me. His smile was the_______35______ thing about Christmas that year.

1.                A.the gift         B.an envelope     C.the wrestling   D.Christmas


2.                A.way           B.joy            C.music    D.fear


3.                A.buy            B.wear           C.avoid D.give


4.                A.beautiful        B.expensive       C.new D.special


5.                A.wrestling       B.weightlifting     C.shooting  D.boxing


6.                A.at             B.against         C.for  D.on


7.                A.big            B.small           C.worn D.cheap


8.                A.because        B.if              C.while D.so


9.                A.frightened      B.disappointed     C.pleased   D.surprised


10.               A.cover          B.surround       C.hide  D.protect


11.               A.carry          B.afford          C.design D.expect


12.               A.dressed        B.got            C.turned    D.cheered


13.               A.defeat         B.evidence       C.charge    D.mistake


14.               A.gently          B.sadly           C.nervously  D.gladly


15.               A.running        B.winning        C.losing D.shaking


16.               A.workmates      B.parents         C.friends    D.kids


17.               A.invitation       B.care           C.idea  D.money


18.               A.return         B.sold           C.bought    D.left


19.               A.gift            B.warning        C.praise D.love


20.               A.brightest       B.funniest        C.ugliest D.darkest



