B In some magazines, tables of contents list articles in numerical order. The football article begins on page 5; the baseball article begins on page 7; the football story begins on page 13; and so on. Other magazine table of contents are organized by subjects, by columns and by features. Subjects are the topics covered in the articles. A feature is a specific kind of article, such as an article about sports or about cooking. “Feature also has another meaning. A “regular feature is something that appears in every issue, such as letters to the editor, movie reviews, sports statistics and other things. Some magazines also call regular features “departments . Columns are another kind of “regular feature published in every issue. Columns are often written by the same person each time. A person who writes columns is called a columnist! Most magazine tables of contents will also give you an idea of what a story is about. Look at the sample below. Kids’ Life Articles Comics 8 Skateboarding in the U. S. A. 6 Little People Read about kids from across the country 14 Skatin’ Sam And how they make the best of their boards! 30 Double Trouble 12 Summer Camp Believe it or not, camp is fun! Columns 20 Battle of Gettyburg 7 Videos It was a decisive one in the American Civil War. 32 The Great Outdoors 25 Snacks in a Flash 39 The Fun and Famous Look at these treats you can make yourself! 29 Martin Luther King Departments The man who made people think twice 34 Your Health 36 Sports 38 Letters to the Editor 61. What page does the sports section begin on? A. 7 B. 13 C. 36 D. 38 62. List the title of the regular feature in this magazine: . A Your Health, Sports, Letters to the Editor B Summer Camp, Little people, Skatin’ Sam C Your Health, Sports, Double Trouble D Sports, Letters to the Editor, Summer Camp 63. What was the Battle of Gettysburg according to the table of contents? A The name of an American. B The name of an American city C A battle of World War II D A battle in the American Civil War 64. Is there any information in this magazine about roller skating? A There is a lot of information. B It’s under the health heading. C Not unless it’s under the sports heading. D Yes, there’s no information about it. 查看更多



III. Cloze test 完形填空 1’ * 20 = 20’


People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the  36  300 years, there were  37  many changes in  38  places that now people can  39  tell an English person  40  an American in the way he or she talks.

Many old words  41  in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a

“faucet”, a “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are  42  heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still common in  43 . Americans often made up new words or changed old  44 . “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and  45  in England.

Also, over the last three centuries the English language  46  thousands of new words for things that weren’t known  47 . And often, American and English people used two  48  names for them. A tin can (洋铁罐头) is called “tin” for short in England, but a “can” in America. The word “radio” is  49  all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything having something to do  50  cars, railroads, etc.  51  different names in British and American English.

But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One  52  is the large amount (数量) of American speech that British people hear daily in movies, on television, or  53  travelers.  54  this, Americans seem to be influencing (影响) the British more and more. So some day, English may even be  55  on both sides of the Atlantic (大西洋).  

36.A. following     B. recent       C. oldest        D. last

37.A. such              B. too                C. so                 D. great

38.A. either            B. both               C. neither          D. two

39.A. hardly            B. difficulty        C. clearly          D. easily

40.A. with              B. from                C. to               D. and

41.A. disappeared   B. were disappeared   C. spoke   D. were spoken

42.A. not                B. hardly              C. yet             D. still

43.A. America         B. the two countries   C. England     D. British

44.A. word              B. forms              C. ones             D. ways

45.A. another           B. also planted     C. a plant        D. a kind of food

46.A. added          B. has added            C. discovered     D. has discovered

47.A. anywhere    B. in some countries  C. before     D. for centuries

48.A. new              B. short                 C. different      D. surprising

49.A. produced       B. made                 C. developed      D. used

50.A. to                B. away                 C. with             D. from

51.A. has              B. have                 C. has given       D. was given

52.A. thing           B. cause                C. reason           D. expression

53.A. from            B. through             C. on                D. by

54.A. For              B. Because             C. Besides         D. Because of

55.A. different         B. more different   C. the same         D. more useful



III. Cloze test 完形填空 1’ * 20 = 20’
People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the  36  300 years, there were  37  many changes in  38  places that now people can  39  tell an English person  40  an American in the way he or she talks.
Many old words  41  in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a
“faucet”, a “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are  42  heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still common in  43 . Americans often made up new words or changed old  44 . “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and  45  in England.
Also, over the last three centuries the English language  46  thousands of new words for things that weren’t known  47 . And often, American and English people used two  48  names for them. A tin can (洋铁罐头) is called “tin” for short in England, but a “can” in America. The word “radio” is  49  all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything having something to do  50  cars, railroads, etc.  51  different names in British and American English.
But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One  52  is the large amount (数量) of American speech that British people hear daily in movies, on television, or  53  travelers.  54  this, Americans seem to be influencing (影响) the British more and more. So some day, English may even be  55  on both sides of the Atlantic (大西洋).  
36.A. following     B. recent       C. oldest        D. last
37.A. such              B. too                C. so                 D. great
38.A. either            B. both               C. neither          D. two
39.A. hardly            B. difficulty        C. clearly          D. easily
40.A. with              B. from                C. to               D. and
41.A. disappeared   B. were disappeared   C. spoke   D. were spoken
42.A. not                B. hardly              C. yet             D. still
43.A. America         B. the two countries   C. England     D. British
44.A. word              B. forms              C. ones             D. ways
45.A. another           B. also planted     C. a plant        D. a kind of food
46.A. added          B. has added            C. discovered     D. has discovered
47.A. anywhere    B. in some countries  C. before     D. for centuries
48.A. new              B. short                 C. different      D. surprising
49.A. produced       B. made                 C. developed      D. used
50.A. to                B. away                 C. with             D. from
51.A. has              B. have                 C. has given       D. was given
52.A. thing           B. cause                C. reason           D. expression
53.A. from            B. through             C. on                D. by
54.A. For              B. Because             C. Besides         D. Because of
55.A. different         B. more different   C. the same         D. more useful


As he was too fat, he tried several shirts _______ but ____ fitted him.

A. on; none       B. in; some     C. on; some       D. in; none



I used to think that a good vacation meant staying in fancy hotels, eating at the nicest restaurants, and coming back with a darker skin and a suitcase filled with   36  . I also thought in order for it to be great, it had to be  37 . A few years and ten countries later, I now realize that  38  could be further from the truth.

Something tells me that Wu Jiangping—a Chinese girl who recently travelled across      Europe on just 15,000 yuan — would  39  my change of heart. Many would think it is  40  to design a 20-day trip through 9 European countries on such a meager budget, but that’s exactly what Miss Wu did! The success of her adventure boils down to three things — planning,  41  and attitude.

Wu Jiangping made a careful and detailed  42  well in advance, which included booking her flights with a low-cost budget  43 . It’s important to research various transportation options when travelling on a tight budget. What is easiest and fastest usually isn’t  44 .

When it  45  to priorities, a budget traveller must value the experience of travelling over the expensive luxuries that one might desire on vacation. This might mean trading a cozy bed in a hotel for a  46  bunk in a hostel.  47 , this often means that you get to share a room with like-minded fellow travellers, and, in my experience, you are likely to make lifelong friends in the process.

Of course, travelling often involves challenges and unexpected problems.  48 , Miss Wu found herself trapped in Florence, Italy when the cold current  49  Europe in February. Even when there are no real problems,  50  arriving in an unfamiliar country where you don’t speak the language and you can’t even ask for directions  51  be a discomforting experience. However,  52  you have a spirit of adventure, getting lost may  53  fascinating discoveries! When travelling, simply wandering the streets, trying the local food, and taking in the sights, sounds and smells around you can make for an extraordinary and unforgettable day. When you return home, your  54  — good, bad and bittersweet — are  55  you treasure the most. There is no greater souvenir than the lingering memory of your adventure.

36. A. books         B. souvenirs          C. clothes             D. food

37. A. cheap          B. alone         C. expensive D. faraway

38. A. nothing       B. anything           C. something         D. everything

39. A. agree with   B. deal with    C. put up with       D. come up with

40. A. simple         B. impossible C. essential           D. inevitable

41. A. traditions     B. advantages        C. privilege           D. priorities

42. A. decision      B. judgment          C. plan          D. conclusion

43. A. airline          B. company   C. shop         D. railway

44. A. the favorite B. the best     C. the worst   D. the cheapest

45. A. takes           B. comes              C. goes          D. means

46. A. luxurious     B. fantastic           C. comfortable      D. simple

47. A. Similarly      B. Definitely          C. Obviously D. Fortunately

48. A. At a time     B. In some time         C. At one point      D. Beside the point

49. A. swept         B. pushed             C. attracted    D. rolled

50. A. absolutely    B. occasionally      C. frequently D. simply

51. A. can             B. shall                     C. need          D. ought

52. A. as far as      B. as well as          C. as long as D. as good as

53. A. arise from   B. result from        C. subscribe to      D. lead to

54. A. thoughts      B. memories          C. minds               D. insights

55. A. that             B. which                   C. whatever          D. what


III. Cloze test 完形填空 1’ * 20 = 20’


    People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the  36  300 years, there were  37  many changes in  38  places that now people can  39  tell an English person  40  an American in the way he or she talks.

    Many old words  41  in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a

“faucet”, a “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are  42  heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still common in  43 . Americans often made up new words or changed old  44 . “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and  45  in England.

    Also, over the last three centuries the English language  46  thousands of new words for things that weren’t known  47 . And often, American and English people used two  48  names for them. A tin can (洋铁罐头) is called “tin” for short in England, but a “can” in America. The word “radio” is  49  all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything having something to do  50  cars, railroads, etc.  51  different names in British and American English.

But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One  52  is the large amount (数量) of American speech that British people hear daily in movies, on television, or  53  travelers.  54  this, Americans seem to be influencing (影响) the British more and more. So some day, English may even be  55  on both sides of the Atlantic (大西洋).  

36.A. following     B. recent       C. oldest        D. last

37.A. such              B. too                C. so                 D. great

38.A. either            B. both               C. neither          D. two

39.A. hardly            B. difficulty        C. clearly          D. easily

40.A. with              B. from                C. to               D. and

41.A. disappeared   B. were disappeared   C. spoke   D. were spoken

42.A. not                B. hardly              C. yet             D. still

43.A. America         B. the two countries   C. England     D. British

44.A. word              B. forms              C. ones             D. ways

45.A. another           B. also planted     C. a plant        D. a kind of food

46.A. added          B. has added             C. discovered     D. has discovered

47.A. anywhere    B. in some countries  C. before     D. for centuries

48.A. new              B. short                 C. different      D. surprising

49.A. produced       B. made                 C. developed      D. used

50.A. to                B. away                 C. with             D. from

51.A. has              B. have                 C. has given       D. was given

52.A. thing           B. cause                C. reason           D. expression

53.A. from            B. through             C. on                D. by

54.A. For              B. Because             C. Besides         D. Because of

55.A. different         B. more different   C. the same         D. more useful

