28.-John , may I ask you a favor ? - . A.I’m sorry , but why ? B.Yes , you could . C.Sure , what is it ? D.I’d love to , and I’m busy 查看更多



John, may I use your computer now?

Sorry, it is not ____at the moment. It is being repaired.

A. convenient  B. valuable  C. available    D. comfortable



28. John may come to see me tonight. I can’t go to the movie with you______he visits.

A. as long as           B. in order that             C. because                 D. in case


John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out ________ he phones

  1. A.
    in case
  2. B.
    in that case
  3. C.
    so that
  4. D.
    in time


John may come to see me tonight. I can’t go to the movie with you      he visits.

A. in case        B. in order that        C. because       D. as long as


John may phone tonight.I don't want to go out _______ he phone.

A.as long asB.in order that
C.in case D.so that

