25.The mother felt very weak, she carried the baby in her arms all the way to the hospital. A.however B.still C.so D.yet 查看更多



I always reflect on what happened in my life. I think this is important—to appreciate our wins, losses, new passions, insights, etc.       1.       Here are some tips for you on reflection.

1. Focus on the process and not the outcome.

This thought was beautifully summed up by Srikumar Rao. He explains how we fail because

we focus our energies on the outcome rather than the- process itself. When a child learns to walk, she never focuses on the outcome but on the process.

2. Failure is a lead not a stop sign.

When you hit a wall and things don’t turn up the way they are intended, no one is saying to you, “This is where you stop because you failed”. If you do, you are reading the wrong information. Failure tells us, “       2.       Try another method.”

3. Happiness is not the destination but the journey.

We think that happiness is a result that comes after having acquired or achieved something we don’t have. This is not quite right.       3.       It’s about stepping back and enjoying the ride rather than expecting it at your destination point.

4. Wisdom comes from the balance between your knowledge and your heart.

Let your heart talk more; it’s wiser than you think. You can be as knowledgeable and clever as one can be.       4.      Wisdom is really having reached a stage where you balance all your knowledge with your heart.

5. Gratitude is the energy-drink of the soul.

Say thank you to the universe every morning. Appreciation can lift your soul from anxiety which weighs you down. Try it out.       5.       It will help you appreciate life with more depth and perspective.

A. Failure is the mother of success.

B. Happiness is when we accept and enjoy everything as it is.

C. This method and the intended result do not match.

D. Be thankful to at least one thing in your day.

E. Not reflecting on our lives and experiences is a wasted chance for growth.

F. Happiness means achieving your goals and getting what you want.

G. But if your mind doesn’t go with your heart, you are losing energy in internal conflicts.



虎妈,美国耶鲁大学的华裔教授蔡美儿Amy Lynn Chua,出版了一本名叫《虎妈战歌》Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother的书,在美国引起轰动。在接受采访时,回答了记者的5个问题(第61—65题)。请从下列提问(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出与她的回答相匹配的问题,并在答题卡上将相应选项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。


A.What do you think of the competition between China and the US?

B.What do you think of the image of “tiger mom?”

C.How do your daughters take the criticism about you after your book was published?

D.You said you would not get her Christmas gifts or anything when your daughter refused to repeatedly practice the music. How did your husband respond?

E.What do you think makes a good mother?

F.What does your husband think of your method of bringing up kids?


Chua’s answer: Well, actually I think there are many ways of being a good mother. In my book my focus is just a memory about my own family story, me trying to raise my own children in a kind of traditional Chinese way. I make mistakes and I make fun of myself. It’s amazing the way the book has been received internationally, because. I didn’t intend my book to be telling other people of view and I am a proud strict “tiger mom”. But I’m not trying to tell other people what are the best ways to teach or raise their children.


Chua’s answer: Well, the title may sound a little frightening. Let me tell you why I chose the title. I was born in the year of the tiger. And “battle Hymn” in the United States comes from “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. The book is really about finding some sort of balance: how can we find the balance between the eastern way of parenting and the western way of parenting. In ways the book as been misunderstood maybe because of the title.


Chua’s answer: I didn’t write this book to have any foreign policy implications. But it’s been taken into the foreign policy realm. It is of course true that there is a connection between child-raising and the future of nations. We are raising, as parents, the next generation. So I think Henry is right. We tapped into this thing of insecurity, American’s fear about the rising power of china. A friend of mine told me that if the book had been called The Battle Hymn of an Italian Mother or The Battle Hymn of a Mexican Mother, nobody would have cared. It’s really “China”. you know.


Chua’s answer: I don’t think he opposes my idea of raising children. I’d like to think we have a combination, which is the right solution. You need a balance. From my perspective, what I give my kids is something that I thought was lacking in the US educational system. You know, they hate memorization, while in China you have too much of it. In the US, learning should be fun, a lot of games,. So I brought hard work and disciplines. My husband and I think this is a great thing always teaching them to question the authority and to ask why. Don’t accept everything just because somebody tells you. Figure it out yourself. I really think you need to combine both these qualities if you want creativity and dynamism.


Chua’s answer:  They both are stronger than I am. I am really proud of them. Their friends and communities supported them. At a time, I couldn’t even look at the Internet because there are so many negative comments. And they would find the good ones and text them to me, saying “here’s a good one mommy, hang in there.” This experience has actually brought my family together. Believe it or not, not just my kids, also my parents and my three younger sisters have supported me.



单词拼写(每题1分,满分10 分)
【小题1】When i_____________ to the strangers, I felt a bit shy.
【小题2】Many of us know the famous saying “F________ is the mother of success.”
【小题3】On National Day the Summer Palace is c_________ with people every year.
【小题4】People t________ the world celebrate New Year in various ways.
【小题5】People don’t like children who b__________ badly in their daily life.
【小题6】I have made great progress this term so my parents are s___________ with me.
【小题7】With the boy leading the way, we had no d____________ in finding his house.
【小题8】Everything taken into c_______________, he has done a good job this time.
【小题9】As Christmas is a___________, we are getting ready to celebrate it.
【小题10】T__________ to your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.


根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(E 涂AB ,F涂 AC, G 涂 AD)

A : Hello,6674209.

B: Oh, Hello. Could I speak to Jannet,please?

A:  __1.__She isn’t here. Can I take a message ?

B: Yes, please .___ 2.__  Is that Mrs Brown?

A: __3.__ Hello ,Bill.

B: Thank you for asking me to Jannet’s party on Sunday evening .__ 4.__

A: I’m sorry to hear that .

B: I hope all of you will have a good time.

A: Thank you .__ 5.__

B: T hank you. Goodbye.

A.Yes, this is Jannet’s mother.

B.This is Bill here.

C.Hold on for a moment.

D.I’m afraid you can’t .

E. I’ll give her the message.

F. I’m very sorry but I can’t come.

G. Please give her my best wishes.






[A] This 1000-wat electric boiler rapidly boils up to 1 quart of water for coffee, tea and more. It provides a rapid and quiet heating process, making it ideal for the office, home or students’ bedroom, and unit’s easy-open lid is designed with a security lock to prevent spilling.

[B] This 12-inch everyday pan is made of aluminum, allowing for quick heat giving. The stainless-steel handles are comfortable to grasp, plus they decrease heat moving so handles stay cool on the stovetop. The included lid is ideal for moist-heat cooking. It cooks fast and is easy to clean and can cook everything with little oil or no oil.

[C] This lightweight carpet(地毯) cleaner comes with a display of convenient features. It gets under furniture and in hard-to-reach areas, and it is removable for easy clean-up. It provides heavy-duty cleaning for the worst type dirt, like high-traffic areas and pet stains, and dirty water and clean water always remain separate. It is ideal for carpeted stairs.

[D] This electric pressure washer is an ideal choice for home and auto cleaning projects. It features an instant stop or start function. It also includes an adjustable pressure nozzle(喷嘴), so you can adjust pressure from 100 PSI to 1300 PSI, and owns effective cleaning power.

[E] This solar light turns on automatically at dark and off at dawn. Show off garden accessories like fountains or light a path through your yard with a solar light that needs neither electricity nor maintenance. Solar lighting saves money and energy by gathering power from the sun.

[F] Keep the air in the home, office, or workplace circulating with this high-performance fan. It features a design for fast, focused cooling and effective air circulation. It also comes equipped with a three-speed motor and a specially-designed blade, which provides different power. Thoughtfully designed, the fan can also be wall mounted to help save floor space.



1.Final examination is coming near and it is getting hotter and hotter. Jojo studies hard at her desk, often wet through with sweat. Now what she most wants to get is some kind of instrument that can cool her while she is doing her lessons at the desk so she can have a better learning result.

2.It is only a few days before Christmas Day. Fan and his family are to give their house a thorough cleaning. As his father has some trouble with his health, Fan volunteers to take the task of cleaning the walls. In order to do a better job, he is eager to find an ideal instrument to match his aim.

3.For the purpose of being admitted by a key university, Lena has been burying herself in lessons and often studies until late into the night so that she often feels tired out and sleepy. “Why not refresh myself with a cup of coffee now and then?” She thinks and then she comes up with an idea….

4.Jean has decided to go hiking with her classmates for a holiday and hopes to have a picnic by cooking in the open air to add pleasure and fun to their trip. Now she is given the task that she should get an instrument with which they can cook delicious dishes.

5.Rachel’s mother is a cleaner whose job is to get clean kinds of floors, including carpets of many buildings. The boring work—especially the stair carpet cleaning—often makes her mother worn out. So Rachel is anxious to buy her an easy-to-use machine to take the place of her mother’s heavy work.


