You have made a few mistakes in your composition but you have done well. A.first of all B.on the whole C.on the other hand D.generally speaking 查看更多



You have made a few mistakes in your composition but ______ you have done well. a whole                                                    B.on the whole

C.on the other hand                                                 D.generally speaking



 You have made a few grammar mistakes in your composition but ____ you have done well.

A. first of all           B. all in all                C. on the other hand   D. in other words



You have made a few mistakes in your composition but _______ you have done well.

A. on the whole         B. first of all       C. on the other hand     D. in a word



You have made a few mistakes in your composition but ____ .you have done well.


  A. first of all B. on the whole C. on the other hand D. above all



You have made a few mistakes in your composition but ______ you have done well.

  1. A.
    as a whole
  2. B.
    on the whole
  3. C.
    on the other hand
  4. D.
    generally speaking

