Once more I am in Nanjing, I have not been for years. A.that B.where C.which D.when 查看更多



Once more I have to leave Beijing, ______ I have been living for eight years.

     A) that              B) where            C) which              D) as


To our great surprise, he can sing three English songs very well, ________ Yesterday Once More, I Believe I Can Fly and Country Road

[  ]

such as


for example




for instance


     It was a cool, rainy day and it was the day before Thanksgiving-the first one my three children and I would
be spending without their father, who passed away several months ago. Now the two older children were sick
with the flu. I hurried around, trying to care for each child:thermometers, medicine, juice, bread. I found the
children had run out of fruits. But what almost broke me down was that I only had $2.50 left-and this should
last until the end of the month.
     That's when I heard the phone ring. It was the secretary from our former church,and she told me that they
had been thinking about us and had something to give us. I called at the church on my way to the market just
before lunch. The church secretary met me at the door and handed me two currency notes (流通券), each
worth $20. I was so moved that I cried.
     Then I drove on to a store near our home for something needed for the children. The things I picked up cost
me a little over $14.00, and I handed the cashier (收银员) one note. She took it and looked at it for a long time.
I thought something might be wrong and told her that I was a single parent and how I got it. With tears in her
eyes, the cashier said that morning she had prayed (祈祷) to help someone, and I gave her the chance. She
added a turkey to my items (货物), took out two $20 bills and paid for my items. Once more I was moved to
     As I walked to my car, I was still moved by the stranger's love and realized that God loves my family. He
shows us his love through others' hands.
1. What made the author become sad the day before Thanksgiving?
[     ]
A. It was cool and raining outside.
B. Her two older children got the flu.
C. Her children had no fruits to eat.
D. She almost had no money to support her family.
2. Why did the cashier look at the author's note for a long time?
[     ]
A. Because she wanted to know how the author got it.
B. Because she couldn't believe the author was so poor.
C. Because she thought the auhor stole it from somebody else.
D. Because she was glad she had a chance to help someone.
3. What did the cashier do for the author?
[     ]
A. She paid for all the author's items in the store.
B. She gave the author $40 and a turkey for free.
C. She made sure the note was true.
D. She believed the author and moved her to tears.
4. We can infer from the passage that _____.
[     ]
A. the author's husband lived in another place
B. people often do good things only near Thanksgiving
C. life was hard for the author and her children
D. the author was a person who always cried


Once more I have to leave Beijing, ______ I have been living for eight years.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
It was early spring. The sun was strong and warm. I went over the hillside fields behind my village,   36   buntings and linnets, the birds I loved most.
I turned along a bush between two fields where I had seen the birds before, but on this fine day almost the first birds that I saw were winter visitors. I was  37   not to see a bunting straightaway, but I went on, stopping occasionally to look at the black-thorn (黑刺李) flowers in the bush, and   38  I did hear a bunting singing. Or was it? Was I not perhaps turning a note of skylark (云雀) song into that of the song I was hoping to hear?
But the bunting’s songwas prettyclear, andwithin afew minutesI was proved
  39 . The song was coming from the bush, and as I approached   40   I saw the brown bird resting in a small tree. It opened its mouth, and   41  once more. Then it flew off. It was the only one I saw that day, but at least I had found one of the birds I had   42  .
It was not until I was on my way back home that I caught sight of some    43  . I saw five of them gathering on the ground when I was just coming back beside the
   44   where I had found the bunting. As I came nearer, they flew up, spreading their tails so that their white edges    45   to look like a white fan in the sky. Then, to my
   46  , some big pigeons suddenly came flying and joined the linnets. A moment later they had all    47 but I had fulfilled my hopes for the day.
36.A. looking at     B. looking for C. looking up  D. looking after
37.A. disappointed B. dismissed   C. dissatisfied D. disturbed
38.A. directly B. gradually   C. suddenly    D. immediately
39.A. proper   B. right C. useful        D. true
40.A. sadly     B. hurriedly   C. proudly     D. quietly
41.A. danced  B. ate      C. sang    D. shouted
42.A. observed      B. noticed       C. expected     D. described
43.A. linnets B. skylarks     C. pigeons     D. buntings
44.A. bush     B. road   C. grass   D. black-thorn
45.A. widened       B. enlarged     C. lengthened  D. expanded
46.A. knowledge   B. pleasure     C. amusement       D. honour
47.A. gathered       B. lost     C. missed       D. gone

