倾向;趋势 n. tendency 查看更多



Although the weathermen’s forecasts for a month ahead are only little better than guesswork, they are now making long-term forecasts into the next century with growing confidence. For the main trend (倾向, 趋势) in the world’s climate in the coming years will, scientists say, be a predictable result of man’s activities.

At the start of the industrial revolution nearly two centuries ago, man set off a big experiment in planetary engineering. Unaware of what he was doing, he spared no thought for the consequences (后果).Today the possible outcome is alarmingly clear, but the experiment is unstoppable. Within the lifetimes of many of us, the Earth may become warmer than it has been for a thousand years. By the middle of this century it may be warmer than it has been since before the last Ice Age.

A warmer climate may seem welcome, but it could bring many dangers, damages to crops in the world’s main food-producing areas, famine (饥荒), economic instability (不稳定), civil unrest and even war.

In the much longer term, melting of the great ice-caps of Greenland and Antarctica could raise sea-levels throughout the world. The average sea-level has already risen a foot since the turn of the last century, and if the ice-caps disappear completely, it would rise by nearly 200 feet. Complete melting might take many centuries, but even a small increase in sea-level would threaten low-lying parts of the world such as the Netherlands.

63. The underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refers to ________.

A. a big experiment         B. a long-term weather forecast

C. the sea-level D. a warmer climate

64. Long-term weather forecasts beyond the year 2050 may seem strange because_______.

A. none of us will be alive then

B. weathermen cannot even forecast next month’s weather correctly

C. weathermen can forecast much better than they used to

D. no one can stop engineering experiments

65. Weathermen believe that our future climate will be the direct result of_______.

A. big scientific experiments            B. clever long-term forecasts

C. the industrial revolution             D. planets changing course

66. Scientists are fairly sure that, by the year 2050, _______.

A. the sea-level will have risen obviously

B. there will have been a third World War

C. most countries will have been flooded

D. the polar ice-caps will have melt completely



A very important world problem-in fact, I am inclined(倾向) to say it is the most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time-is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.

It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important. It works out to be about 1.6 percent per annual net increase. In terms of numbers this means something like forty to fifty-five million additional people every year. Canada has a population of twenty million-rather less than six month's climb in world population. There are ten million people in Australia. So, it takes the world less than three months to add to itself a population. Let us take our own crowded country-England and Wales: forty-five to fifty million people-just about a year's supply.

By this time tomorrow, and every day, there will be added to the earth about 120,000 extra people-just about the population of the city of York.

Here I am not talking about birth rate. This is net increase. To give you some idea of birth rate, look at the seconds hand of your watch. Every second three babies are born somewhere in the world. Another baby! You cannot speak quickly enough to keep pace with the birth rate.

This enormous increase of population will create immense problems. By 2020 unless something desperate happens, there will be as many as seven billion people on the surface of the earth! So this is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetime.

1. According to the author, ________ is the most important in the world at the present time.

A. the quality of the increasing population

B. the actual population of the world

C. the rapidly increasing pressure of population

D. farming land is reducing at great speed

2. From the passage we know that the author is a(n) ________.

A. Canadian      B. Australian

C. American      D. Englishman

3. It takes ________ for the world to have a population of Australia.

A. about three months

B. about six months

C. one year

D. more than four months

4. According to the passage ________ babies are born on the earth per hour.

A. 180         B. 3 million

C. 120,000      D. 10,800

5. The author mentions the different populations of several countries in order to ________.

A. show how small those countries are

B. show how thickly those countries are populated

C. emphasize the low increase of the world population

D. emphasize the high rate of increase of world population


—— It seems that his health is improving.

—— Yes.It is ten years ______ he _______.

A.since;  smoked                  B.since;  did n' t smoke

C.that; smoked                    D.before; smoked



III.完形填空(共20小题:每小题1 5分,满分30分)
One day I took my son to the doctor’s for a physical examination and being flu season there were several children there with physical and mental disabilities.Right  36  from us was a man with his son in a wheel chaff.The chair secured the boy who probably couldn’t sit up on his own.They boy  37  very slowly and was severely mentally and physically challenged.But his eyes  38   up when I asked the daddy if I could  39   my son to him.Jeremy had been  40  him and told me he couldn’t talk so I asked the dad if we could  41  him.The dad seemed   42  too so I crossed the room to sit down right by him and asked the boy his  43 .He said,“Ten”I said,“Hi,Tim, this is Jeremy.”Then I asked,“How old are you,Tim?”He said,“Ten.”While I talked with him I rubbed his leg   44  and I could see he was trying to put his      45   out for me to grab it.The conversation was short but   46 .The nurse then called them in and the dad  47  me and we said goodbye.
On the way home,I was able to explain to Jeremy that Tim has    48  just like any kid who wants to  49 .He wants to have friends and experience life and love his family.He doesn’t want to be laughed at or pointed at just  50  he is different.I don’t know if it made a(n)  51 on Jeremy that day,but I feel that it did.We will   52  to speak with whoever comes along our path no matter how   53  they ale from us.Teaching our children not to stare is probably  54 .But teaching them to shale a   55 with people who ale different is truly remarkable !
36.A.opposite      B.above          C.among     D.across
37.A.spoke          B.walked        C.ate    D.looked
38.A.came    B.got       C.1it    D.pulled
39.A.point    B.1ead     C.take D.introduce
40.A.running after       B.1aughing at         C.staring at D.looking after
41.A.meet    B.check          C.cheer       D.help
42.A.interested     B.happy          C.surprised D.sorry
43.A.condition     B.problem       C.age   D.name
44.A.joyfully       B.heavily        C.gently       D.eagerly
45.A.hand    B.foot      C.1eg   D.head
46.A.simple         B.boring         C.sweet       D.sad
47.A.rewarded     B.thanked       C.invited     D.moved
48.A.troubles       B.words          C.ideas        D.feelings
49.A.疗tin          B.standup        C.go through      D.set out
50.A.once     B.but       C.because    D.so
51.A.message       B.impression          C.mark       D.expression
52.A.decide         B.prefer          C.continue   D.stop
53.A.ugly     B.beautiful      C.far    D.different
54.A.impossible          B.normal        C.meaningless     D.easy
55.A.viewpoint    B.toy       C.conversation    D.1esson


Growing up the daughter of an outstanding educator, Andrea Peterson knew at a young age that she wanted to serve others. It was with this mindset that she started to pursue a degree in medicine. However ,while visiting her brothers who were away at college studying music education, she realized that she too was drawn to teach music.

In her ten years at Granite Falls, she has revitalized the music programs at both the elementary and high school levels,to the extent that an additional music faculty member was hired by the district to assist with the workload. The growth of the music program in Granite Falls School District has encouraged students to participate in county ,state ,and national music competitions ,and won numerous prizes for the district.

Teaching music is only part of Peterson's instruction-it serves as a vehicle to other areas .

"Music is an amazing tool to unlock students' potential. The most visible benefit from their success in music is their increased confidence and self-esteem," Peterson said. "However, I don't believe it is the only benefit, nor the most powerful. It is truly exciting to see how my music teaching can transfer back to other classrooms." With this philosophy, Peterson introduced a cross-curriculum program ,wherein she takes lessons taught in other classes, such as English and math ,and expands upon them in an eight-week unit.

One of the most popular projects in Peterson's classes in the creation and performance of a musical, whereby students create a play from one of the books they have read in another class. Students work together to choose the music that best fits with the overall feel of the play and then perform it for the greater community. "Through Andrea's efforts these kids have helped to put Granite Falls, Washington, on the map for musical talents. Parents, staff ,and community members continue to be in awe of what she is able to bring forth from the children," said Debra Rose Howell, a colleague of Peterson's at Monte Cristo Elementary School.

69.Initially Andrea Peterson Planned to work as a (n)______.

A.teacher B.doctor  C.educator      D.musician

70.The 2nd paragraph mainly tells about______.

A.Andrea Peterson's life at Granite Falls

B.county ,state ,and national music competitions 

C.the growth of the music program in Granite Falls School District

D.Andrea Peterson's contributions to Granite Falls' music programs

71.Which of the following is NOT a benefit the students get from Andrea Peterson's class?

A.music talent development   B.increased self-confidence

C.ability in learning other subjects       D.prizes for English and maths

72.The following sentences tell what the students have to do about their musical project. Which is the right order of the events?

a. They choose proper music for their play

b. They adapt the story into a play.

c. They put on the play for the whole school or the whole community.

d. They practise performing the play.

e. They choose a story they have read in another class.

A.e→b→a→d→c   B.e→b→c→a→d   C.a→e→b→d→c   D.a→b→e→d→c

73.What is most special about the way Andrea Peterson teaches?

A.She has a special way of teaching music.

B.She makes her classes lively and interesting.

C.She combines her music class with other subjects.

D.She comes from a family of professional educators.

74.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

A.An Outstanding Teacher     B.Ten years at Granite Falls

C.A Family of Educators          D.Successful Music Projects


