分布;分配 vt. distribute 查看更多



假如你是某中学高三某班学生李平,高中二年多来,经历很多次成功与失败的你觉得自己似乎一下子成熟了很多,有一种真的“长大了”的感觉,面对紧张的学习,一次次考试以及今后的打算……。你有太多的话想对关爱你的父母说。请以书信形式和爸爸妈妈谈谈。信的开头如下:参考词汇:鼓励encourage Vt. Encouragement 对…充满感激 be/feel grateful to sb
Dear Mum and Dad,
How are you doing? ________________________________________________


It’s good to make mistakes, and here is why.

First of all, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. It’s always good to try new things because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never try anything new, how can you improve? How can you expand? The simple answer is “You can’t”. Look around you. With very few exceptions, either everything you see in your physical world or every single detail of every single thing is the result of someone trying something new.

Another good thing about mistakes is this: When you are making mistakes, you are learning. Consider this: Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb. When asked how it felt to fail that many times, he said that he hadn’t failed 10,000 times, but rather had learned 10,000 things that didn’t work.

Finally, when you make a mistake you are much closer to success. Why?

Because when all is said and done, you will have tried some number of things before you succeeded. Every time you make a mistake you eliminate one of those things and are one step closer.

But this all doesn’t mean that you should go ahead without considering the consequences of a mistake. Quite the contrary, when you try something new you have to be willing to set some reasonable limits so that in the event that it doesn’t work out the way you want it to, you will be in a position to try again.

We all have limited resources in the form of time and money so don’t blow them all on one approach to a problem. Realize that it probably won’t be perfect the first time and allocate (分配) these resources appropriately so you can learn, make corrections, and try it again. Only by accepting and using your mistakes in this way can you make significant advances in your business and your career.

There is an old saying that goes, “If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough.”

So go forth and make mistakes. And learn. And grow. And prosper(成功).

1.From the second paragraph, we can conclude that _______.

A. mistakes are unnecessary for development                           

B. we are afraid of trying new things                                          

C. it’s common for people to make mistakes                              

D. mistakes are better than not trying

2. The underlined word “eliminate” means _______.

A. avoid                                        B. Remove                        C. accept                               D. solve

3.. According to the article, one thing you should pay attention to about making mistakes is   

A. avoiding making the same mistakes                                  

B. accepting the punishment willingly

C. taking consequences into account                                     

D. trying things out one by one

4.. What would the writer probably suggest we say to ourselves when we make a mistake?

A. Never mind, I can always try again.                                    

B. I’d better stay out of trouble.

C. Ok! Now I can learn something.                                      

D. Look at this mess. Anyone would be upset.



It may not be news to parents of teenage girls, but researchers have confirmed that no one can stop their 16-year-old daughter from deciding how the family spends its money.
The willpower and determination of teenage girls give them a big say in how a family’s money is spent on everything from food and meals to mobile phones, and, of course, clothes. Teenage boys did not show up at all in the analysis, which was designed to find out the influence of young people on household spending.
The findings on the spending power of teenage girls were calculated from Office for National Statistics records of family spending during the 1980s and 1990s. Researchers examined how much money went on services and leisure goods in different kinds of homes. They checked spending on food, restaurant meals, alcohol, tobacco, services, heating, transport, clothes and sports in 2,745 British families.
They found that teenage girls in the UK typically played an active role in family decisions about the allocation(分配)of household resources. But older children— those over the age of 21 who are still living with their parents—appear to have no say in household decisions.
They also tried to calculate to what extent the bargaining power of a teenager affected family budgets. “Every parent knows that children, even at a very early age, have their own preferences with regard to consumption, researchers said. “But children are only interested in a limited range of goods—mainly sweets and toys—and parents are able to use punishment to reduce their children’s bargaining power or remove it.”  When they become teenagers, however, girls are much more independent and they are capable of earning their own money, which improves their bargaining power in family decisions.
The researchers could not explain why girls have more influence over spending while the evidence for boys is much less conclusive. However, this study could be of great significance to market research and how marketers target children.
【小题1】 From the passage we can learn that            .

A.teenage girls have more influence over family budgets than teenage boys
B.teenage boys don't want to decide on household spending
C.teenage boys have some influence over household
D.teenage girls have weaker willpower and determination than teenage boys
【小题2】What does the underlined part “give them a big say” in the second paragraph mean?
A.Make them dare to say something.
B.Make them want to know.
C.Make them say something meaningful.
D.Make their influence stronger.
【小题3】It appears that household decisions are NOT affected by        .
A.girls living with parents
B.girls over 21
C.girls over 12
D.girls living alone
【小题4】How can parents reduce children’s bargaining power?
A.By persuading them
B.By offering them sweets or toys.
C.By threatening to punish them.
D.By allocating household resources.


Should struggling students be banned from clubs and sports?
Getting a bad grade in Rockingham, Vt. could get you kicked off the team! School officials there are considering k*s#5^unew guidelines that would prevent students with bad grades from participating in extracurricular activities, such as sports and clubs. The proposal would affect students in eighth grade and below.
School board member Mike says the policy would motivate students to work harder in school. He drafted a letter to coaches, parents, and after-school program leaders to encourage them to allow only kids who are meeting certain academic standards into their program.
Not everyone gives such policy an A+. Some people argue that no student should be excluded from after-school activities. They say taking part in extracurricular activities can help kids do better in class by improving their participation and concentration skills. They say a 2009 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that time spent in extracurricular physical activities does not take away from students’ ability to do well in the classroom . In fact, it may even help boost girls’ academic performance.
Students themselves have different opinions.
Why not require good grades to participate in those activities?
Kids need to understand that grades are important. School comes first, period. Getting good grades help you with life, help you go to college, get a job, and so on. Banning underachieving students from extracurricular activities not only gives them motivation to get their grades up, but allows more time to study or get help from a tutor.
Every student should be able to participate in extracurricular activities, no matter what his or her grades are. Extracurricular activities can help kids concentrate more on doing homework. They can help kids develop mentally and physically.
A school policy that tells kids with bad grades that they can’t be in sports or the school play is like judging a book by its cover. Every student is unique. A kid may have a learning disability, an attention issue, or a difficult time studying in his or her home environment. His or her teachers should find why the student is struggling. Together they should find out a solution that will keep the student in the activity.
72. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “excluded”?
A. protected   B. approved C.  blamed   D. banned
73. What’s the author’s attitude to the policy that prevents students with bad grades from participating in extracurricular activities?
A. supportive   B. critical     C. neutral   D. indifferent
74. In the second paragraph “a 2009 study…”is used by the critics to        .
A. To indicate the author is against the policy.
B. To emphasize there is no need to ban the students with bad grades to take part in extracurricular activities.
C. To suggest girls can benefit from extracurricular activities.
D. To prove grades have nothing to do with extracurricular activities.
75. Some don’t think the policy is reasonable for the following reasons EXCEPT        .
A. Every kid is unique.
B. Extracurricular activities will benefit students mentally and physically.
C. . Grades will help students get a job.
D. One can learn more that can’t be learned in class.


语境填词, 注意动词形式。(每空1分,满分20分)

1.We must make _______(安排,筹备)for the wedding.

2.The new law f_________ smoking in offices.

3.This type of university course is no longer_________(有关的) to today’s problem.

4.He failed to _________(获得) a scholarship.

5.As soon as he saw the letter, he ______ (承认) that he had written it.

6.I am sorry to ___(打扰)you, but can you tell me the way to the nearest supermarket?

7.We still _______(欠) the garage $50 for those repairs.

8.He found it hard to __________(适应) to working at night.

9.It is _______(显然的) from her accent that she is from the north of China.

10.There were more than 50 a_________ for the job, but only 10 were employed.                    

11.The ___________(大多数) of representatives are in favor of the plan, only a few are against it.

12.He was _____(雇佣) three years ago and he is content with the job in the company.

13.Research ____________(暗示) that eating habits are related to health.

14. His telephone is out of service. Is there any other ______(方式)of contacting him?

15.I take _________(安慰) from the fact that his friends are there to help him.

16.The country is a___________ in natural resources.

17.She u____________ the responsibility for the changes.

18.The teacher _____________(建议) the students to read the following books.

19.The railway lines run p___________ to the road, so they will never meet.

20.Clothes and blankets have been ________(分配,分发) among the flood victims.


